Chapter 9

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­I woke up with a loud knock on my door. It must have been there for a while. It reciprocated like a bangs on my head in my dreams, until I realized there was someone actually on the door. It was 5 on my Q tab.

 I had hardly slept for 1 hour after that little coffee date of mine.

The room was already lit brightly, which means that the sun was already there.

I reluctantly got up and dragged myself to the door rubbing my eyes to wake myself up. I opened the door to find the same maid from the day before standing there. Her attitude was the same as yesterday. 

Her eyes fixated on the floor, her head down, standing there like a docile individual.

"yes ma'am?" I asked her, standing at a distance scared that my stale breath would embarrass me. 

Although I have been embarrassed enough in less than one day.

"you are called by the king downstairs to join everyone for the breakfast. Please get ready" she said and offered me a plate that had something covered in a cloth.

"the king wants you to wear this and come down." my face lit up at the first gift I received here, that too from the king himself.

 "really? What did he say?" I was grateful at this gesture of his.

The maid hesitated and did not say anything.

"ha?" I asked again.

"he said, 'ask her wear proper clothes and come down.' " the servant finally spoke. My jaw dropped at his response. 

He better did not say this. 

But again what could I do, even if he did. Not like I could go and punch him. I chuckled at my own thoughts. I really did not need a company, I could keep myself entertained.

I took the plate from the servant's hand. "thank you." I bowed down to her. 

I was adjusting well.

"uh- also." She said again as I was about to close the door back. "Your Majesty has asked me to be your personal attendant from now on." Oh a PA. I was enjoying the privilege of the royal life. 

I did not dislike the woman, she appeared fine to me. So there was no reason I would deny it . "okay" I guess she understood it. She bowed down at me.

"so what's your name?" I asked her.

 "Brinda" she spoke meekly. 

" okay Brinda. I will address you as ma'am and you don't have to be very formal with me. You can atleast look at me while talking. Mm?" she looked down and nodded.

I laughed at this. 

"okay it looks like we have a lot to work upon." I said and it immediately followed a confused glance from my new PA.

"nothing." I nodded and closed the door.

I managed to have bath with some other items that Brinda had got for me and some items that I managed to download from the Q cart in her absence. 

I knew I had to keep it protected because even though it was a regular thing for me, it was like a gold mine for people over here. And I can't trust this thing of 'not getting robbed' here. I mean with all the servants and people around, who knows. Perhaps I have studied the history of this place. 

I know no one is trustworthy here.

I called Brinda in my room to help me with the dress that she had gotten for me. it was a long red, 'completely covered' dress, with small intrinsic designs and a dupatta to top it all.

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