Chapter Seventeen

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I jumped slightly from the sound of my name, but turned to see who was calling my name. Surprisingly, the figure who had called out my name seemed to have a familiar face.

"Henry... is that you? It's been too long."

Henry chuckled softly, ruffling my hair as he had a considerable amount of height on me. He had always been taller than me, although it seems like he dyed his hair since I last saw him; the blue streaks look good against his dark black hair; matches with his blue eyes.

"The one and only; how has my favorite girl been doing?"

Henry always had a habit of making comments like that... ever since we were kids he was a flirt. We had grown up together, although sometime in middle school he had to move away. We tried being pen pals for a couple months, but over time we just forgot to message each other; I hadn't had a phone at the time so exchanging phone numbers was impossible as well. That time in my life we didn't have much money...

"I'm doing alright. I'm actually moving in the area; maybe we'll be going to the same school together."

Henry smiles, seeming to enjoy that thought. He's always been a cheerful guy; glad to see that he hasn't changed.

"I can't say I wouldn't like it... Although it's surprising you're with Cameron and Damien. How did you get to be acquainted with them?"

Looking back towards the dojo, it seemed like neither of them had exited the building. I sigh softly before responding.

"I'm actually going to become their step-sister soon; my dad is getting married to Emily."

I notice Henry's expression goes to one of concern, seeming to pause before responding. Does he not like Damien or Cameron?

"I see... All I can say is to be careful of those two. They don't act like it, but they're very dangerous..."

I frown softly, confused by what Henry's words could mean. Sure, they may be athletic, but is that reason to be concerned?

"Anyways, why don't we check out the school together? They might be a while, and standing around is a waste of a perfectly beautiful day."

Glancing back once more, I contemplate taking Henry up on his request. I have both Cameron and Damien's number, so it's not like I can't text them where I'm going.

"I guess we can do that... let me just text them where we're going so they can find us later."


Henry waits for me to finish my texting, looping his arm in mine when I'm done. Although it's nothing new that Henry's doing, I've never been good at receiving such attention.

"Shall we be going?"

I nod softly, although removing my arm. I just didn't feel comfortable doing that yet I guess; we did just meet up after so long of not seeing each other after all.

"You wound my heart, Princess."

I roll my eyes, letting Henry begin to lead the way to the school. He points out various buildings on the way, allowing me to learn more about the city I was going to be living in.

"So Princess, have you found a prince to claim your own yet? Or maybe a princess?"

I sigh softly, answering Henry's question without saying anything. I was never good at putting myself out there, especially in romantic situations.

Henry chuckles, "You needn't be embarrassed; maybe you'll find your perfect match now that you're in a new location?"

"I guess we'll have to wait and see..."

Walking a bit more, we arrived at the high school I'd be attending. And when I say it was the fanciest, largest school I've ever seen, I mean it looks like something you'd see in a movie or TV show.

"You surprised? With Emily's wealth it only makes sense you'd be attending the highest ranking school around. And they just decided this year to ban school uniforms, so lucky you."

I figured we'd be going to a high-end school, but even this seems like too much... At least I won't have to deal with pesky school uniforms.

"Hey Henry, what's up?"

While being in awe of the school, I had failed to notice a couple other students approaching us. They seemed to know Henry with Henry giving a polite wave back.

"I didn't know you had found yourself a girlfriend over the summer? You should've told us."

Henry chuckles softly, shaking his head.

"Sorry to disappoint, but she's just a friend... at least for now."

I avert my eyes after seeing him give me a wink, feeling awkward with the new people now showing up. Doing so though allowed me to see a familiar car approaching the parking lot; it looked just like the car we had used...

The car was quickly parked, with Cameron exiting the driver's seat. He had an expression that I could consider as dangerous, and it seemed to scare the people around Henry and I away. Does Cameron have a negative reputation at the school?

Approaching me, Cameron was quick to pull me in for a hug, his expression softening right before he did so.

"What were you thinking, running off like that? It doesn't matter if this guy was a supposed childhood friend; you could've been taken advantage of. You need to be more careful..."

I could sense the tension that was growing from the hug, Henry probably feeling quite uncomfortable. Can't say I necessarily blame him...

"Let's get back in the car and get going; I can't trust someone you say you haven't seen in years; who knows how much he's changed."

Before I could say anything in Henry's defense, Cameron was leading me back to the car. Henry didn't say anything, but seemed to give me a look that said 'be careful'. I understand his concern, but Cameron's just being an overprotective step-brother...

"We should head home. Got to get this one in bed."

After getting my seatbelt on I looked in the back seat to see an unconscious Damien strapped in with the seatbelt. It seemed obvious who won the fight at the dojo; I hope he'll be okay.

"Don't worry about him; he's endured worse. It's normal for siblings to fight, and the intensity only grows depending on the strength of the ones fighting..."

I found myself unable to respond as Cameron drove out of the school's parking lot. I could see Henry just staring at us; it was honestly a bit creepy if I was being completely honest.

"My apologies for letting this trip get out of hand; Damien and I don't always get along..."

I smiled softly, finding his apology quite sweet to hear.

"It's alright, I understand. Maybe next time don't use such a... violent method to deal with disagreements?"

Cameron nods.

"I'll... I'll see what I can do. Do you mind if we have a silent drive back; I need some time to think?"

"Of course, whatever you want."

Cameron gave me a soft thank-you before staying quiet. He's not the most talkative person so I can understand his want for a quiet drive; it's not like I mind either way. Still, why would Henry say these two are dangerous...? They're my step-brothers; sure they can be physical with each other, but it's not like I'm in any harm; at least, I don't think so.

A Brawl Between Brothers (Yandere!Brother X Female!Reader X Yandere!Brother)Where stories live. Discover now