2.1 A World of Decay

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WARNING: Disturbing content

I woke up to the sound of water droplets falling from the ceiling. As I felt one of the drops land on my cheek, I slowly went to wipe it away. It's quite cold in here I thought to myself as I slowly opened my eyes.

As I scoped out the room, it would appear that I was in some kind of abandoned classroom. Something about the decaying green walls filled me with unease. It's almost as if this place was abandoned for a specific reason.

As I trailed my fingers along the rotting teacher's desk, I came across a thin wire connected to the door. How strange...

On closer inspection, it would appear that this wire was part of some kind of elaborate trap. Right above the top of the doorframe, there was a wind-chime that the wire led to. If I had to guess I would assume that the purpose of this trap is to alert you when someone tried to open the door.

But that just begs the next question. Who should I be keeping out of this room?

Rather than tinker with the trap, I decided it would be better to simply move along and investigate the rest of the classroom. There wasn't anything else of note aside from one of the dusty cupboards.

Inside, there was a neatly folded set of clothes. I took them out and proceeded to change into the jeans and the green trench coat as to bundle up in this nippy weather. It should be easier to navigate this new world in these types of clothes. It's far better than wearing that stupid maid outfit.

As I put on a pair of nearby brown boots, I noticed a pile of shattered glass on the ground. Hesitantly, I picked a piece up and stared at my reflection in despair.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me!

This was the same body as the previous one! From the hair to the eyes nothing has changed except for there being no bite marks on my neck.

Great. Bennett will have no problem finding me again with this stupid body! I wouldn't be surprised if he was lucky enough to get a new one unlike me. After all, I took possession of a mob character while he received the body of a villain character.

As I sighed to myself, I felt my stomach start to rumble. Well, this isn't good. I don't think there's any food in this room, but if there is, then it's probably expired.

I'd rather not open the door, but what other choice do I have? All of the windows in here are boarded up with wood. So, this is my only escape route.

As I slowly went to reach for the doorknob, it started to rattle before I could even touch it. I took a step back in alarm as I got a bad feeling about it. Rather than hang around like a sitting duck, I dove into one of the dusty cupboards instead.

Once inside, I pulled the door across as much as possible, while only leaving a fraction of a crack open to allow me to peek out into the room. I wetted my lips with my tongue as I dreaded for the worst.

Once the rattling finally ceased the wind-chimes sounded as several figures could be heard dragging their heels while making a moaning noise.

What the fuck is going on I thought to myself. They don't sound human at all! It's almost as if they're...

Zombies. There were zombies in the room. I covered my mouth with my free hand as to not make a single noise. From the looks of it, there are at least five of them inside this room. I'm pretty much outnumbered here if I make one sound then I'm as good as dead!

As I watched them slowly loiter, I braced myself for the worst. From what I've read in fiction zombies aren't the most intelligent creatures, but they aren't to be underestimated either. One wrong move and they'll pounce on you like a pack of hungry hyenas! If possible, I'd like to keep my brain intact today, so I think I'll wait here until it's safe!

I wasn't sure if it was pure luck, but the zombies gradually grew tired and slowly made their way out of the room. Once the coast was clear I released a sigh as I felt my heartbeat start to calm down.

I think I understand now how this room came to be like this. It would appear that I've been thrust into a zombie apocalypse. Amazing. Just what I needed...

Had I'd known I'd be joining a world like this I would've looked into acquiring a survival-based skill instead of haggling. Seriously, what good will my new skill do if I can't even communicate with the zombies???

Taking one brave step forward, I pushed the door open and cautiously surveyed the hallway. I could still see the pack of zombies that had just left the room, but luckily, they were headed down the opposite direction of the hallway.

Without taking my eyes off of them, I slowly backed my way down the other end of the hall. But to my misfortune, I ended up losing my footing as I slipped into a murky maroon puddle.

As I slowly craned my neck around, I saw a decaying half-eaten corpse with a crowbar lodged into its broken jaw. It wouldn't take a genius to guess what happened next.

With lightning speed, I returned my gaze to the pack. The force of the impact from my fall must've alerted them as they were now slowly making their way towards me.

My only options were either to run away or fight back. I chose the latter option since I was afraid that I might only trap myself in a dead-end in this unfamiliar school by running around aimlessly.

"STAY BACK!" I yelled as I pulled the crowbar out from the zombie's jaw. "BACK I SAY!"

My words fell on flat ears as they simply continued on with their slow pursuit of me. I kept my grip tightly on the crowbar, but I felt my confidence slowly fade away.

At least I could try to rationalise with vampires, but zombies? They won't listen to a word I say! How infuriating...

As the zombies slowly closed in on the distance between us, I raised the crowbar with a shaky hand. This better work or so help me god!

Just as I went to strike the closest zombie to me, he suddenly froze to the spot. Looking down, a bloody hand could be seen penetrating through his stomach.

The hand then pulled the zombie's heart out as he fell to the ground. As I looked up at the new figure with a quivering lip, I felt my jaw drop.

Another zombie???

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