Chapter 10

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Yug and I went around together seeing various places of the palace. He took me through ways only meant for the royal courtiers and the royal family to visit. Through short cuts meant for emergencies.

We were now standing outside the King's bedroom. Surrounded by guards, who I assume, wouldn't have let me even stand outside the room, if it weren't for Yug accompanying me. 

The guards did not see me as a threat, not with his company, though they were still standing alert.

"This is Your Majesty's personal space." He bowed down before his room and I couldn't help but make a confused face at this.

 Like who does that. It's so creepy.

"He is not in there." I tried to remind him.

"I know. But I have to worship the room, where our King rests." He said politely.

"Oh my God." I commented and decided to ignore these people driven with values.

"Do you think we can go in and see the room?" I asked excitedly. If I was offered the tiniest rooms of all, I wondered what the King's room would look like. 

 I looked at my tour guide expectantly.

As soon as I had uttered these words, the guards immediately stood before the entrance guarding it more than it already was.

"I guess that's a no." I turned back to Yug, who just closed his eyes and nodded at me with a saint like smile. I frowned at the guards as they moved back to their initial positions.

Although I was tired, Yug was a good companion to be with. He explained me the routes well, once he figured out, I am not so good with directions.

"I will have to leave, the royal court session will begin soon." He stopped, standing at a distance from me and facing me.

"Okay." I could just manage with that. I don't know what I will do the whole day, instead of getting bored.

"What are these words that you use?" he asked as he chuckled at the question.

 I was tight lipped, figuring out what to say.

"You're not from around here, are you?" he asked again. This time appearing serious. 

And although he was a good person to talk to and hang around, he was still the police officer of this place. I had to be careful with my choice of words.

"No." I had to atleast say this. This was very obvious, in the way I appeared.

"So where are you from?" he questioned. 

I was good with history, but my geography was trash. 

 I didn't know the names of places around this state.

"No where." He glanced at me with doubt. 

"I mean, my father is a trader, so we just visit locations without staying at a place for too long." I did not even know if this made sense.

"Or maybe who knows, you are not from this world, like an alien." He laughed at his statement. He thought it was a joke. 

Little did he know, he was actually somewhere around the truth.

I just laughed along with him. 

"No but seriously, the way you appeared in the court, just out of the blue,  without getting caught by the royal guards, is still a mystery to me." he said again. 

I have had awkward conversations with people, but I somehow managed to save my ass out of it. But this was, the most awkward of them all, and I couldn't find the exit.

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