Chapter 23

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Jailyn's POV: 

' No..... no... not like this, you weren't supposed to know.... no please look away ' I pulled up my pants scrambling to fix my clothes. I couldn't stop the faucet from opening I couldn't stop the water from leaking . "O-oh my god,  Jailyn...." ' No go away! Go away s-stop looking! Go away... ' I tried to get away but my body wouldn't move my legs wouldn't listen to me.  Back against the brick wall, my hands covering my chest, legs shaking wobbling like crazy,  shaking my head trying to tell him to leave me alone, and tears fall from my eyes once again. Why wouldn't he leave me why doesn't he look away. I was screaming in my mind yelling pleading for him to leave but I couldn't utter a word not by a long shot, but I knew deep down my heart wanted something different and I was terrified because of it.

Next thing I felt was.... warmth and a big shadow covering my view from the setting sun, I look up and see him there looking down at me with a face filled with regret, anger, and shock. In that moment when I saw his hazel green eyes I felt a sudden wave of calmness and protection. I didn't understand why I felt "Okay" but I knew one thing for sure I didn't want it to go away. 

Aiden's POV: 

When I saw her the first thing that came up in my mind was to comfort her but clearly being able to tell she can't handle being touched so I stood in front of her blocking her view from everything to just focus on me. I wrapped her in my jacket and looked at her slowly calm down while she stared at my eyes. I took a deep breathe ' I'm such an idiot.... I'm a piece of shit ' we stared in each other's eyes for a brief moment. Her clear brown eyes were breathing taking but I can't focus on that now, I need to help her.

"I'm here, I'm here. I'm so sorry Jailyn... I'm so sorry I should've went with you to the store, I should've trusted you, I should've chased after you, I should've protected you...." ever since I yelled at Jailyn I couldn't focus on anything or anyone.... my words just kept repeating in my head torturing me reminding me I lost her... I regretted it so much I would've done anything to go back and hit myself.

"Jailyn I am so genuinely sorry for what I've said to you, I'm so fucking sorry. I don't know if there's anything I can say to make you believe me but look into my eyes I know you can read people well, I know you do so please believe me see that I am so so sorry." To my surprise she looked into my eyes again squinting her own to focus on mine. " I'm not begging for your forgiveness" ' I mean you want to' "I just wanted you to know I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you. And if you allow me, let me protect you and keep you safe."

Jailyn's POV:

When I was looking into his eyes I saw guilt he was being drenched in and felt the sadness his voice was laced with. ' You know you want that, you know you want to be protected by him ' after he said those words I broke down in tears again [ you're a pathetic cry baby].

My head dropped in shame as the tears kept falling but what surprised me was that Aiden got on his knee looked at me smiling so genuinely. It wasn't fake, forced, or showing any sign of judgment.

"Hey peanut no need to cry okay? I'm here how about I take you home okay? " immediately becoming shy with his suggestion I lightly nod and quickly go to retrieve my bike.

We walked in silence as I gripped harder on his jacket with my eyes focusing on the ground and watched how the sky darkened ever so slightly it was beautiful to look at. He was holding my bike and my grocery bags steady, we didn't sign nor did he talk but it was a comfortable quiet presence around us. Him being here immediately kept me calm despite how big and scary he can look to others. After a while we made it to my house I got my backpack taking out the keys and opening the door.

I hesitated in going inside I don't know how to explain it but I didn't want to go inside after he gives me my things, I would be alone.... After I opened the door I looked at him and smiled gesturing my hand offering to come in. And by my luck he agreed which made my heart jolt in happiness ' I'm not going to be alone! '

Aiden's POV:

As I shockingly look at Jailyn offering me to come inside I gladly take the offer and help put her bike inside and put it against the door. The first things I see is a small rack with empty slots and a few shoes placed in them and some nicely placed slippers on the floor a pair of light shade of pink, one pair of white slippers, and a pair of black slippers. The white ones look fairly new and unused while the pink and black ones look like they were frankly used.

" you can leave your shoes on or if you'd like to take them off " she signed to me as she slipped on the pink slippers. I couldn't help but lightly smile from the adorable pink slippers on her small feet. I decided to take my shoes off and place them on the rack to be respectful but I didn't want to take anyone slippers so I stayed in my socks. Her cheeks turned a light shade of red and she had a smile plastered on her face then she took the grocery bags to the kitchen and I followed.

'Okay this is your chance, you need answers you need her to open up... I'm sorry Jailyn but I need to know you.. I just need to know they are wrong about my peanut.'

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