Chapter 14

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Jailyn's POV:

*panting hyperventilating running * "Come on Jailyn, running will only make it worse!! " I heard a slamming sounding and heavy thuds getting closer. I was tired my legs were heavy and I felt like there was a force pulling me back. I looked everywhere all around me it was pitched black. I looked down at myself having shackles around my ankles and wrist. I had a rusty old chain collar around my neck and I felt a harsh pull I fell back. I felt a heavy breath against my ear and neck I turned around facing my demons and monsters mixed in one. It was all slimey and had huge thorns on its spine arms and legs, one hand was in a shape of a chain ball with spikes, and the other was holding onto the very chains that I was tied to. Its face was two faces one half being droopy and gunky the flesh showing like a brain pink slime making my stomach churn. And the other half was the face I feared most of fathers. Right as I faced him he did a sinister evil smirk with drool and saliva oozing out of his sharp ragged yellow teeth. "Found you." He screamed in my face choking me and laughing mechanically.

*screams in horror* *jolting awake in a cold sweat*

    My hands were roaming around feeling nothing but something warm and soft, my bed I looked at my wrist ankles relaxing seeing I wasn't chained. Feeling my neck it also being chainless. Looking around seeing my fairy lights and paintings on wall I smiled, I was in my room. Looking at my alarm clock I saw it was getting close to being 5am. I decided to just get ready for school deciding to put on some comfortable mom jeans and the lilac jumper I had the other day and my white shoes. I decided to leave my hair all natural and down my hair being naturally wavy. Right when I was about to put on my contacts I couldn't find them I looked everywhere making a conclusion that I dropped them so I just took my glasses instead.

I decided to make myself lunch that being tuna salad with corn, pasta, onions, tomatoes, Mayo, lettuce, and tuna. I took a Capri-sun pouch and some cut up strawberries. After completing my lunch I put it in my lunch bag got my things and headed out the door. I made sure to lock the house and turn off the lights from outside. I sighed in relief feeling the breeze against my face and started riding my bike to school without a care or fear in the world.

After chaining up my bike I make my way to the library. On my way up the stairs I took my time since there was no rush needed and because of the pain that still lingered in my aching body. When taking the last step I managed to drop my lunch bag, before bending down to grab it I see a hand reach for it first. 'Are you serious!! I just wanted a lonely peaceful day!' mentally whining to myself I didn't realize someone was trying to get my attention.

Aiden's POV:

*sighs* 'Is getting up early really worth it' and yes yes it is good sir*chuckles* so after getting up going for a jog, and getting breakfast I was waiting for sister then we were on our way to school. In a stoplight Julia was on her phone texting her rascal friends I noticed someone crossing the street with a bike my chest felt warm and my cheeks started to hurt. "Well someone's I'm a bright mood so early in the morning" Julia said with a skeptical yet surprised voice. Clearing my throat and starting to drive as the light turned green eyeing the rear view mirror causing to smile again. "And if I am is that so bad? If you want I can be a grumpy annoying brother" I challenged. "Don't you dare-" Cutting off her words I blasted the music and started screaming along with the song and laughing when I saw Julia cover her face with her backpack.

Usually I would park in front but I saw a particular peanut chaining up her bike in the back of the school.

Julia's POV:

Scrunching my face in confusion "Why did we park here? " unbuckling my seatbelt and getting my bag. "Reasons, besides what's wrong with parking in the back? " My brother challenged "Jeez you don't need to get all defensive it was just a simple question barf brain. " I rolled my eyes and head inside going up the stairs and I see someone drop a lunch bag a cutely decorated one. I picked it up and handed to them for only my smile to brighten and squeal in happiness. "oh my god! Jailyn how are you?! Oh hey you have glasses they look nice on you! It's been a while have you been sick are you- what happened to your face?" my cheery mood soon decade seeing Jailyn's face have small cuts and old looking bruises around her cheek and eye area. I saw her tense and look away. As I was about to say something she quickly cut me off and signed a response.

Jailyn's POV:

*gulps* 'darn it, I can't tell her no one can know! No one.' "Oh I actually just fell pretty harsh on concrete" faking a chuckle to make it more convincing seeing Julia give me a questioning look. "Oh, okay then but anyways can I ask you a question? " taken back but nonetheless I nodded. " Do you like my brother? " my heart stopped for a second then thumping like crazy the next second. Before I can even respond her question said person came. 'I hate my luck....'

Aiden's POV:

'Omg omg omg omg omg IT'S MY PEANUT no, what? I mean it's peanut... Jailyn.. Shut up leave me alone' I skipped up the stairs trying to go quickly but not trying to seem like a fangirl. Then I realized she was talking to Julia 'well they are friends so it makes sense'. Fixing my clothes and lightly ruffling my hair I greeted them. "What's up girls missed me? Hey nice specs. Hey woah you okay Jailyn? " I asked her seeing her face red and my sister smiling and slightly smirking which made me super confused. " Yeah she's fine she just feeling a little warm *giggles* right Jailyn~ " Jai turned even more red and nodded looking down. I tilted my head  but shrugged it off "Anyways where have you been?"

Jailyn's POV:

'I HATE MY LIFE JSKJKSJDKSJKSJSNS WHY WHY WHY WHY HOW WHAT??! ' I looked at him then Julia as in trying to say how do I answer, luckily enough Julia got the memo. "She would tell you but you can't understand sign language and my friends are looking for me so" He looked at me and I nodded confirming I felt a little bad but I just wanted some time on my own or so I was telling myself. The next words out of his mouth shocked me and made my heart skip a beat. 

"Who said I wasn't going to learn ASL?"

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