The Boys

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"If she says she'll be back soon, she'll be back." Jake shrugged as he took a cigarette out of his pocket.

When Liv was taken, Jake stopped by on a regular basis, checking in on everyone. The other guys did too, like Miles and Logan and Alec, but Jake was the one who did anything we needed.

He became my best friend.

Along with Josh.

He and Megan practically moved in with us when Liv was taken.

They became apart of our friend group and we all worked together to try and find Liv.

Josh and Megan became apart of the mafia.

The French Mafia.

Technically, I am their boss, but when she returns, Liv will be.

When they found out about the mafia, they were shocked to say the least.

David and Amanda know about their involvement, David already knowing about my role as he covered for me many times.

Alec, Miles and Logan became apart of the Italian Mafia, but they were already planning on it before Liv was taken.

Nina has no involvement in the mafia, but she's in law school, practicing under our current lawyer so she can become one of our attorneys when she graduates.

Jake handles all the computer things in the French Mafia, becoming a member when we told him about why Liv had disappeared.

"From what you've told us, Liv is strong. She's gonna get through whatever those shitheads did to her." Logan commented as he took the lit cigarette off Jake when he had his first smoke.

Jake, Logan, Miles and Alec are the only people I've ever told about what happened.

They found me when I overdosed in the locker room after basketball practice.

It was a month after Liv was taken, and I just couldn't handle it anymore.

They brought me back and shoved me in the showers to get sober. Since then, I've never done more than weed, scared of what I'll do to myself.

I'm not an addict, but without my little sister, I don't know what I'd do.

"I hope so." I mumbled as I took a smoke of the cigarette we were passing around.

"We'll help her through it." Alec says, determination set on his face.

"Did you tell Vito about the messages yet?" Miles asks as he leans back in his seat.

"No." I sigh, "If Liv wanted him to know, she would've messaged him herself."

Alec, Logan and Miles weren't at the ball since there is a limited amount of people each Mafia can bring, for safety precautions.

As soon as we got home, they drove straight over and I told them everything that happened, and how we have Callie and Ian back.

They saw Ian and Callie for an hour since Nina and Andrea and Lenny were hogging them.

All my life, I've only had a small group of friends, always being cautious of who I trust.

I always knew that my Dad wasn't my biological father. I remembered bits of my life with Giovanni, photographic memory and all.

I remember Giovanni putting me to bed, I remember  playing cars with the twins, and guns with Andrea. I remember Rina wanting a little sister so bad she used to put a tiara on my head. And Vito would just sit with me and draw.

"What do you think she's doing?" Logan asked.

Logan also confessed to me, after she was taken, that he liked her. And since Liv's birthday is November, he's only fifteen months older than her.

I still broke his nose, but... he's okay.

"It's Liv, she probably hacked into one of our bank accounts and took some money." I shrugged, " I have no doubt she's sat on her king sizes bed in the presidential suit in a five star hotel right now."

They all just laughed at my description, nodding their heads.

"How long has she known how to hack for?" Jake asked on a curious tone

"She learnt when she was, like, I dunno, six." I respond.

"Six!" They all shouted.

"Yeah, our dad was in the FBI and her godfather was his boss, so she was allowed inside the black site. He and his friends taught her all about computers and weapons and stuff like that." This time, I took out my own cigarette and started to smoke it.

"Lucky little shit." Jake mumbled, jealous of her special learning experience.

We all just laughed at the frown on his face.

"How's your mom anyway?" I asked Miles and Logan, since I haven't seen Maria in a few weeks.

"Things have been hard..." Miles says, noticing how Logan's mood dropped completely.

"Why?" Alec asked as he took a swig of the beer in his hand.

They sat quietly for a moment, Miles looking at Logan for what must be approval to answer the question.

Logan nodded his head, and Miles explained why he had been so distant lately.

"His biological father is trying to take custody again, and somehow, there a chance it might happen."

We all know what happened with Logan and his biological family. We've all seen his temper get the best of him at times. We've seen him flinch when peoples tones rise. We've all woken him up from a nightmare or night terror before.

Maria found him on the streets when he was eleven, and took him in.

She got his foster parents arrested for five years, and has been trying to legally adopt him ever since.

There's been trouble adopting him though, since his father always found a way to delay it.

But now he's trying to take full custody.

Trying to take him back to Vegas and ruin his life once again.

In that moment, I made a promise.

To him and myself.

I know how horrible it is to be scared to go to sleep in case you have a nightmare. To relive that horrific moment over and over again.

I've watched as people I love suffered from the trauma they experienced.

I watched Liv.

I saw every night how she'd fight to stay awake so she wouldn't have to sleep. The only time she slept peacefully, was when I was in the bed with her.

And after I went to juvie, it was the same with Josh and Megan.

Anyone who she trusted was enough to let her have a calm nights sleep.

And I will be that person for Logan.

The person he can trust with his problems.

"That bastard will die before he can take you away."

He smiled in response.

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