Chapter 12

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Jailyn's POV:

I put on a big shirt new pair of bra and underwear knowing that if took a shower I would've taken longer. So once I was changed I got the supplies I needed to clean. I had to crawl on the floor because my wobbly legs wouldn't let me walk properly nor would the pain of everything. I mainly use my non dominant hand to push and pull myself on the floor to clean the places I needed to. I tensed up and caught a lump in my throat seeing all the blood and mess on the floor. After I was done cleaning I started to make dinner for my father we didn't have much in our fridge but I had every thing to make spaghetti. I started to boil the pasta and prepare the ground beef. As the food was cooking I went to put things inside my room and I had my keys taped under the kitchen counter. Checking outside the front window we had I sighed in relief seeing my bike still there and accounted for.

I managed to finish everything before my father came back home and I tasted the food and I liked it a lot but I knew better than to eat before my father. So instead of hiding in my room I sat at the table chewing on my nails watching the clock waiting for my father to come back but wishing he never did. I see his car lights from the curtain tensing up and sit up straight making sure his served plate is warm and his drink is ice cold. He came inside the house and looked around and he looked satisfied with how it looked and the smell. He then checked the food sitting down he took off his belt and put it on the table calmly. I started to shake eyeing his belt wondering what, when, why was he placing it on the table. 'What did I do wrong?' Calmly eating his food and drinking his beverage, what surprised me was him asking for more of course he didn't ask nicely but usually he eats a plate then start beating me for not being good enough cook like my Eomma. Without hesitation I served my father again and placed it in front of him and he started to eat again. After he finished he put on his belt fixing it and my shakiness stopped.

Father's POV:

I was in a pissy mood fucking slow ass drivers wouldn't hurry up and I was starving. After a while I finally made it back home. I opened the door looked around and was surprised the little bitch managed to clean the place almost spotless considering how badly she was shaking not like I really cared. I saw her sitting where she's supposed to and my plate of food and my glass of lemonade ready for me I wanted to eat her disgusting food then beat her ass because she can't ever live up to her precious mother. She died when Jailyn was around 6 years old and she left me to take care of the little ungrateful brat.

I started to eat and I was taken back by the fact it tasted a lot like how her mother used to make it. I asked for another plate and I put my belt back on I drank my lemonade and told her. "I'm going on a business trip I'm going to be gone longer than usual"

Jailyn's POV:

I couldn't believe the words I was hearing I wanted to jump around in joy yet still somewhere in my heart I didn't want him to be gone so long he was my father after all that and he was the only one who could control those hungry beasts from not coming to the house to get a freebie.. Usually my father was gone for a month three at most. "How long will you be gone father." I signed questioning. "I'll be gone for around six months, and I except you to keep the house cleaned and the fridge full. I don't want your grades to lower nor do I want to be interrupted because if I get a call from your school about you causing trouble or your grades are failing, you better believe you won't be able to walk or use your hands again. Understood, I swear if I find anything broken or missing I will throw your ass in the hospital and leave you there to die." I couldn't help but start shaking again I nod "Yes sir, I understand". " Good now clean yourself up you look disgusting and some people are going to pick me up so I want you to be presentable and make sure there's enough beverages and food for them in case they're hungry. Now go do your homework." I nod and bow to him and limp to my room secretly taking my keys and I close it and take a big sigh of relief. 'I can't believe I'm going to be safe for half a year. I'm going to be okay. '

Aiden's POV:

'Should I text her? No what if I just annoy her, wait what if she blocked me on her phone. Uuugggghhhhh why is this so difficult!?' growing annoyed I threw my phone on my bed and slumped in my chair. I looked at the gift bag and subconsciously smiled, I wanted to see her and I wanted to make her giggle. I hate seeing her cry, it breaks my heart. It's like if you were to make a puppy or kitten cry, yeah! I know it aches your heart right!? I decide to get something to eat to take my mind off of peanut. My mom was in the kitchen looking at her magazines of silverware and I wanted to ask for advice but I was a little embarrassed since I never really was one to ask for help. I get a granola chocolate bar and look at my mom coming up with words to ask her.

"What do you want to ask? " My mom says while sipping her tea not taking her eyes off from her magazine.

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