Chapter 6

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"what sort of celebration? This looks like a celebration to you." I heard a female's voice replying. I turned around to find a Goddess standing in front of me. 


She had the most heavy attire anyone could manage into. loaded with all kinds of jewelry. Having heavy clothes cover her, from head to toe. 

Pure Queen

History said, king Neel wasn't married, lost his mother at an early age

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History said, king Neel wasn't married, lost his mother at an early age. So who was she.

"Maa!" I heard the monarch address the goddess.

MOM!! For real!!

The lady was too young to be called a mother. We have females marrying at late 30s and late 40s.

But she, she must be in her late 20s to early 30s. I am sure the King's father must have a liking for the beauties.

The last statement made me chuckle to myself which attracted attention from everyone. I straightened up, tossing my expression back to neutral.

"is she your mother?" I questioned the king. He just replied with raising his eyebrows, as if I made no sense.

His face went to a little gentle one almost immediately as he chose to answer me. "except giving birth to me, she has done everything a mother does." He turned soft eyes to meet mine. "she is my stepmother."


The realization had the blood drain off my face. I could see  genuine respect, genuine gratitude and a genuine liking on the king's face for the 'murderer'.

  I am sorry. I am yet to know her name. Our history pad did not have it.

"hi.. uhh I mean Namaste" I greeted the female for whom I had no appreciation except for the way she carried herself.

She smiled in response.

"what's your name?" I started interviewing her as if she is in need for my acceptance.

She gave a dry laugh, rolling her eyes at me. "no one has ever dared to ask me this." She spoke as she looked down at me. with the outfit that I had on, I could be called a queen If I were in 2069, but here, I felt under dressed.

I felt like a beggar.

"I am the Queen Mother: Shravya. You can call me ma'am."

"ahh!" I nodded at her forgetting that normal people would bow down to her.

"alright" I decided I'll deal with her when the time comes. "let's sit to eat." I interlocked and flexed my fingers for it to produce the crackling sound and rushed towards the unoccupied table. I realized I cannot fold my legs and sit down, given the dress that I have. 

As quickly as I went to sit, I got up. Adjusting my outfit that had risen up a little. I flushed with embarrassment. Blood rising up cheeks, making me red as I shuffle on my place.

I looked back to find the king looking at me, sighing to himself as he bent ahead to pick the fabric covering his personal table. He threw it at me for me to catch, indicating me to sit down. I smiled weakly at him, nodding in approval.

Thank you for having my back.

I smiled to myself and looked back at him with the same grin and he made the same annoyed face.

Folding my legs at the side, covering my legs with the fabric, I somehow comforted myself sitting in the royal dining.

The lady in the room looked at me with shock and question on her face.

"what?" I mouthed, a little loudly though, that it came out as a shout.

"how do you sit to eat when all the men in the room haven't yet started eating. Don't you know this much, females have to eat later?"


I was disappointed and shocked at the believes but reminded myself back and again, I was not in a time zone to argue.

And although I knew it, I said anyway, "how does that make a difference? I am not eating their food. You had an empty table here anyway."

Her jaw dropped at the response. She gathered herself to speak again but before she could say anything, the king spoke. "it's ok mother. We can make an exception for a patient."

I quickly turned to look at him, narrowing my eyes, opening my mouth to speak but immediately closing it again. I have created enough of mess already.

Calories after calories, that I might not even consume for months together, were served. I looked at every maid that would generously pour me carbs and fats. I was not even sure if I can gulp this down my throat. Although the cuisine looked rich and delicious, I was not sure if they were healthy according to the modern medicine.

Once all the maids left the room, I shuffled in my place pulling the table a little ahead, to begin eating. The table made a screeching noise which made all the faces turn to me for the nth time since I have been here.

"sorry" I mouthed. Which again they chose to ignore.

I finally decided to take a large spoonful of the rice on my plate, when someone cleared their throat.

I looked in the direction of a young man sitting across me. He looked like my male best friend Mayan. 

His hands, folded. He nodded me in a no, indicating me not to eat. Then eye-motioned me to the king. I looked across to find all the men in the room, having folded hands and closed eyes. Praying before consuming their portion of calories. I folded my hands too, yet looking around everyone, wondering how long will this take.

Soon the king opened his eyes, with everyone opening at the same time, like some sort of telepathy. He raised his hands pointing at no one in particular indicating everyone to eat. I gave a wide smile finally taking the spoon.

 Although I did not approve of the menu, this doesn't change the fact that I was hungry.

But when I noticed the people around, none of them had still touched their plates. They were waiting for the king to start.

"tch!" my frustrated self, came out a little loud. The king was almost on the verge of taking his first bite. He stopped just when he was about to take the morsel in his opened mouth. He closed his mouth and tilted his face to look at me. As always I was looking down with embarrassment. I looked back at him offering him again, a weak plastered smile. 

"you can start eating. You don't have to follow the rules. Anyway it looks like you haven't eaten anything for over a month." Was that a compliment or an insult. I think the latter seems more suitable.

His ministers started smiling among themselves. And although I should feel offended, I was actually relieved. It proved that I was still in between humans. In between humans that were still alive.

I mean what more adds life to your body, than that smile, right? What more could make you feel more alive than a good laugh?

And what more could I do, I ended up joining them, laughing at myself.

I looked over to see the king smile to himself. Smiling to himself for a moment, before he caught me staring at him. and as if it was a crime to laugh, he immediately had a straight face, looking everyone else, but me.


This is it for this chapter. I hope you guys liked it.

Don't forget to vote and comment. 

See you'll soon. Love you guys. 

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