Chapter Twenty

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Time flew by during the time Damien and I played video games together. He really was as skilled as he had boasted to be, which definitely helped our team. I'm not bad per say, but I'm no professional either. The last time I had seriously gone ham on a video game was when I lived near Henry; and it's been years since we've separated.

A knock on the door is what finally got us to pause our game, to hear from Cameron that dinner was ready for us. Seems like we played through lunchtime; no wonder I was feeling so hungry.

"It's fine if the both of you want to play games together, but you need to remember that tomorrow's school."

Damien rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his dinner. He seemed annoyed with Cameron's statement.

"I already know that; you don't have to micromanage me. Besides, I wouldn't want either (Name) or I to start school all sluggish."

Cameron seemed satisfied with his answer, the dining room becoming quiet once more. Now that I think of it, neither Dad or Emily have sat to enjoy any meal with us since coming back to the mansion. Is this normal?

"Does your mom ever eat dinner with you guys? Or just eat with you in general?"

Damien and Cameron exchanged looks, and even before they responded I had an idea of what their answer would be.

"Not really. She's always out on business trips; somehow I have a feeling she'll be gone even more often now that she's engaged to your dad. That's not to blame you or anything... But even after the wedding I doubt things will get better."

I had trouble understanding what Cameron meant, but his words worried me at the same time. It's not like my dad and I are majorly close where we spend every minute together, but we don't just avoid each other either. We went to each other for comfort after Mom died, and for him to just abandon me, abandon his own child...

"I don't blame you for being upset; I'd be upset if I was in your position. Until we find a solution for this, we'll do our best to keep you company."

I smiled softly at Damien's words. Given the situation, Cameron and Damien are the best brothers I could ask for.

"Thank you, but you're already doing that. Just spending time with me is more than enough. Despite that... I think I'm going to head to my room a bit early. Not necessarily to sleep yet, but to have some time to myself."

As I stood up Damien looked like he was going to say something, but stopped himself. I took this as a sign that it was alright to leave, and headed back to my room. With my things inside it was a lot more homely, but it still wasn't the same as my old room. This mansion is amazing, but it still doesn't match the coziness of the old home. Everything I've experienced has seemed otherworldly with how rich the environment has been, but it doesn't compare to the coziness I lived in before. The home I spent years in, with both of my parents still with me.

I decided to get out one of the notebooks from the collection my mom gave me, updating it on the events. There wasn't too much to add, but I'd rather add it before I forget.

I'll admit I'm nervous for school tomorrow; I suppose no matter where you are on the social ladder school will always be nerve wracking.

It seems like Henry will be there, so at least I'll be able to meet up with him again; we have a lot to catch up on. Then there's Hunter... I'm unsure if we'll interact much, but at least he seems nice; I can probably ask him for help if need be. Of course there's Michael as well... I know in the mansion he's just an employee, but I don't see a reason for us to not be friends at school.

I suppose it doesn't seem as bad as it could be; I could be going in without knowing anyone. Seeing as everyone I know will also be in the same grade as I'll be in, the likelihood of meeting up with those I know increases as well.

It isn't super late, but it probably can't hurt to get some shut-eye. Tomorrow's going to come before I know it, and I'd rather have more sleep than less.

Changing into pajamas and ensuring my alarm was set, I turn off the lights and get in bed. I'm still not used to the size of the bed, but to be fair I'm still not used to a lot of things. Good night...

A Brawl Between Brothers (Yandere!Brother X Female!Reader X Yandere!Brother)Where stories live. Discover now