Chapter 27

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Aiden's POV:

I always knew Jailyn wasn't exactly a person to have many friends but to be harassed and bullied at school. That angers me in more ways than I ever been pissed, it makes me want to commit many many crimes. Usually when I get pissed I stay silent or I work out or swim. Those things help me relieve my anger but at this point and time I have none available. As I'm focusing on the road I see Peanut in the corner of my eye being pressed up against the door and eyes watery. 'What's wrong? Does she really not want to go? Is it that bad? '

"Hey peanut it's okay, from now on you won't have to worry about any assholes bugging you okay? " She looked at me relieved but still a little scared so I asked and her answer made my heart ache. " You looked scary when you were upset... I didn't mean to make you upset and I'm sorry, thank you "

It bugged me like why in the world would a smol bean like her be apologizing for? As I'm coming up with ideas and thoughts I pull up into a small café. I park and see peanut look around like a curious little kitten it was adorable.

"*chuckles* come on squirt let's get some good breakfast and head to school. " I say while getting out of the car and opening the door for her. She leaves her backpack and gets out and her forehead collides with my elbow. " Hey woah easy there squirt, you okay?" My question made her flustered and shy 'Of course ( ̄∇ ̄)' and she nodded. We head inside and she hides behind me since there's a few singles and couples around the place. And I swear I can't get enough if her cute habits like come on do you see that shit mmmmm *chef kiss* A D O R A B L E P E R I O D T!

I find a booth near a window knowing jai would like a little privacy and less eyes on her. Me knowing, well me I already knew what I was going to order. "So what do you want? " I asked her which only received a head tilt and a confused face. I repeated the question which then again got me the same reaction. I couldn't help but chuckle a little which caused her to pout ' Damn she needs to stop pouting or else I'mma have to ki- WHAT THE FUCK NO NOPE NOPE STOP THE THOUGHTS AAAAAJJFSKJEIDISJFDIFJ' clearing my throat I rephrase my question "Like what do you want to drink and eat from here? Like a mocha or frappe? Tea? Maybe some pancakes or waffles? "

"I've never been to a café so I don't know what they have here, what's a frappe?" I was beyond mind blown like who doesn't know what that is that's literally what us teenagers live off of! I first I thought she was joking but of course the sincerity in her eyes said it all. "Wait you've seriously never been here? " Receiving head shakes I blink astonished and trying to figure out what to do. "Well if you want I can get you something okay?" Peanut smiled and nodded so I gladly got up and got our orders.

Jailyn's POV:

Hmmm this place is nice and cozy, the seats are leather and gray, the lights give a warm fire glow to the place, there's white marble table stands and metal chairs and beautiful green healthy plants every where! I really like it here I look around and see many people have a similar beverage in their hands I try to not to stare much but it had me thinking 'Is that a frappe? No wait is that a food?' Giving up on my guesses I settle to look out the window and see the sun rising changing the color of the sky, I was in awe so I got my phone and took a perfect picture of the warm morning sky. Sighing in content I leaned back on the cushioned seat and keep gazing out the window counting how many similar cars pass by or how many blue things I see maybe green and red or black. As I'm occupied in my own world I get startled when Aiden comes back with a big plastic tray with two meals and two drinks. I take a glance and see cinnamon rolls and waffles! My two favorite sweet things to munch on, well two out of three things. I sit up straight to get ready to eat but then I see brown and whipped cream on the top beverages.

I touched it and it was cold like freezing cold which I didn't except but it does look yummy. " *chuckles* these are a simple mocha drinks with chocolate in the bottom and whip cream on top. Want to try? Oh and what do you want the rolls or waffles? "

I wanted the cinnamon rolls so badly ' but what if he wanted it? So do I ask or would that be annoying? What if I take it and he gets upset, what if wants both but is just being nice but secretly wants me to say no? ' I stayed quiet and eyed the sweet rolls but I just shook my head and took the icy beverage in my hands. I took a small sip and immediately took another and another, not going to lie it's very yummy and it boosted energy but after a while it tasted more bitter and was not setting on my taste buds well. But to my surprise Aiden pushes the plate in front of me "come on you need to eat too, and don't drink too much at once you'll get a brain freeze"

With that I did what I was told and I happily ate my waffle and cinnamon. Occasionally taking sips of the mocha but mainly just ate the whipped cream on top it was super yummy and sweet and fluffy like.

We finally made our ways out of the café and headed to school I got a little drowsy and sleepy I ended up sleeping in the car unintentionally. Once we made it to school it was a fairly an okay day classes with Aiden were funny and calming being around him just always makes me feel acknowledged and calm, but shy and flustered at the same time.

*time skip*

As the final bell rang indicating the day was over I made my way to my locker only to be stopped by none other then the b-word herself "Oh hey freak, want another ass whooping" Ignoring her question I proceeded to walk away only to be trip by one of her dumb minions. Then another kicked my side and stomped on my hand making me yelp in pain.

"If you think your going to take away Aiden from me with your slutty ass think again, bitch." Karissa sneered ' Wait what?' and kicked my face causing me to yelp in pain. She smirked walking off and ordering her slaves to "finish me" "make her cry her lungs out and leave her to rot there". It just made me want to die all over again not because the pain was unbearably I've been through worse pain but I was so tired of everything in my life the beating, the yelling the harsh words but one thing kept me going....and it was one special boy who finally took interest in me to be my friend. With no hesitation they all got ready to do their job, one punching me towards my nose, then two kicked my stomach causing me to grunt in pain and leaving me winded another was pulling my hair making me face them to humiliate me, showing me how pathetic I was to everyone.... Even to myself.

I refused to cry I hated crying while getting my butt whooped so I bit down on my cheeks. Everyone either watched or passed by like nothing was happening just simply the norm.

As I lay there hoping wondering when it would all be over I hear a deep voice " Touch her one more time and I swear you'll be in fucking body bags." I froze and stayed still knowing who it was but I was so shocked by his threat I didn't know everyone had gone in a blink of an eye, leaving the hallway empty.

I sat up groaning in pain holding my stomach spitting out blood and letting small tears escape knowing it was just Aiden and I. He quietly got my things and offered to help me up and I hesitated but I grabbed onto his hand to stand.

"Come on Jai, let me help you okay?"

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