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The wind whistled through my ears and the trees rustled with their autumn leaves.

The gloomy grey clouds over head predicted rain and thunder for the night to come. The grass beneath my feet was hard and solid, unable to waver beneath my boots.

"Tell me what to do." I whispered, glancing down at the gravestone.

Every week or so, I would take time out of my day to visit this cemetery. To visit the grave of the one I loved.

"How do I go on, knowing what I know?" I asked as I traced the engraved letters. "Do I tell him, or continue to let him believe a lie?"

Never had I thought my life would turn out this way.

Born into a mafia family, stolen from a mafia family, raised in a secret mafia family. Losing my mother, then my dad and my sisters. Meeting my biological family, getting my brother back, getting kidnapped, finding the love of my life, loosing my father, loosing my sister and the love of my life. Finding comfort in someone I never expected to, having a child, becoming a mafia boss...

I never thought my life would turn out this way.

"You're lucky you're dead." I chuckled, "If you were me, you'd be panicking so much you'd run off to Peru or someplace"

I could almost hear the eye roll.

"I miss you." I mumbled, tears gathering in my eyes, "I miss you so much."

None of this was meant to happen.

Everyone should be alive.

I should be spending my weekends by the pool, watching as Xavier chucked Leon up in the arm with his little arm bands on. My brothers all stood by the barbecue with water pistols, shooting each other while the food cooks. Giovanni should be the one flipping the burgers, laughing as his grandson and son in law play happily in the pool. The odd friend here and there, messing around since they still haven't matured. I should be sat at the pool edge with Rina, sipping away on our beers as we laugh at our family.

"When I find who took you two from me, I'll kill them with my bare hands."

Rina sat with her baby girl, the one she was due to have with Amelia before she died.

Why must the children always suffer in the Vitale family? The moment I knew of Leon's existence, I went into hiding. Twice had unborn Vitale children been stolen from the world they had yet to arrive in. And I refused to have my son become a third.

"I swear they will suffer."

With a final glance down at the grave, I kissed the tip of my fingers and placed them down on the headstone.

I will never get used to reading the words, Katerina Vitale.

Unknown POV

Liviana Vitale has it all.

All her life, she has been surrounded by power and people who can use it properly. Protection and ultimate fame in the underworld.

Nothing and no one denies her wishes.

It makes me sick.

Thankfully, I've been employed to do a job.

A job that such precision and care is necessary to complete. And I will not fail In executing this plan.

After all, who really wants Liviana Vitale alive?

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