Morning Celebration

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Personally, I've never really been a fan of sleep.

But, I can tell you for certain, I am not a fan of being jumped on first thing in the morning to wake up.

"Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday Liv!

Happy birthday to you!"

Turning my head when I feel the huge weight being lifted off of my back, I saw Giovanni, Vito, Rina, Andrea, Nina, Leo, Luca, Ian, Logan, Miles, Alec, Jake, Josh and Megan.

All of them wearing party hats and empty confetti poppers in their hands.

They got confetti in my hair...


Then again, the sight of Giovanni and Vito wearing completely blacks suits with confetti in their perfectly styled hair, small smiles on their faces; is a present in itself.

"Five more minutes." I mumbled as I turned my face back towards my pillow.

"Come on Theo!" Nina whined, "we have gifts."

"That's cool." I muttered, closing my eyes.

"There's breakfast." Rina told me.


"There's beer." I heard all of my friends and the twins sat together.

"Why didn't you lead with that!" I yawn as I lifted my covers off of me, and threw on a pair of joggers over my boxers and a white t-shirt.

"Just because there's beer doesn't mean you can drink it." Giovanni says in a fatherly tone.

"I'm eighteen, I can do what I like." I smirked.

"The legal drinking age in America is twenty-one mister." He continues in a half playful half joking tone.

"Since when has a Vitale followed the rules of the law?" I quirk, challenging him like I usually do.

"Just get your ass downstairs." Vito chuckles as he shoves me towards my open bedroom door.

They all followed me down stairs and into the living room, me and the guys talking about random things on the way.

"Okay!" Rina chirped in a silencing tone. If there's one thing I've learnt about Rina in the past two and a half years, is that birthdays are very serious to her. "Here's the first present."

She hands me a large box, with black wrapping paper and a white ribbon on top.

"That's off us." Andrea says as he motions to Nina and himself.

I opened the box, to see a brand new leather jacket inside.

"Thanks." I smile, I as try it on, it fitting perfectly.

We went through gift after gift, all of them being something I've been wanting or needed.

Vito got me an engraved black handgun, Vitale written on the side where my index finger lay.

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