Chapter 29

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Jailyn's POV:

I woke up to voice talking one specifically sounding angry. I froze and stayed still on the bed ' Wait bed? Where am I... Oh right I'm in Aiden's house... AIDEN'S HOUSE?!?!?? WHAT THE FUR BALLS?! I'M LAYING IN HIS BED WHAT THE HECC?! Okay okay calm down relax and pretend your sleeping he'll be here soon eno- wait is that him yelling? ' regaining my thoughts and focusing on what's going on I sat up on the bed and regretted it. Jenny, Spencer, Dante, Diego, Sam, and Aiden were all there.. And Aiden was yelling at them...

They noticed my pain? My fears? My loneliness? They all noticed but no one did anything.... But come on let's be real... Who would want to be my friend anyways... So I don't entirely blame them but it still hurts. I just sat there listening to him rant on but made my mind go in a puzzle hearing how he thought this was all his fault. It was far from his fault far from any of their faults why does he believe this so strongly? He finished his speech while tower of over Spencer I didn't want him to be angry with his friends especially one who tried to comfort him. I got up and lightly grabbed his arm making him face me, giving me a face of pure shock and confusion I gently smiled and unclenched his hand for him and traced the lines on his palm which thankfully got him to calm down almost instantly. " Relax it's okay, I'm okay now thanks to you" With that he smiled back and relaxed fully and nodded. After I let go of his arm I slowly gained consciousness remembering we weren't alone in the room and feeling eyes pierce holes through my soul I look around see everyone with the mouth hanging wide open as if they were made to look that way. I started to feel anxious nervous and scared. My heart starts to race, my hands becoming clammy, eyes staring at the floor and hiding behind Aiden gripping on his shirt and felt as if my oxygen was being taken from my lungs cutting the air flow short from my throat. Feeling him engulf me in his warm hug and hearing his soft reassurements I calmed down within seconds.

Aiden's POV:

Holding peanut close protecting her from the stares. "Hey guys please don't stare at her she doesn't deal with being the center of attention all too well" They soon looked away and chuckled apologetically after a while I let go of Jai or tried to but she held onto the hem on my shirt I didn't mind so I let her and lead us to the bed so we can sit. "Before any comments or questions yes Jailyn can and is able to touch and hug me, when and how is for another time to tell but like I said before some assholes were beating up Jai and I want to find out who the hell they were and why." I felt peanut tense up a bit and watched her nervously fiddle with her fingers. "Hey peanut mind telling me who they were? " She looked at me then towards my chest hesitating "If I do promise me who won't hurt anybody? Please? " "You can't make me promise that princess... But I won't go hurt them unless they give me reason too" She agreed with a nod.

She took a deep breathe and signed with shaky hands " Well those 2 I don't know them by name but I know who orders them to hurt me... It's.. It's Karissa... She's bullied me ever since elementary but it was really bad starting middle school... I never did anything to her, she saw how I was different from everyone so she picked on me because she knew I wouldn't say anything literally. After 6th grade I didn't see her or hear from her until freshman year an she bullied me again ten times worse than before." Least to say I was beyond shocked 'Karissa? Why would she hurt jai like this?! WHY WOULD SHE HURT MY JAI LIKE THIS?!? Wait did I just say my ಠಿ_ಠ ' my eye twitched and the only thing in my mind was "You are going to pay fake plastic bitch. You are going to pay. "

J: "Uh mind translating translator? We won't be able to help if we don't know what she said kid. "

"Oh right sorry well to no one's surprise it's Karissa who's been making Jai's life a living hell" I saw jai looked to the side in deep thought I wanted to ask but maybe now wasn't the time.

Sam: "I knew I didn't like her " he said with disgust filling his voice. J:"No one liked her she full of plastic and any dude who hooked up with her slutty ass just wanted to seem like the top dog" Jenny replied while crossing her arms "Tsk.. Men" Both said in unison which made Jailyn giggle and cause me to smile.

"Alright well since we know who to target we need a plan if we leave jai alone they'll be able to hurt her but if we make it too obvious we know they'll just target Jai more, so what's the plan team? "

They all started the gears in their head some wrote it down in their phones others stayed quiet in deep thought. While I stayed focused on the smol bean beside me.

Jailyn's POV:

They want to help me? They care? Really? This feels so weird but warm, I like this feeling ' Will this feeling stay? ' I sure hope so. I was tired and hungry thankfully it was Friday and I already did my assignments rubbing my eyes in attempt to rub off the tiredness I felt my stomach growl but none the less I stayed quiet. I felt sleepy still so I laid my head on Aiden's shoulder as he and the gang were forming a plan I subconsciously started to suck on my thumb nibbling on it until I felt someone staring. I looked up and saw Sam staring at me with squinted and focused eyes. I quickly took out my thumb from my mouth and looked away while my face was turning into a tomato.

"Why make a plan when we can just act how we normally do and when the time comes for the next beat up we'll all step in and confront the bitch and report her ass to the principle. If any teacher or adult would care it would be him. And we all can stay close whenever jai has to walk alone during passing time." Spencer said after 30mins of brainstorming. Everyone looked at each other smirks growing on their faces and their heads nodding in agreement. 

It was settled we were going to bring Karissa down.

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