Chapter 38

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Jailyn's POV:

"Peanut you okay?" I looked up at Dennie and nodded softly 'I'm n-not lying! *looks at reader* Y-you are! >~<' okay okay maybe I need to throw up again and feel like I'm about to pass out but I'm used to that, I just don't want to bother him or move from his lap *blushes hard* " Princess *worried expression* you look pale and your starting to feel really warm.." "I'll be okay bear, don't worry I'm used to feeling icky at times" I signed as I smiled a little to somewhat reassure dennie
"So, my little princess lied to me, huh?" He said as he cocked his eyebrow and held a smuggy little smirk. 'Oops'

Aidan's POV:

She nodded in response to my question but in reality she looked like she can barely keep her eyes open and I was growing worried. " Princess *worried expression* you look pale and you're starting to feel really warm..." "I'll be okay bear, don't worry I'm used to feeling icky at times"  I couldn't help but smile realizing peanut tried hiding how sick she really felt, but it also made me a little sad to know that she probably got sick often and would have to deal with it herself. I stroked her head after I felt her forehead. "So, my little princess lied to me, huh?" I chuckled seeing her eyes widen as she tried hiding her face in my chest knowing she got caught. I smiled looking up at the stars and decided it would be best to take Jai home and hopefully make her feel better. "lets head home princess" I picked up peanut holding her close and made sure to cover her from the wind. She leaned into me as I took us back to the car right as I was about to open the car door, Jai practically jumped out of my arms and ran towards the nearest bush she found and-

Jailyn's POV:

I was relieved hearing bear suggest to head home, wait home? ' I have a house not a home... I don't want to go back there.. But bear asked his parents if I could stay with them, well duh its his home, stop getting-' 

 *throwing up and gagging* I didn't realize my feet took me flying to the nearest bush it could find, my body shivered as it seemed like it I was never going to stop throwing  up. I felt dizzy like the Earth was on a swing and I couldn't get off. The cold wind kept blowing against us making me shiver more I tried hugging myself to feel some type of warmth then suddenly I did but from behind. Looking behind me there he was smiling down at me, once again making little butterflies in my tummy flutter around in a swarm but in this situations it wasn't helping but it still felt nice to be held. I felt so tired while my eyelids felt heavy "Close your eyes princess, rest up yeah? Don't worry about anything okay? Just get some rest for me peanut." with that my body began to relax itself, it felt like I was finally going to sleep, like for the first time in a decade I was going to rest, finally feeling free to do so, not sleeping to just escape from reality, to escape from my nightmares. 

Aiden's POV:

Seeing princess crouched over a bush made me feel sick to my stomach not the "need throw up" kind of sick but the guilt kind of sick that churns your stomach. I felt guilty that she was in this state but I know it's really no one's fault so I went over to peanut, after what seemed like ages she finished puking. So, I hugged her from behind. Like I was making sure the cold wouldn't get to her, she looked up at me and my heart ached but it also felt some sort of relief seeing her little round face. She looked tired, exhausted actually but seeing the small smile she had on her lips let me know she was okay or at least was going to be seeing her fight against the sleepiness in her eyes made me chuckle a little 'always such a sleepy baby ' "Close your eyes princess, rest up yeah? I'll be here don't worry about it okay?" she gave me a little nod and not even a second later her eyes fluttered shut and her body fell limp and her breathe began to steady itself. So with that I picked her up again holding her close making my way back to the car I laid her in the backseat where she could fully lay down and covered her in my jacket. After starting the car I made my way back home the whole drive home I kept processing everything.

On how Jailyn told me the truth I asked about, about her father, what she went through as a child, when she lost both her mother and her voice, and every single time a monster put their filthy hands on her. Each time I imagine how scared she must of felt, imagining her crying, her screaming  for anybody to save her but nobody did, imagining her losing a piece of herself each day because of what those monsters did made my blood boil while it made me sick to my stomach. 

Just imagining how horrible they were with her, how rough they treated someone so innocent, kind, caring, and delicate was basically unimaginable without feeling sick to your core. Remembering back to the days she covered her face, shielded her sides, to the days where she could barely walk were probably because of those vicious pests, I wanted hurl. Mental images of her screaming, crying, fighting for them to stop... I felt like a monster as the images flooded my head. ' I need to fucking breathe, I can't...I can't breathe, stop the fucking car Aiden STOP THE FUCKING CAR-' I stopped somewhere along the road, got out, and it all just came out. Seeing mental images of her in "those" states made me feel disgusting as if they were happening to me or worse... like I was the one hurting her. God I felt pathetic and sick with myself because I never did anything to help her all those years, I never even took a second to just look at her or wonder if she was even okay. Not once did I even try to say "Hi" or offer a small smile while passing her in the hallways. Her small frail body was covered in scars, wounds, and gauze to contain the pain she held in her heart yet "I" did nothing

The more the guilt and the images dawned in my head the more I threw up on the gravel. After I was finished I used dry gravel to hide the puke then I sat against the front tire of the car as my arms rested against my knees and I looked up at the moon. Letting out a sigh I began to wonder ' What are we going to do when that monster gets back?..' as the question dawned on me I felt my phone vibrate as the screen had a picture of my mom and me, I answered the call being a little happy is was my momma calling.

"Hey momma *clears throat* what's up?" I said trying to sound like I didn't just puke up my entire stomach. " Where are you?! What's wrong?! Did you get in an accident?!" my mom hollered in my ear which me chuckle but then the guilt came back and this time  I couldn't hold in the tears. When it comes to my momma asking what's wrong I've never been able to lie to her she always got the truth out of me. "M-Momma...*hic hic* she told me e-everything-g *hic* G-god momma I sh-should've helped her sooner *cries*-" I tried covering my mouth so I wouldn't be loud enough to wake up the small princess that was sleeping in the backseat of my car. 

"Baby bear just breathe alright, I don't know what happened and I don't doubt it was heartbreaking to hear but you need to calm down okay?" I nodded as if she could see me so I responded back " Mhm *hic hic sniffs*" "Okay good boy, now take slow deep breathes then you can tell me what happened when you get back home, its getting really late for the both of you, drive safely sweetie" listening to my momma I took deep breathes and felt myself relax a little making me feel better "Yes momma, see you soon." as I hung up on my mom I let out one last sigh as I stood up on my two feet looking up to the moon once again. Remembering that peanut said she wished to be in the stars with her mother got me chocked up again 'god I need to fucking get it together' so I looked at every star that was shinning as tears fell down my cheeks once again and I placed my hand to my heart as I just said what my heart felt like I had to tell them... tell "her". 

"I promise you ma'am, I'm going to protect your daughter from now on. I'll do everything in my power so she won't be hurt by her father again. No matter what happens I'll keep her safe, I promise."

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