Chapter 2

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Jailyn's POV:

'No no no nononononono this is bad!! Aaahhhh! No why here now jehdjdjisjdjsbxjsnd keep cool Jailyn KEEP COOL' as I'm screaming and panicking mentally Julia waves her hand gesturing me to get closer. I feel Aiden staring at me and I swear I turned into a freaking tomato as I'm walking over to Julia she greets me with her cute common toothy sweet smile.

" Hi Jailyn it's so great to see you where are you heading?" Asking me with curiosity laced in her voice. I sign to her " Oh I was just on my way to school. " as I signed I see Aiden's stare turns into a confused look. 'God why does he stare so much!!! I'm going to die from embarrassment! ~"Oh I thought you took the bus. Well, do you need a lift?! " she said as her eyes shined with hope while she practically bounced in her seat anticipating and awaiting for my answer. Gosh darn it I can't say no now right as I was going to tell Julia my answer I hear a voice filled with shock yet amazement.

"Woah woah woah since when do you understand sign language?" Aiden asked Julia.
She her roll her eyes and replies back with sass " unlike you fathead I actually talk to people no matter if they can or not a duurrrrr~~~". I couldn't help but giggle at their sibling interaction making me grateful yet sad at the same time that I don't have an older sibling or any sibling in fact, I'm an only child.... Whoopee

I turn to Aiden's look of seriousness and I realized I didn't answer Julia's question "I don't want to be a bother ." "Oh nonsense don't mind my dumb brother he can take you as well please I insist Jailyn I don't want you to be late you can sit in the back" I kept trying to decline her offer while Aiden was still staring so intensely at me I can barely keep my cool 'Not that I had much to begin with.' Aiden sighed and finally looks away and says.

"Look we're all gonna be late if you don't hurry up and get in the fucking car kid" He said aggravatedly causing me to flinch a bit catching Julia's eye but she didn't say anything... for now. Wait, did he just call me kid... he does realize I'm in the same grade as him right? Anyway with that being said I am now in the backseat of my crushes car, just great. I plugged my earbuds again filling my ears with music which of course made me smile, tapping my feet to the rhythm and in my own little world again, little did I know someone was watching me the entire car ride.

After about 10mins we finally made it to our school on time might I add, as I unplugged my earbuds from my phone and place them in my pocket, Julia and Aiden were already exiting the car I heard people calling out for them so I quickly left the area. I went to Julia and sign to her a quick thanks, quickly going inside before anyone can notice I Jailyn the "school freak" got a car ride from Aiden the varsity's Quarterback star athlete yeah, no thanks I don't need anymore rumors than I get already.

As I dash away I see and feel Aiden's gaze me the whole time I'm walking away or should I say speed walk away making my face turn a crimson pink once again. 'This is going to be one hell of a year isn't it? Great, just what I needed but hey, maybe it will be different just maybe- who am I kidding I'm just lonely freak...nothing is going to change that' as I made my way inside that's when the old routine started all over again the whispering, muttering, name calling the blah blah blah the usual or my usual I should say. Finally making it to my locker after going through the 8 miles of long dreaded halls, putting away my things leaving out my honors Lit. book and a notebook that has my pencil clipped on it.

Right as I was walking to my English class I got thrown against the lockers by a big force causing me to drop my things, sliding down the lockers and fall on my side. "Well well well, if it isn't the little helpless mute∼" said a voice tauntingly. 'Great just freaking fantastic. ' I said after recognizing who it was, looking up to see that well known face I first saw in Freshman year Karissa the school's worst nightmare and drama queen and forgive me for my language but the school little whore. She has a big reputation, she slept with every guy and girl possible at this school and she wouldn't even know their name, always throwing big parties inviting everyone even the "losers" just to humiliate them in the end but I wouldn't know since I'm never allowed out of my house nor do I want to take the risk.

After Karissa pushed me against the lockers 'I forgot how tall she is yet again I'm only 5ft so everyone's big to me. ' I stand up or try to only for one of Karissa's slaves to stomp on my leg with her heel causing me to whimper and silently scream in pain as my eyes start to water. " Oh? is the little helpless bitch gonna cry hmmmm? What are you gonna do cry to your dadd-"

I was so mad when I heard her say such a thing I lost my cool so I kicked her face with my foot without holding back which made her stumble back failing against the lockers. 'Like hell I would go to my dead beat dad for comfort.' He doesn't even deserve that title. He's no father of mine. After my adrenaline died down I realized what I did Karissa's was crying in pain as her "broken" nose was getting swollen. She screamed, doing a tantrum for her slaves to attack me but before they could I grabbed my things and limped away as fast as I could to the only place no one goes, one of my safe places, the music room.

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