Presidential Suit

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"What are you doing!" I shouted from my spot in the middle of the king sized bed in the bedroom of the presidential suit of the five star hotel we were staying at.

"Drying my balls!" Xavier shouted back in a sarcastic tone.

"I could do that for you." I whined as he walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, showing off his toned skin and prominent v line and his newly tattooed chest.

"You've already helped me empty them though." He smirks as he removes his towel and puts on a pair of black Calvin Klein boxers.

"Shut up!" I laughed as I smacked his head that was now resting on my chest.

It's been two weeks since the mafia ball, and Xavier and I have been taking full advantage of our new freedom.

"Whatever." He mumbled as he closed his eyes as his head laid on my bra covered boobs.

I've always wondered, what would've happened if I hadn't been kidnapped.

Would I be in collage?

In a relationship? With Logan?

Part of the mafia?

Leading my own mafia?

But the truth is, I wouldn't change anything.

Sure, I endured over two years of torture. And yes it was painful, but I met Xavier.

"What's wrong?" He asked, not even moving from his position.

"Do you ever feel guilty about what we did?" I asked.

"No." He answered, a deadly calm tone in his voice.

"But we killed so many people..."

He lifted his head and crawled his way up my body, kissing my forehead before speaking.

"We know what Alexi was going to do, it was them, or everyone we love." He told me, his brown eyes staring down into my green ones.

I pondered what he said, thinking about the choice we made.

It was a dangerous and destructive decision that was mainly powered by love and revenge. A decision that has set us on a path to a whole new world.

But if we didn't do it, we would have lost everything we used as hope while we were held captive. Take away our mafias, our friends, our families.


"It was us or them." I said

"Us or them." He repeated.

"I still feel guilty though." I mumbled as I turned my head away from him to look at the street lights lighting up  Central Park.

He cupped my cheek in the palm of his hand, and turned my head to face him.

"That's proves you're still human. That they didn't break you."

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