Heart Attack

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My entire life could be a story.

A story of love and laughter, of pain and misery, and everything in between.

As painful as the misery has been though, everything good overcomes those horrible moment. Everything good prepared me for the happiness I have been deprived of for so long.

"He's had a heart attack." The words were like a bullet soaring through me as they left his lips.

Then, not even minutes later we were packed into two Lamborghinis between the lot of us. Me with Callie and Logan with Ian and Andrea.

So many thoughts were flashing through my mind; images of what could have happened to Gio.

How bad will this heart attack effect him?

Will he even survive it?

"We're nearly there Liv, don't worry." Callie tried to comfort, holding my hand in her own.

The thing with Callie is, she won't say it's all going to be okay, because she knows that's not a fact, but a hope.

The amount of crap Gio puts in his body with the drinking and cigarettes and cigars.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the hospital, where five black SUVs were already waiting outside.

And once inside, there were at least two guards lining ever corridor.

Bolting to the front desk, I slammed my hands down harshly, by accident of course, catching the receptionist attention.

"Giovanni Vitale." I state, watching as the wide eyed man looked back down at his computer, typing away on the keyboard.

"Room 452, cardio ward, eighth floor." He said, not bothering to ask if I was family given how much shock he was in.

By now, Andrea, Ian and Logan had arrived too, and were already holding the elevator doors for me.

Pressing the button for the eighth floor, I accidentally hit the ninth and tenth as well due to how much my hand was shaking.

Noticing this, Ian gently took my hand in his own, rubbing his thumb over the back of it soothingly. Then Andrea lightly kissed my forehead, no doubt needing that comfort more for himself then me.

The second the doors opened, Andrea and I were dragging the other three down the corridor after us. This corridor holding at least five men a hallway, signalling this was indeed where Gio was being treated.

"There!" Andrea pointed towards a room, where he had supposedly spotted the number.

We all were stood outside in a matter of seconds.


The bed was empty.

The room was having the floor cleaned of the blood that had fell from a dead patient.

"Dad..." I mumbled out, my eyes never leaving the blood coating the marble floor.

"Is he..?" Ian muttered quietly.

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