Chapter 25

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I finally went back to Aarini's room after spending somewhere around half an hour, strolling in the garden, that had now been the witness of our confession, with him. Holding on to his warm hands that even had bruises and calluses formed due to his battles, practice and workout. But ofcourse he wasn't embarrassed of them and neither were I.

What I did find weird however, is that in the little time we were still together, Neel yet hadn't asked me anything about Yug and Aarini. And I don't know if it was relieving or scary. 

He cannot be avoiding the topic completely, can he?

With butterflies still lingering around in my stomach, I finally managed to quietly open the massive door of her bedroom, expecting her to be sleeping.

 But she wasn't there.

I looked around on the floor and asked the security guards standing out, but to no avail. I did not know where did she go, and to be honest I did feel guilty for leaving her all be herself when she genuinely needed me.

Suddenly the door opened, allowing a very lost, scared, Aarini in. Her focus seemed lost.

"What's wrong?" I asked rushing towards her. "Where were you?"

She looked at me blankly, answering none of the questions.

"What is wrong?" I shook her this time.

"I-" she stuttered. "I told father about it." She spoke softly

What the fuck!

"About what?" please don't be what I am thinking.

I was scared. If incase I somehow manage to convince Neel about Yug and Aarini, but his father doesn't allow, it's gonna go down in drain.

"I was impulsive. I was confused. I thought it was the best thing to do. But I guess I messed up." She cried out.

"What did you tell him?"

"That I want to marry Yug. That Yug is all I want. And that if I don't get to marry him, I won't marry at all."

"you're kidding me?"


"What did he say?"

"Nothing. And perhaps that's the most scary part of all."

What the hell is up with this father and son. Why won't they comment anything?

"I am scared. He will throw Yug out of the palace." Aarini continued crying

"Your father won't do that. He is not that mean."

"You don't know anything Jiera. He was the most strict, most ruthless King when it came to his disciplines and morals. He can do anything."

"But Yug holds an important position in the court. They can't just let him leave."'

"Are you seriously dumb. Don't you know how many people are willing to grab that seat. There is a slit-throat competition. It doesn't take long for these people to replace each other. They had easily replaced my father, the King. They don't care."

I was terrified. I didn't dare say Aarini that now not only her father but also Neel knows about it. And he had the same reaction.

I was scared for Yug. Had we just created a mountain of trouble for someone who had clearly warned us about it. It wasn't fair to him.


Brinda knocked on my door and I greeted her with a troubled face. I had trouble sleeping last night, due to multiple reason. 

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