4.1 Roommates

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As I felt myself being shaken from my sleep, I reluctantly opened my eyes. There standing before me was an auburn-haired girl.

"Oh, thank god! You're finally awake." She said in relief as she sunk her head beside me on the bed.

Looking around, it would appear that I was in a dormitory of sorts. I suppose waking up in a comfortable bed beats the back of a bus or an abandoned building.

"Where am I?" I called out in a dazed voice as I sat upright in bed.

The meek girl blinked blankly at me before panic set in on her face. "You don't know? Oh no, that fall you took must've wiped your memories clean too!"

A fall? I have no recollection of anything of the sort. But as I went to touch my head, I felt a throbbing sensation just above my forehead. That's definitely going to leave a bump...

"This morning you lost your footing and tripped as you were exiting your carriage." The girl explained. "You've been unconscious ever since. So, unfortunately, you missed induction today."

Huh. So that's how it is. "I assume this is some kind of school then, right?" I gestured towards the girl who was wearing a blue-tartan pinafore dress. "Based on the uniform and what seems to be a shared dormitory."

The girl smiled in response as she perked up. "Right! This is St. Angelo's Academy. A prestigious boarding school that rich kids attend. You're guaranteed to be set up for life if you graduate from here!"

That line delivery sounded exactly like something you would hear from an NPC...

In any case, a wealthy boarding school sounds like a pleasant change of scenery. It sure beats relying on self-sufficiency to survive in a new world. But does this mean I'll have to study now? Uuuu, I don't wanna!

"I've never seen you before... I suppose you must have just transferred here for your final year, huh?"

I nodded along hoping that I could go along with the story she had just concocted on my behalf. The fewer lies I have to tell, the better! Knowing my luck, I'll forget my own story so it's better to keep a low-profile and not draw any unnecessary attention to myself...

"I suppose there is a lot you probably still don't know about when it comes to this academy." She mumbled to herself. "For instance, our academy is said to be the only one to house light magic users. Isn't that cool?" The girl squealed excitedly.

Magic users? So, this world is still far from normal. But at the same time, this might be good for me. If I'm attending a magic school, then that means I should have magical abilities too!

Ha, it's about time that the annoying goddess of the afterlife gave me a meaningful advantage! She owes me that much at the very least...

Standing up proudly, I dusted my pinafore off. "I wonder what type of magic I possess..."

Looking around, I tried to concentrate with my mind. But no matter how hard I focused; nothing was happening.

Eventually, the girl broke the silence as she piped up to point toward the desk. "Look! You're a water magic user!"

Turning to the direction she was pointing, I found myself becoming rather disappointed to only see that bubbles were forming in a glass of water.

Really? This is it? That's like insufferably lame! I might as well have no powers in the first place if that's all I can do!!!

"Don't feel too bad. My powers aren't something to gloat about either." The girl said as she sympathetically patted me on the back.

Taking a small potted plant, she stared at it intently. In just a few seconds a daisy popped up from the dirt. "See? I'm an earth magic-user. So, I can't do anything all that impressive either."

I found myself giggling at the girl. She seems nice, it's refreshing to be around another girl my age. I can't remember the last time I got to speak with one like this.

"I'm Vana," I said cheerfully as I went to shake the girl's hand.

Blushingly, the girl gently placed the flowerpot on the window sill as she went to shake my hand. "Ophelia!"

Just as I was about to say something, the sound of people talking outside caught our attention. Feeling nosey we both hurried over to the window to spy discreetly.

Outside a raven-haired girl could be seen speaking to a black-haired boy. They seemed to have been having a heated discussion in the courtyard.

"I... I THINK I LOVE YOU!" The boy professed loudly.

You only think? Those aren't the kinds of words someone being confessed to would like to hear...

The girl scoffed at him before whipping her long flowing hair behind her back. "I'm not interested in you. You're boring and have nothing to offer me!"

So cold...

Turning to Ophelia, I looked at her in annoyance. "Can you believe how rude some people are? There's a way of phrasing things..."

However, Ophelia didn't share the same response as me. In fact, she appeared to be looking distressed as she slowly ripped her eyes away from the window.

She looked at me with wide eyes before responding in a trembling voice. "That's Cassius Van Doren. He's the new dark magic user everyone has been gossiping about."

A dark magic-user? I suppose this makes him trouble. He's quite literally the outcast of this school from the sounds of it.

"Whatever you do, you must avoid him at all costs!" Ophelia went to grab my shoulders worriedly. "It's said that he has the blood of demons running through his veins!"

Oh, for real? I guess I shouldn't take him lightly then. He might prove to be a formidable force if he's secretly a yandere too.

As I slowly went to sit on the bed trying to comprehend what I had just learnt, I felt a strong throbbing headache come on.

Checking my status window, I was given my final mission.

Mission objective: Help Cassius graduate from St. Angelo's Academy

Graduate? Huh, that's not too bad. All I have to do is make sure he studies, right? Well, this should be easy then!

"Are you okay? Does your head still hurt?" Ophelia asked as she went to touch my forehead.

I sighed before responding to her worrying. "No, it just feels like I've got a lot on my plate right now."

Ophelia removed her hands from me and nodded stoically. "Then we should try to have some fun and clear your mind in the meantime!"

She leaned in closer with a frown. "Worrying is no good at all! Us poor folk need to enjoy what little time we have here. It's a privilege that we even got accepted into this elite school in the first place!"

Wait, I'm poor? Ugh, no wonder why I felt like a fraud in this school full of rich kids! I guess this is what happens when you reincarnate as a MOB character who doesn't have a family...

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