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10 years later

The screams and pleas echoed through the burning flames as the house burnt. The death swarmed the home of Angelo Gonzales as his tortured body lay inside.

After ten years of him running and hiding, we had finally found the man who killed Gloria. A woman who deserved love and worship was avenged by her family.

I held tightly onto Xavier's scarred hand as we watched the house collapse into a burning rubble. I wrapped my arm around Vito who had tears in his eyes, and I smiled comfortingly at Carlos who was freely crying at the sight.

Carlos never fully got over the death of his sister, and the knowledge of what happened to her will always rest on his shoulders. Unfortunately, nothing could be done now.

And Vito had never moved on after losing the love of life. He has remained a single man since the death of his wife, and has no plans to move on.

Andrea left the mafia and became a school teacher, and Nina is a lawyer who's firm works for the Italian, French and Spanish mafias. They have two children, Kyle who is a nine year old obsessed with football, and Juliette, an eleven year old dancer.

Luca has married Miles, his friend from his teenage years. The two decided against having children since they agreed Miles is still far too childish himself and Luca has not got the patiences for a child of his own. Luca passed down the role as future Don, stating he himself would have no heir so it was pointless.

Leo remains the greatest hacker in the world, and works for both the Italian and French Mafia. His life is computers and family. Nine years ago he married Callie, and they have Maria, who is eight, Marco who is nine and Mattia who is ten after a one night stand that led to their relationship,

Megan sadly passed from cancer, her death broke each and every one of us. But Josh was most devastated at the loss of his sister, and left for the army. We get letters every once in a while, but he keeps his distance.

Theo left the mafia and became a world renowned assassin, known for his expertise with a knife. I have never seen him happier with his life, and while he only focuses on work and not relationships, I support him one hundred percent.

Ian became a general surgeon at a major hospital in New York, and often stops by with his son from a one night stand who happens to be Leon's age. The mother had a hard time finding him and then passed away. His son, Patrick, is the centre of his universe, and has brought Ian so much indescribable joy.

And for Xavier and I, we got married six months after his return. Once Leon was comfortable around Xavier and adapting to the fact that Logan was not returning, Xavier began to heal. After many long night talks about the way Alexia broke him over and over again for years, together, we put the pieces back together.

Sometimes he'll drift off into his own little world, and I am the only one who can bring him back. But besides that, he is the man he used to be. In addition to Leon, with have two other children. Giovanni Logan Ramirez our ten year old son, and Gloria 'Ria' Gabrielle Ramirez our four year old daughter.

"I love you." I whispered in Xavier's ear.

Smiling down at me, he placed a kiss on my forehead before turning back to the flames in front of us. After the years of trauma he endured, Xavier is now a man of few words, but he makes up for that with his actions.

Since there is no heir to the Italian and Spanish Mafia, everyone decided it be best it go to someone with roots to both.


While he has only just turned fourteen, Leon is heir to the French, Italian and Spanish Mafia when he becomes of age. Obviously since there are three mafias to rule -which has never been heard of before- his cousin and uncles and myself will help him lead.

Leon had become such a sweet boy despite growing up in the mafia. And nothing could ever change the man he will become.


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