Chapter 15

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I woke up pretty early, and in a good mood to be honest. Despite the fact that I had slept late last night, I was here, setting up my luggage with the help of my PA/friend. 

I don't like calling her maid.

I was excited, I was leaving this 'rule book' place for some time. I knew I still have to maintain my behavior when I stay at the other place. 

But at least I'll be away from the royal family for once.

Although there were royal men, posted there, I believed Yug had the highest authority, in comparison to all of them.

That made me ease out a little bit. I knew he was there, to look after me

Because that is what he does to me, protects, guards, shields.

It brought a faint smile to my face. Yug always does that to me and I wasn't sad, but I guess my brain doesn't like it. 

I immediately thought of the fact, that I will have to leave Yug one day. That one day, maybe, I'll go back to my world. And this did not make me very happy, as I thought it would.

I blinked my eyes to fight my imagination, my wish, my tears, my fear, and reality.

Focus on one thing at a time Jiera. One at a time.

I had requested for Brinda to come along and I was more than glad when she did. It hadn't been very long that I had been with her, but she was already around like a habit.

Yug had got my horse cart ready. I wanted us to travel in the same horse, but again, he was a minister. I can't expect him to be a driver.

As it is, them agreeing to this, was a huge deal.

I smiled at him as I approached the huge open space, outside the palace, where few men were loading our luggage in different carts.

He returned the gesture and started walking towards me.

"you're ready?"

I gave out an exhale, trying to smile, and not showing that I was scared of horse rides.

"uhh..." he spoke again, not turning to look at me.

I turned my gaze to him, standing tall, next to me. expecting him to say something.

"I know you're a little different from us, but please, just be careful there..." he was scaring me, with the tone and all, and his words.

He finally turned to look down at me, matching our eyes together.

"We have the king's father living there."

My eyes widened in shock.

Just what have I signed for.

More than I was scared, I was also confused.

I opened and closed my mouth for a dozen of times before I finally went ahead.

"If the king's father is alive, why is Neel the king in the first place." I asked genuinely not understanding. I did not expect the father to be alive.

"Ahh! That's a long story." Yug turned back to see the servants loading the luggage which was honestly was not that intriguing of a sight.

"I am free!" I replied back.

He sighed to finally turn back at me, looking around so that no one hears us talking. I don't know what's so secretive about it.

"Your Majesty's father, was one of the most loved, most honored king. But after the death of his first wife, Your Majesty's mother, his condition started deteriorating." Now this was news. And I was filled with doubts and questions.

"People thought, it will pass. So he was excused while he grieved. But that is sad fate of a king. No matter how much time he wanted, he deserved, he couldn't get that. He was still a king. He still had to look after His people. The people got sad, restless, angry and then offended. But the loss was too much to bear for him. It was as if, he had forgotten about his kingdom. Even our Queen Mother, couldn't get him out of this phase. So everyone decided, it would be the best to crown Your Majesty Neelambar as the new king." I nodded with my mouth opened, processing everything. I was sure it must be more serious than this sounds.

Now it was not a matter of time or place, it was the situation as a whole, that requested me to behave well. I couldn't afford to make blunders or offend someone who is already battling with a lot.

"Why doesn't the Queen Mother visit him now?" I asked one of the several questions I had.

Yug just nodded his head. "I don't know."

"Ah.. but...." I was about to ask him another of my doubt when I heard someone.

"I'll come along." It was Him. The Majesty

 Both Yug and I were startled by his sudden presence, almost invading our private chat.

The servants rushed to get his horse ready, while I just stared at Yug, not very pleased with this decision.

Yug shrugged in response, telling he doesn't know about anything either.

I am sure I have another adventure waiting for me. 


I kept this chapter short since the last one was a little on the lengthy side.

I hope you like this nevertheless

Thanks for being here.

Also your comments do make me happy. please interact. 

I love you all.

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