Chapter Eighteen: Minus One

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So things became a lot worse. Our Predacon had learned how to transform and is very sent on ruling the Predacon clones as their king. He even decided to call himself Predaking. Seeing that these Predacons might become a problem, Megatron wanted to put an end to Project Predacon. And we let the Autobots handle that without making it seem like we planned this. Predaking seemed to buy our lie anyway. But the Autobots revealed something else. Pure Cybertronion Cybermatter.

And this somehow gave Megatron the idea to use it to make our own Omega Lock, like the one of Cybertron, and use it to cyberform Earth and rebuild Cybertron. Okay, now I need to get to the Autobots! I offered to lead a mission to collect something for the Omega Lock just so I could get the Autobot's attention and tell them what was happening. I left (Y/N) on the Warship and made it clear that I would return to her. Although, my plan to go with them peacefully backfired a lot.

Optimus, who was now able to fly because of his new look, managed to shoot me down into some powerlines. The number of volts going through me put me into staus. This wasn't what I had in mind at all. But I was taken to their base where I was bound to a table for questioning. I guess they don't fully trust me yet through most of my actions. 

"Because we had the foresight to shield our new base our captive will be unable to transmit his coordinates to the Decepticon warship," Ratchet said

"Nor will they, in turn, be able to pinpoint his location," Optimus said

"Guess we have all the time in the world to make Mr. Personality tell us everything he knows," Wheeljack said

Okay, it's clear that they don't fully trust me yet so I just want to see how much I can toy with them until they go to extreme measures.

"Why is Megatron stealing human technology? What is he attempting to build?" Optimus asked me

I made a remix of what Optimus had asked me. How far can I go with this?

"Whoa, Optimus Prime: The Remix," One of the humans said

I just showed a smiley face for that.

Bulkhead made his club appear on his hand, "Oh, yeah? Why don't I wipe that smile right off his face?"

"Soundwave, we have treated you fairly and I have given you many chances to help and join us. So this is your last chance. For the sake of the natives of this planet, tell us what Megatron is attempting to build, before we are forced to rely upon less civil methods of interrogation," Optimus said

Yeah but how far are you willing to go before you take extreme measures? I blared an alarm making them all stagger back and cover their ears. I stopped after a moment

"Scrap this! Soundwave is no ordinary Cybertronian, inside or out, so I would strongly suggest opening him up so we can have a first-hand look at the information recorded on his drives," Ratchet recommended

Okay! I give up! I don't want that to happen. But as a big wave of anxiety had washed over me when he said that, I blurted out the first thing I had to show my distress.

'Stop it, stop it! Just let me out!' I played 'Good for you' from the musical 'Dear Evan Hansen'.

All the Autobots looked at me completely shocked at cry. With or without a face, you could easily tell that I didn't want them to open me up and look at my drives. That was way too far. Optimus ordered the Autobots to talk with him privately. I had no choice but to stay where I was. The rate my spark was beating was so fast. I would've stayed quiet if I still had my emotions deleted but that comment scared me. They all came back and Optimus walked over.

"Soundwave. Will you tell us what we want to know?" Optimus asked

I nodded

"But why was Mr. Emotionless so quick to agree?" Wheeljack asked.

I showed them everything that happened and highlights of my time with (Y/N). She's changed my perspective of the Decepticons. And she's the reason I will trade any information they want to ensure both she and Earth are safe.

"Soundwave, if we let you free and give us what we need, will you now join the Autobot cause?" Optimus asked

A very eager nod in response. Optimus let me off the table and I got up. I walked over to their consol and gave them everything they asked for, including what Megatron had planned with the Predacon clones. The only thing I wasn't able to give them was the location of the Warship. I can't find it. But I know who will but Primus knows where he is right now. I deployed Laserbeack back where Optimus shot me down. I was then finally introduced to the other humans. Jack, Raf, and Miko. I just gave them a friendly wave.

As the hours went by of me giving them information, Agent Fowler called saying that the Decepticons had broken into a base at the South Pole. I was ready to go with them but Optimus stopped me explaining that it would be best if the Decepticons didn't know I changed sides just yet. Optimus may have an idea for me later. So all the Autobots aside from Ratchet, Smokescreen and Bulkhead left. The three started looking at the information I gave them to see what Megatron was building. Ratchet contacted Optimus about it.

"Optimus, I know this hardly seems the time but it may aid you in your task," Ratchet said.

"Go ahead," Optimus urged

"I believe that Megatron may be attempting to rebuild the Omega Lock. Do we let him?"

"No. For you know as well as I that Megatron will use a reconstructed Lock to cyberform both Cybertron and Earth. And that is one abuse of power that we cannot allow."

Ratchet sighed, "Understood."

It wasn't long after they left that Laserbeak came in and started to attack us! I sent him the message to stop and return to me. If I know Megatron, he would've sent me orders through Laserbeak. Laserbeak returned to his place on my torso and I got my orders. Tell Megatron where the Autobot's new base is and kidnap Ratchet. I showed them my new orders basically asking what we should do. We contacted Optimus about it who told me to obey them.

I was confused until he explained that I had to keep up the act that I was still a Decepticon and help them locate the Warship. So, I did as I was told. To make the illusion that I had forced Ratchet here, I got his permission to shock him into stasis. The other Autobots caught him and I finally knew where the base was and what to use to identify it. I took Ratchet and Groundbridged to the Warship after leaving a bit of Laserbeak's transponder to help find the Warship. I'm trying my best to make it look like to Megatron that I haven't helped them. I just hope he falls for it. 

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