Chapter Fifteen

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I don't really have an excuse for being gone this long. Mental issues, school, COVID have contributed, but the bottom line is I hadn't bothered to write more despite having the ideas for it. I apologize for that. My writing style has changed, but I hope you'll still be able to enjoy the resumption of this story; perhaps it'll be a good comparison to how much my writing style's improved.

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After recovering from the intensity of the training with Cameron, he insisted on not teaching me for a while. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact Damien said he had done this before; overworking people that is. Did he have previous students he pushed too far?

Even so, I made sure to visit him in his room in between spending time with Damien. Perhaps it was because we were just getting to know each other, but Damien could be quite needy; maybe if he found a partner he wouldn't keep bothering me so much. It's not that I don't like spending time with him, but still.

Today our parents are finally supposed to arrive. During the past couple days my dad never contacted me, which I have to say really irritated me. He was willing to text Cameron and give him permission to bring me here, but not even ask how I was doing? It's like Emily's monopolizing his time completely.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Who is it? Come on in."

I look up from my phone to see Cameron opening the door. He was in his usual attire, although his hair was wet; probably just got out of the shower after working out.

"Our parents are here; do you want to come see them?"

I frown, shaking my head. I wasn't the best at hiding my irritation at my dad, but then again I wasn't trying to hide it.

"I'd rather not see him."

Cameron frowns softly, closing the door behind him as he entered the room. He found a seat on the edge of my bed.

"It's okay if you're mad at your dad; it makes sense. Emily isn't really around either; I know what it means to be abandoned by a parent in a sense."

I frown softly, sitting up and setting my phone to the side. Despite not knowing Cameron for long, I knew he wasn't the type to open up like this. I didn't want to ruin this moment for us to become closer as soon-to-be step-siblings.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your father? Was it a divorce, or...?"

Cameron frowns when I ask this. It was almost like a sort of rage was building up from that question. Just what happened between him and his father?

"He abandoned us, trying to get a chunk of my mother's fortune. He got what he deserved though..."

I don't think I want to know what that means.

"I'm sorry to hear that... My mother, she... she died in a car crash. The driver escaped before they could be caught so we don't even know who did it..."

"At least she was loyal... I know Emily can't be a perfect replacement for your mother, but if you'd be willing to give her a chance, I'm sure you'll find that she's a wonderful person. She's distant... but she truly does care for her family and loved ones."

I nod softly, trying to wipe away the tears that had appeared from mentioning my mother's death. It was always difficult to talk about her; especially her death. However, Cameron intervened and helped wipe away my tears.

"It's okay to cry, but when you're done please smile; a frown just doesn't suit you."

It's odd, you think you don't need to cry but when someone offers comfort to you then the waterworks come flowing. It wasn't long before I was clinging onto Cameron, tears spilling down my face.

It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that my mother was taken from me. It wasn't fair that my dad got over her and found a new fiancé so quickly, without even telling me about it until late in the relationship. It's not fair that he's ghosting me in this difficult time. It just isn't fair...

"Hey (Name), what were you wanting for dinner-"

Damien stopped when he saw that Cameron and I were hugging. I wasn't sure if he could see that I was crying, but I couldn't really see his expression because of my tears either.

"Damien, as you could see we're having a moment. If you could leave, that would be most appreciated. We'll let Michael know what we want for dinner."

Nothing was odd about Cameron's tone, but it made Damien frustrated. At least, the stomping and slamming of my door seemed to indicate as such. What has Damien in such a bad mood?

"You just let me know when you're feeling better; I won't pull away, I promise."

Cameron's tone was so soft, his words so reassuring... It seems like Cameron is distant from others so that he's not hurt... In a way, we're similar in that regard. I think that in all this confusion with the remarriage, I can finally say that I'm truly glad to have been able to meet my new soon-to-be brothers.

A Brawl Between Brothers (Yandere!Brother X Female!Reader X Yandere!Brother)Where stories live. Discover now