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Leo took me up to my room around three hours ago, and during that time there has been a substantial amount of yelling at Luca. From Leo, his friends, my father, my siblings, I swear I even heard a maid having a go at him.

But now I'm bored, just sat writing about that pained girl. I had no other hobbies really, besides reading and...coding? That's a way to make it sound less illegal, right? Truth be told, I'm a hacker. But I haven't done it since Theo got sent away. That was when I was so upset I threw my laptop across the room as I hacked into the police station security cameras and saw them load him in the van for juvie. I was a little emotional back then.

My dad. My stepfather? Adoptive father? I don't even know what to call him anymore. He used to be a hacker for the FBI, and taught me everything. Not his smartest choice, but once I knew the basics, he stopped knowing I'd end up doing some illegal shit. So I taught myself.

He taught me so much, I probably know every FBI protocol there is, and even if I didn't, I can just hack the system and search it up.

I was broken out of my thoughts by a knock at my door. Sliding my book under the pillows, knowing they'd probably send me to therapy or an insane asylum if they read it.

"Come in." I said.

Poking his head through, Giovanni, my dad, gave me a small (which i think is a bit much for him) smile. "Hi sweetie." He said as looked at me from the other side of the room.

"Hi Gio-Da- Um hi" Totally not awkward.

"Gio's fine, can I come in?" I nod my head, not failing to notice how his smile faltered slight.

He came across the room and sat on the edge of my bed, turning sideways to face me. "Leo told me what happened earlier." He says.

"Oh" is all I say, not really knowing how to react. Ever since the...injury, the only people who ever saw me in pain from it was Theo, David, Amanda, Joshua and Megan.

"What happened, Leo told me he walked in and you were screaming on the floor. I tried to talk to Luca...but he's..."

"Freaked out?" I offer with a little chuckle.

"How'd you know?" He grins.

"He practically shit himself." I respond. He gave me a slight glare for my choice of word, but didn't mention it. He just sat there in silence, waiting for me to start. "It was the accident. My knee burst. I had to have loads of physio therapy so it could work properly again. I spent most my time at the hospital for three months because if we didn't act fast I would've probably lost my leg." I explain, looking down and playing with my hands.

"I'm guessing that's why their was a dip in your school record?" He says. I only answer back with a nod.

"How often does these pain start?" He asks as he motions down to my knee.

"Depends really. Random things trigger the ache, aches turn to pain, pain to burning and burning turns to just pure agony." I explain.

"And how long does it take to get from ache to agony?" He asks with a solemn face.

"A day, maybe two, but it's hard to tell because there's always some tension." I tell him, already feeling the tension I mentioned due to the painkillers wairing off.

"Is their anything that can be done?" he asks, in a concerned manor.

"I don't think so, the doctor told me this was better than he thought I was gonna get anyway." I shrugged.

"Well, I've had a word with Luca, things like this won't happen again." He tell me, his scowl slightly forming at the mention of his son's actions.

"Don't be too harsh on him, he was just joking on and didn't realise." I plead a little. Don't really know why I bothered, but I did.

"Now, let's discuss the painkillers. I understand that you need to use them for your knee, but I want you to use them responsibly. No addiction or overdosing stuff. Read the bottles before you decide how much to have." I nod my head in understanding, knowing fully well I don't want to be addicted to oxy.

"Right, it's getting late now." He says, motioning to the alarm clock on my bedside table, 23:21. Guess it was more than just a few hours.

"Get some sleep cara." He gave off a slight smile, and stood up.

"Goodnight Gio." I said as I turned on my side."

"Good night Liviana."

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