Chapter Fourteen

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Waking up, I realized that I was in my bed. But I don't remember coming to bed. The last thing I remember is watching the show with Damien.

Seems like I fell asleep while watching the (Show) with Damien.

Well, it was nice of him to bring me back to my room.

... If he was actually the one to carry me...

Well, it's already 10:37 am, so I might as well get ready for the day. Though it will be a bit hard since I only have the things from my vacation.

Oh well.

I then proceeded to get ready for the day, doing whatever I usually do to get ready for the day.

After doing so, I decided to head out to get breakfast.

When I arrived at the table, Cameron was there, eating some pancakes.

"Good morning." I greeted, as I sat down.

Cameron looked up.


"How you doing?" I questioned.

"I'm doing okay. What about you?" Cameron questioned.

"I'm doing okay as well." I answered.

"Good. Do you want me to call the chef so you can have some breakfast too?" Cameron questioned.

"Yes, please." I answered.

Cameron then pulled out his phone, and called who I assumed to be a chef.

"Michael, please prepare (y/n) some breakfast." Cameron requested.

After a few seconds, Cameron hung up.

"Breakfast will be out soon."

"Thanks." I said.


Minutes later, my own breakfast came out, and I was able to enjoy delicious pancakes.

"So, Cameron, I was curious if I could train with you today."

"Train?" Cameron questioned.

"You know, karate? I said I wanted to join, and that's no lie. But I want to know a few basics before I show up."

"That could work. Sure, I can train with you. What time works best?"

"Well... I'm kind've stuck here at this mansion, so... Whenever works best for you." I explained.

"Alright. Then let's do it right after breakfast. That way you're not exhausted when we train."

"Works with me!"

I then finished my pancakes, and so did Cameron.

After we had finished our pancakes, Cameron told me to get in clothes made for work-outs, and luckily for me, I had brought a sport's outfit with me on the vacation.

Once I had changed into that, I headed out into the hallway, where Cameron was waiting for me.

"Ready to train?" Cameron questioned.

"You know it!"

Cameron chuckled slightly.

"Well, at least you have the right attitude. Follow me; I'll lead you to my personal training room." Cameron said.

And so, I followed Cameron to his training room.

When I entered, I was overcome with a blast of heat.

"Why is it so hot in here?" I questioned.

"To help build my endurance for harsh weather conditions. But since you're new to this, I'll turn it down." Cameron said, before turning it down.

"You don't have to-"

"Done. Ready to get started?"



Ugh... I'm so exhausted... I knew karate would be exhausting, but not this exhausting.

"(y/n), are you okay?" Cameron questioned, voice full of concern.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just need to rest." I explained, as I tried to stand.

But then, a lovely thing happened... I had muscle failure in my legs, and I collapsed on the ground.

Cameron rushed to my side.

"Okay, that's it. No more training for you today, or tomorrow. I'm sorry, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard on your first day." Cameron said, as he helped me to a nearby chair.

I was too exhausted to reply, as my body was just failing in every way possible.

"I'm going to get you some water. Stay here, and DON'T try to stand up." Cameron instructed, before exiting the room.

Once Cameron had left the room, I sighed.

Great job (y/n)... You've completely and utterly embarrassed yourself in front of your brother.

... This sucks...

Soon, Cameron returned with a cup of water.

"Here, drink." Cameron said, before handing me the cup.

With shaky hands, I drank the ice-cold water.

Once I had finished the cup, Cameron placed it on a nearby table.

"I'm going to take you to your room now, so you can rest. Please make sure to not try to stand until you feel like you can. Not when you want to stand." Cameron explained, before picking me up, and carrying me bridal style.

"Y-You sure I-I'm not t-too heavy?" I was barely able to say, for I was that exhausted.

Cameron nodded.

"No need to worry about me. I can carry much heavier." Cameron reassured me, before proceeding to carry me to my room.

One the way, we bumped into Damien. He gave us a confused look.

"Why are you carrying (y/n)?" Damien questioned.

"Because she had muscle failure, and needs to rest." Cameron explained.

Damien frowned.

"Did you overwork her?!"

Cameron didn't respond.

Damien glared.

"Seriously!? You do this to everyone! You always work them so hard, until they fall out. And now you're doing it to (y/n), our new sister! You should feel ashamed of yourself!" Damien scolded.

Cameron frowned, and hung his head low.

"Damien, it's not his fault. I wanted to look strong, so I didn't tell him when I was feeling tired. Please don't blame him for what happened to me."

Damien was quiet, but nodded.


Damien then walked away, seeming a bit angry.

Despite it being way to inconsiderate of Cameron, it's sweet of Damien to care about my wellbeing.

Cameron was quiet until we got inside my room.

"Make sure you rest. If you need anything... Here, have my phone number." Cameron said, before writing down his phone number.

After putting it in my phone, he left my room.

... So tired...

... I think I'm going to take a nap...

... Good night... 

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