Skeletons in the closet

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As a child, I always loved the phrase 'skeletons in my closet'

I didn't take me long to figure out that it meant hidden away secrets.

But the fact that it was 'skeletons' made it much more entertaining to me. In a halloween sort of way.

When you hear the stories of the skeletons, however, that is when it becomes far less entertaining.

That's is when you are thankful that halloween only comes once a year.

"Mi hermana was a beautiful woman. For years, she was known as the pretty one in our family.

She was only worshiped for her looks, not for her talents."

His tone had become dark and cold. I had never seen Xavier so invested into something so meaningful. I hate that it is about something that is clearly upsetting for him.

"At the time, mi padre was the Don of our mafia. He believed that my sister, Gloria, was a waste of space. Had she been born a boy, he would've taken time to raise her.

Then again, he never really raised Carlos or myself either. Just trained us.

Mi mama was powerless against our padre. There was nothing she could do."

He paused for a moment, his eyes brimming with unwavering pain.

"Whenever he got a chance, he would beat mi mama. There wasn't a day at home when I didn't see a bruise on her body.

When a strong growing gang began to attack our mafia, mi padre offered up mi hermana as a peace offering."

I watched as a single tear slipped down his cheek, despite his stone cold, unwavering voice.

"The leader was a known rapist and had a generous history in domestic violence.

Mi hermano and I were forbidden to see Gloria after she was wed. Eight months after the wedding, I snuck over to the house she was living...

She was naked on the floor, pregnant, and bruises covering her entire body. Even her stomach.

There was blood everywhere.

By the time I got her to the hospital, she had already lost the baby."

That was the moment his voice broke.

The moment I saw Xavier unveil his deepest, darkest secret.

"Five hours after I told her, I went outside to talk to the doctor, she opened the window of her twelfth floor hospital room.

And jumped."

I didn't say anything as he finished telling me about his sister.

"That day, I went home to find mi padre beating mi mama once again, and I lost it.

I took one of the balls from the pool table, and beat him to death with it.

Mi mama has no idea it was me, she was unconscious at the time. But Carlos knew it was me.

He had no idea about Gloria, and mi mama had made both of us promise from a young age not to do anything to our padre, knowing Carlos would have to take up the role of Don.

He's hated me for it ever since.

But I've never told him about Gloria, all he knows is that she killed herself while in the hospital. He never checked any further as it was too painful for him, especially when it all happened when he was eighteen to his twin sister."

"How old were you?" I questioned quietly.

"Thirteen." He whispered back, tears now flowing freely down his cheeks.

I shuffled closer to him, my back against the cushions of the bed. I pulled him into a hug, his head resting on my chest.

Listening to my heart beat, Xavier Ramirez broke in front of me.

We stayed like that for an hour, me just comforting him as he cried into my neck.

I had to wave away Leo who was about to come inside to check on me.

"Liviana." I heard a timid voice whisper.

"Yes Xavier?" I replied, still brushing his black hair away from his face.

"I love you." He told me.

"I love you too."

We've all got skeletons in our closet.

Some darker and older than others. Some holding more memories and horrors of the past we must avoid.

Yet, despite it all, Xavier told me his.

He showed me the skeleton that haunts him most, without expecting anything in return.

He was willing to show me how damaged he believed he is.

But, the thing about being damaged is, nothing is too broken.

I'm damaged, he's damaged, Theo is damaged, everyone I know and don't know is damaged.

We never know how bad until we see for ourselves the effect it has on us.

And Xavier showing me how much he loves me, was in the last two hours we spent together. Trusting me enough to show me his skeletons, showing me the pain he must bare for the rest of his life. The pain of the fact he is no longer close to his brother, by protecting him from the truth of their beloved sister and deranged father.

"Do you think any different of me?" His voice was a mere whisper of silence.

"No." I reply.

"How could you not?" He humourlessly chuckles, "I killed my father, my own flesh and blood. He may have been a monster but he was my father non the less."

"You acted out of anger and revenge. I can say for sure, he deserved a lot worse of a death." I reply.

"I didn't even feel guilty for it, for killing a member of my family." He sighed, tired of not knowing his  but also knowing his emotions.

"And I am thankful for that." I tell him. "Living with the guilt of killing a family member brings with it, unbearable emotional agony. No matter what death it is."

He remained quiet for a moment, letting my words register properly in his mind.

Acknowledging the details and hidden meanings of my explanation.

"You have experience in this." He states.

"Yes." I reply, this time, it was my voice that was cold.

"You've killed a member of your family?"


"Who?" His eyes were wide in curiosity and astonishment.

"My sister."

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