Chapter 8

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Aiden's POV: 

As I'm looking at cool bikes I notice Jailyn go up to the counter. I kind of got a little pain in my chest thinking she was going to speak 'Wow she speaks to him but not-' "I'm glad, do you not speak? " my thoughts were cut short hearing the man's voice. I look up and see peanut shaking her head but point to her head then soon they start chuckling and giggling. Jailyn's giggles were like music to my ears 'I hope I get to here that more often'. Next thing I realize they're going towards my way I panicked so I quickly hide behind a display case I barely reaching under my chin. I know I know I'm huge just shut up I'm trying to listen! *goes back to looking at the pair*

I watch as the man trying to look for something then peanut making her way to the front door and having to tippy toe to reach the keys and I chuckle to myself covering my mouth. 'She's adorably small' I think to myself but quickly shake the thought out of my head. 'No I'm upset with her' soon I see them back at the counter and the man giving the bike to her Jailyn heading out the door. I follow her as I start getting upset again. I storm out and see her about to leave. 

Jailyn's POV:

'What do I do?! What just go oh hey sorry I would've gone but my dad abuses me and I passed out and didn't wake up until like midnight, I had to clean, hide from my father and then it brings us to now'. No, I will never tell anyone.. No one needs to know.. No one would care anyway. "Well? " He says impatiently causing me to flinch lightly. I scramble to grab my phone and go to my notes app "I'm really sorry Aiden I swear I really was planning on coming things just came up. I didn't use my phone until this morning" I quickly type and pass him my phone which he takes a little roughly, flinching again and I step back gulping. 

"Seriously using the oldest excuse in the book? What really happened and why are you here so early? " He asked annoyed laced with a tiny pinch of concern. I shakily grab my phone from him. "I needed a ride to school... my father leaves early in the mornings and there's no bus close to where I leave" I lied. He reads it again his annoyed face soon turning serious. "Oh... I'm sorry, you can just get a ride from me " I was taken back from his offer but it made me a little hurt, heck it made me a little angry. 

"You just now take an interest to help me? What happened when I needed your help when Karissa would mock me huh? Where was your offers when I would be limping to class? Since when do you actually ever wanted to even deal with me!? " The little freak"? Where we're you when I needed someone anyone?! You really except me to take your offer after you accused me of lying and nosing into my business. I need to go." I shove my phone to his face and let him read it. Then I shoved my phone in my backpack and take out a little stripped bag and shove it to him on his chest. Then just like that I started going back home and small tears stained my cheeks. 

Aiden's POV:

Does she really think I'm that stupid. I give her phone back roughly almost causing to fall on the ground but I couldn't care less at the moment. I was so angry and I don't even know why it just bothered me so much that '*frustrated grunt* what are you doing to me? ' I was snapped out my thought when she handed me her phone again.. 'Oops' I nervously chuckled "Oh....I'm sorry you can just get a ride from me" Her scared and worried expression turned into what mine was 30 seconds ago, anger. She took her phone from my hands and quickly typed then she shoved her phone to my face and I read it all. I didn't know what to do or how to respond, I didn't even have time to process what happened next thing I know is  a stripped bag being shoved into my chest and see what I hated... she was tearing up.

"Where were you when I needed someone, anyone?! " 

Those words kept playing back like a clip over and over in my mind. 'What did she mean when she needed someone?' 
I watched her ride off into the street and I look at the bag and wonder why she gave it to me. I opened it and see a card and a bag of original skittles. The card had a cute cat in the front who was smiling with its eyes closed and had a bunny headband on it head. I chuckled to myself at the cute cover then I open it and read her hand writing. 

"I'm sorry I didn't help you yesterday, you'd probably say it's not necessary to give you a gift but I felt like it was necessary, I know it's not much but I hope you spend it well    - Jai " Then I see she taped a $50 gift card and writes underneath "I purple you" I didn't know what that meant but I started to feel like the biggest piece of shit to ever exist. 'She was going to give me this as an apology gift and I went and yelled at her...' I hold the card close to me and put it back in the bag. I look up trying to remember what street she rode on, before I could even take a step my apple watch rang. I jolted a little getting caught off guard groaning in annoyance seeing it was my 15min timer. I turn it off and sigh in defeat knowing I need to go back home and get ready for school and take Julia as well. I start jogging home with the bag in my hand

"I'll make it up to you peanut, I promise. " 

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