2.20 The Showdown

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WARNING: Disturbing content

The number of zombies who came together to watch Luka square off against Lucius' second in command was absolutely astounding. I didn't think this many zombies could congregate underground, but here we are!

From the looks of it, there were at least 1,000 zombies gathered around the pit. And to my surprise, not a single one of them attempted to swing at me like before. Could this really be because of Lucius's mark?

As we got closer to the front box, I looked down to see Luka tearing the zombie limb from limb apart. To be watching a gory display of what seemed like animalistic depravity being cheered on by equally malicious spectators only made my stomach turn. It was like watching the gladiators fight in Rome, but more savage...

As Lucius watched on with an impressed face, I felt myself being yanked around like a rag doll as he kept his grip firmly on my chain. If you're going to cheer with your hands up like that then maybe let go of the chain first! I swear he's going to strangle me to death.

"A worthy competitor I see," Lucius remarked in excitement. Maybe it was my misunderstanding, but I thought Lucius' would've felt upset by this. Wasn't that man his second in command after all?

Geez, zombies really don't have any heart when it comes to their own kind...

As Luka continued to bash the zombie's brain against the concrete ground, he proceeded to feast on the brain. Oh god, I think I'm going to be sick!

As I turned to the side, prepared to hurl, Lucius was quick to sense my disgust. "Quick. Grab a bucket!" He commanded one of his subordinates.

Once the bucket was in sight, I eagerly yanked it as I proceeded to vomit my guts out. "You poor thing." Lucius cooed as he rubbed my back. "Don't worry I'll take good care of you after this."

Ugh, just listening to him speak makes me want to vomit again.

Once I could finally stand upright again, Lucius approached the ledge to speak to Luka. "So, it looks like our challenger has won." Lucius shot Luka a taunting smirk. "Most impressive."

As I slowly approached the ledge to get a better glimpse of Luka, the colour drained from his already pasty white skin as his eyes went wide. He probably didn't see this one coming...

"Alright then. How about a round of applause for our new victor?" Luka declared as he dropped the chain to clap along with the crowd.

This was my chance. Without putting much thought into it, I jumped from the ledge down into the pit.

I clearly didn't think far ahead as I swore, I twisted my ankle from the force of impact. As I went to clutch my foot while fighting back tears, Luka quickly crawled to my side to cradle me.

Lucius's eyes were filled with rage as he dug his nails into the pillars on the ledge. "Unhand her at once!" Lucius demanded through a commanding yet low voice.

As Luka's hands wavered, I felt my heart sink. This is like Stefan all over again. Not even Luka can save me now...

As I looked up towards Lucius, I felt a shiver run down my spine. He sure does know how to intimidate you from just one look. He practically looks like a dictator from down here! I mean, it didn't help that he wore a black military-esque uniform. If anything, that only added to the vision!

As Lucius suddenly jumped down to the pit, I jumped back in alarm. He didn't even flinch! It's as if he's built like a machine!

"I don't know who you are but remove your hands from my Vana at once!" Lucius commanded as he slowly approached us.

Luka stood before me defiantly as he clenched his knuckles. "You can't have her. She doesn't belong to you!" Luka rebuked.

As the two stood shoulder to shoulder with each other, I tried to get up and intervene, but I was still in incredible pain from the nasty fall I took. As I winced, the two whipped their heads around to stare at me in concern before they went back to staring each other down, threateningly.

"You want to become king so you can protect her from people like me, correct?" Lucius inquired.

"Yes. So do you accept the challenge or not?" Luka barked back as he gave Lucius a light shove.

"Fine by me. It allows me to prove my devotion to my Vana anyway." Lucius said as he winked at me.

Just as the two got ready to duke it out, I was suddenly being dragged away by several other zombies.

"NO!" I yelled. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" It was too late for me to do anything more to prevent them from fighting. All I could do was watch as Lucius grabbed Luka by the throat with ease.

No, I can just stand by and watch. As I desperately tried to shake the zombie's hold off of me, I heard the sound of crushing.

As I looked up in horror, there was Luka... pulling Lucius' heart out with just his bare hands. As Lucius looked down, beads of sweat started to form above his eyebrows.

"How is this possible..."

Lucius gradually lost all his strength as he loosened this grip on Luka. With both feet planted firmly on the ground, Luka tore out Lucius' heart completely and proceeded to eat it.

As Lucius extended a pitiful hand towards me, Luka obscured his view as he crushed Lucius' skull with just his food. As Luka began to feast on Lucius' brain, everyone was too stunned to move as they watched Luka devour their king.

After I could finally break free, I tackled Luka to the ground as I enveloped him in a huge hug. I didn't care that he was covered in blood and guts, I was just relieved to see him make it out alive.

As I looked up towards the crusty ceiling above, I opened my status window to confirm the truth for myself. Mission accomplished. Finally, I can leave this hell for good!

As I rolled over onto my back I started to giggle. I am so going to kill the goddess of death as soon as I see her next!

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