Chapter 9

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No ones POV:

As the football player jogged to his house a certain mute was busy trying to quietly enter her house with her newly bought bicycle that she absolutely fell in love with. After with much difficulty Jailyn managed to put her bike in her room knowing that if she left it outside her father would find it and start questioning where she got the money to buy herself the bike even though it was given to her for free from a sweet old man. After putting her bike in her room and locking her door she went and fixed her makeup and fixed her clothes. Back at Aiden's house he couldn't stop thinking of the short girl he even got an earful from his mom who thought he went to go see someone but then explained to her he happened to see a friend obviously leaving out the details that caused him to be in a blue mood. While he took a shower a noisy little sibling went into his room to look for her pencil bag and saw the gift that he was given to or rather shoved to his chest. 

Julia's POV:

Ugh! Stupid barf brain didn't give me back my pencils he asked for them yesterday saying he was gonna need it for something about an essay and friend coming over. As I look around his room I saw a blue and white stripped gift bag I couldn't help but look inside and read the card.. 'WHAT?!?! Since when is my stupid muscle head brother friends with Jailyn! Wait she was the friend that was supposed to come yesterday no wonder he was being pissy she didn't come' I start questioning things but I'll question it later and leave it be for now.  

Jailyn's POV:

After fixing my makeup I couldn't help but think I was stupid for getting so angry with Aiden's offer especially with the fact he was yelling and accusing me of a liar when technically I didn't lie. My father usually isn't here in the mornings but considering last night he went drinking he obviously passed out the night before and yes there's a bus close to my house that I could use but I have very valid reason not to. Besides having a bike can help with fresh air since I'm not allowed to be out of the house or too busy being passed out or locked in my room. And it can be good exercise to. 

I carefully make my way to the kitchen and starts making my self a simple sandwich with Mayo, ham, lettuce, onion, pepper jack cheese, and some avocado. And I grab a small zip lock bag and grabs some green grapes my all time favorite fruit well one of them. Happy with my little lunch I put it in my lunch bag that I painted BT21 characters on it. Does it look childish yes, yes it does. Am I a kid at heart, yes very much so. Do I care though, no not really *giggles*. After having my lunch box ready I hear footsteps and groans and I throw my lunch bag under the kitchen counter hiding it. 

"Where were you? " I felt a huge lump on my throat and I started to shake. " What do you mean? " I signed trying to play innocent and clueless which I receive a harsh slap. I whimper holding my cheek and let out a pained squeak when he pulls on my hair. "You better be here after school the guys are going to be here and I won't get my money if they aren't satisfied. Got it." He hissed in my ear, and I nod knowing what's going to happen after school and what will happen if I do anything to stop it. He made me feel so disgusted with his hot alcohol breathe, his greasy fingers in my hair, and his chapped lips against my ear made me feel like puking. And makes just want to rip out any DNA or blood that belong from my father, how I hated that he had that title over me. He is no father of mine he's a monster, I know it's horrible to wish bad on someone but if I wished anything bad to someone my father took the cake. I wished he would burn in hell, be tortured by the devil himself, and be ripped into shreds by hell hounds if they existed, how I wished for this to happen but I knew deep down I would never be saved. 

"Good" He says with a evil twisted smirk and let go of me roughly and stumbled back to his room. I sighed in relief knowing he didn't do much damage. I quickly get my lunch bag from the ground and get my backpack, phone, and bike of course always having my keys. It was nearing 7:05am so I knew I would have enough time to make it to school. Checking if the coast was clear luckily it was then I made my way out of the house and started riding my bike to school. 

No one's POV:

Jailyn happily made it to her dreaded hell she chained up her bike to the bike rack. Since she made it there early she decided to go to the library no one goes there and she would rather prefer to have a lonely peaceful morning than risk getting in Karissa's path. While she was in the library Aiden was looking all over the school trying to find his peanut. He wanted to tell her he was sorry he wanted to tell her to start over their- well whatever they had. Sadly with his luck he couldn't find her. Soon the bell rang and both teenagers made their way to their classes. One avoiding the other at all costs and one trying their best to get the other's attention. 

Jailyn's POV:

During classes I could feel someone piercing a hole into my back with their stare and I knew who it was the one and only Aiden. I couldn't help but blush whenever I caught his gaze with my eyes but it also made me feel very uncomfortable and self conscious. The whole day he would do that in every class we had together which was four out of six classes.  I swear sometimes I thought he would come up to me but I was probably seeing things. Who would want to talk to me, I'm no one just a little "Freak". I sigh and after finishing my work I just stare out the window to the garden. 

Aiden's POV:

*groans slamming my forehead on the table* 'Is she purposely avoiding me? ' there was a pain in my chest each time I would get close to speaking to Jailyn and her just walking the other way, not bothering to look at me, or wouldn't hear me. I sigh in defeat and slump in my seat. It was lunch but I didn't feel like eating and my friends we're being their annoying usual selves. I looked around in the cafeteria but I couldn't find the one I was looking for. There was some girls who would purposely play with their hair or push out their non existent chest and batt their huge fake eyelashes and caressing their cake faces. They all made me so annoyed but I didn't want to be rude so I would give a semi smile and look somewhere else. "I personally would look to your left if you want a good fuck" Dante muttered in my ear which I answered him with a glare. He chuckled knowing that pisses me off and I'm not one to really do that. 

I start getting fed up and I storm out of the cafeteria and decide to just take a walk around the halls technically we aren't allowed but teachers didn't care unless you were causing a ruckus. As I'm walking around the halls I'm storming up ideas to make it up with peanut 'What if I invite her for dinner no no that's stupid. Hmmm how about I ask her to play- no!! God your so stupid! Okay okay calm down maybe we can go to her house and apologize then invite her for ice cream! Yes! That's perfect! ' as I'm walking around I hear... music?

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