Chapter Eighteen

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I'm finally back. I'm sorry for the long hiatus, but I have finally regained my drive to write after a couple years of struggling to write anything more than a single page in two months. If you were a fan of the story that I took the characters from, Mine, I'm continuing the story-time segment that I had abandoned. 

Additionally, I'm considering writing a story for Hunter (he's a character from Mine), so if you want that be sure to let me know. For those who may not know, yes, Mine is my own story with my own original characters; I'm not taking it from someone else's work. I've adapted them for this new story, using characters you already knew like Emily, Lyle, and other major characters from the story. 

For those who have patiently waited for my return, or simply just found the story, I hope that you'll enjoy my return, starting with this new chapter.

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When we finally returned back to the house Cameron carried the still-unconscious Damien inside. I figured both of them would know how to fight without giving each other serious injuries, but I suppose I can only hope neither of them were seriously injured.

With nothing else to do, I figured I'd head back to my room and do some personalization. I had received a text from Emily on the drive back that my things had arrived so I could decorate my room to better accommodate myself. Still, why isn't my father contacting me?

It really is worrying me at this point; dad hasn't forgotten about me, right? He hasn't spent any time with me since meeting up with Emily. Surely after the marriage the two will stop being so needy, right?

I had considered texting Henry, when I realized I had forgotten to get his number back when I had the chance. Although if we're going to the same school I suppose I can just get it then.

Feeling bored, I decided to head to the kitchen. Eating cures boredom, right? Besides, there's been a snack I've been craving for a while now.

"Oh, hey (Name)." I heard Michael say, turning to face me with a smile on his face.

I weakly smiled back, closing the door behind me.

"What can I get for you? Are you in the mood for something


"Yeah, I am. Can you whip up some (snack) for me?"

Michael nodded, already grabbing the utensils he would need to prepare the snack.

"Sure thing. Do you want me to bring it to a particular room when I'm done?"

I shook my head, jumping up to sit on one of the counters that Michael wasn't using. I was sitting underneath a vent that was blasting cool air, which was definitely nice.

"Are you able to talk while making (snack)? I guess I just want someone to talk to, and my brothers are currently not able to do so."

Michael nodded, continuing to grab whatever he needed as he responded, "Of course. Did you get into an argument with Master Cameron and Master Damien by chance?"

I shook my head, moving a strand of hair that had blown in my face from the vent. It kept trying to get in my face, irritating me. Is it really that hard for hair to stay in place for one day?

"No, it isn't that. Rather Cameron and Damien got into a fight with each other. It started in the car, but I don't know what happened once they went into the dojo. All I can really say is that Damien lost, given that he was unconscious with Cameron having to carry him inside."

Michael gave me an apologetic look, serving up my (snack) on a (plate/bowl).

"Here you go. I don't have any siblings, so I can't imagine what it's like... but I do hope it gets better between them."

I nodded in agreement, hopping off the counter and taking the (plate/bowl) containing my (snack).

"Thanks. I'm going to go eat this now."

Exiting the kitchen, I decided to go eat in the living room rather than the dining room. If we have cooks surely we have maids to clean up the place; I'll try not to, but if I spill some crumbs no big deal.

I put on (Show) before starting to dig in on my snack. I was surprised how well it was made; even an ordinary (snack) can be elevated by a high expertise of cooking it seems.

Hours passed as I enjoyed my alone time to myself. As an only child for so long I've gotten used to having alone time. While I have enjoyed my time with my soon-to-be brothers, I forgot to take some time for myself. I deserve to have 'me' time after all.

After a bit longer I was startled with someone saying my name. Nearly falling off the couch, I turned to see that it was Michael, his kitchen attire still on. I suppose it makes sense, given he works here and all...

"Tonight's dinner is a roasted duck with freshly-made mashed potatoes and French bread. Do you want any of that?"

I don't even think I've ever had duck before...

"Uh, sure. I'll come to the dining table this time."

A small snack is different from eating a full ass meal. It was only a minute or two after I had sat down at the table that my food was served. Despite my hesitations, it was quite delicious. Although given the food I've been exposed to as of late is high-end cuisine, compared to the mediocre food I'm used to it's obviously going to seem like the best thing ever.

When I finished, I realized I hadn't organized my things yet. Heading to my room, I found all of my things in boxes scattered throughout the room. Luckily the room was big enough to hold all of it with plenty of room to move around.

Even if I'm curious as to why dad has been spending all of his time with Emily, at least the new place is nice. Emily herself seemed like a nice person as well. Maybe I'm just being selfish, wanting dad's attention when he finds someone to love. I miss my mom very much, but I can't even imagine what it's like to lose the one you loved most; someone he loved, married, had a kid with... Wounds like that can't be easy to heal.

I set my phone on the desk near the bed, attaching a mini speaker to my phone so I could listen to my music while cleaning my room. Just playing it by itself wouldn't be good enough, at least for me that is.

It took me at least a couple hours to unpack and organize everything. Still, with the stuff from my old room, the large and foreign room it now felt welcoming; a room I could feel at peace in.

Glancing at my phone, I saw that I received a text from Cameron. I wasn't expecting a text, so I opened it curiously.

I forgot to tell you; school starts next Monday. Tomorrow's the last day before school starts; do you need any supplies? We can go shopping to get some last-minutes items if you'd like.

Oh right, I suppose I was never actually told when school started, just that it started soon. And given that the things I have had shipped to me aren't school supplies; the closest things being my late-mother's notebooks, but there's no way I'm using them for school... I definitely needed the supplies.

Speaking of notebooks... I grabbed the one I had been using at the resort and caught the notebook up with all my recent events. Moving to this big house, meeting Michael, reuniting with Henry, the confusion and worry about dad's lack of communication... There was a lot to write about.

Some time passed and realizing how late it was, I decided to get ready for bed. Normally I'd stay up later, but with school starting very soon I needed to try to reign in my sleep schedule to at least pretend I have a normal sleep schedule.

Laying in bed, I let my thoughts wander. I hoped that Damien was alright, and wondered how bad their dad was. Cameron told me some awful things about him, but I can't truly know since I never met him. Even so, I can tell Cameron hated being compared to him... Perhaps I can talk to Damien about that sort of thing. I know brothers fight, but that seems to be going too far...

I allowed myself to drift off to sleep, letting my mind and body rest. The bed was bigger than I'm used to, but it makes up for it in comfort. It'll take a while to get used to it, considering it always takes some time to readjust to a new bed, but I have a feeling it won't take too long...

A Brawl Between Brothers (Yandere!Brother X Female!Reader X Yandere!Brother)Where stories live. Discover now