Chapter 14

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"that's it. Stop stop stop" I said to Brinda as I sat next to her. Squatting down, in front of the brick gas stove in the kitchen.

I smiled at the familiar smell as I arranged the plates and spoons. I had decided to prepare ramen, that I had downloaded from my cart in my PA's absence.

I wanted my new friends to get a glimpse of my world. As much as I could show them, without being questioned about.

It was around 2.30am when I last saw the time on my Q when my favorite meal was getting downloaded.

I wished I had added even alcohol to my cart.

If you make me choose between all royal delicacies on one hand and noodles, be it any, on the other, I would still opt for the latter.

Brinda looked at the hot meal in doubt and hesitancy, not sure if it was worth eating .I gave out a suppressed laugh at this, nodding at her in reassurance that this was indeed FOOD.

We arranged 3 plates and took them out to the table. 

The one where I and the king had our coffee, together.

The table brought back memories, of his, that I almost immediately pushed at the back of my mind. I was scared that someone can read through my thoughts.

Yug was seated there, waiting for us. He had arranged candles so that the space doesn't appear as dark as it did.

He was not in favor of my 'late night' snack program, since it was not 'healthy'. 

But even if everyone knows, who cares right.

And although he was against it, I managed to convince him otherwise. I know more than my words, it was the fact, that he did not get to see me throughout the day, that convinced him to be here, even though his 'self-discipline' taught him otherwise.

Yug and Brinda both hesitated to be seated at the same table, I could see that. They looked at each other, and Brinda stood beside me, with her plate in her hand for a little too long.

"Is there a problem if she sits here?" I asked him. 

  I know there was. 

That he was a minister and she was a servant. That he was from a higher class, and she was from a lower one. I know it was a huge problem. I knew, but I still couldn't get myself to understand it.

 I came from the time, where we slept on the same bed with our pets. I believed they could atleast share a same table with the humans.

"uh.. um .." he hesitated to be honest, I didn't even expect him to understand. "..ok. there is no issue." Yug agreed to it. 

OMG I love this man.

It came out as a shock, both to me and Brinda.

But I was happy about it. I was proud about it. I was proud of Yug.

He invited Brinda to sit with us, and timid as she is, she still moved her chair more towards me, to sit next me.

I smiled at her, and smiled at Yug.

I was impatient. I wanted to taste my portion of junk food. I was impatient to know how does it taste if I taste it, 600 years in the past. But more than that, I was impatient, to see their reactions.

The two humans sitting with me, analyzing the dish, and not being so sure of it. I raised my eyebrows and nodded my head when Yug looked up at me with that are you sure face.

Both of them took their first bites, and I was busy studying their expressions. And the way they changed faces, I knew Yug liked it, but Brinda did not.

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