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I've always hated hospitals, I've never had too good experiences in them.

First time I remember being here, my mother had had a home birth with my sister, and there were complications. She was rushed to the hospital with my new born sister and I had to sit in the waiting room with my dad.

The second time, my other sister was born, and she almost died too. It was touch and go for a few days due to my mother's age. But they both pulled through.

Then it was the chemotherapy my mother tried to rid herself of the lung cancer she has developed. Despite her repeated times of trying to quit cigarettes, she never could unless she was pregnant. Say what you want, she did anything for her children.

Then there was the accident.

The accident that later became the worst day of my life.

I remember being taken down to the morgue at my own request, and seeing their limp, lifeless bodies once again, this time laid across a metal table.

The surge of guilt I felt when I looked at my oldest younger sister though, that is something I never wish to experience again.

If it weren't for Theo standing there with me, I have no doubt I would stay down there for hours.

Then I was forced back to the same hospital over and over again for my physio therapy to regain function in my knee.

After all of those events in my life, it's fair to say I hate hospitals. Fear them even.

However, in this moment, that fear of this building was washed away as I sat in the waiting room.

My left knee bouncing up and down in anticipation. The wait for the surgeons to walk through the doors to the OR floor ready to swallow me whole.

The moment Theo shot Xavier, he and Logan picked him up and took him outside to the SUV they came in and drove to the hospital. All the while I was holding his head in my lap as I cried over his struggling body.

Josh and stayed back to clean up the mess that was once the traitor Alec.

"Why did you shoot him?" My voice was nothing more than a mere whisper as I laced my fingers together, not ready to look at my closest brother who was sat beside me.

"He killed Alec. You saw his body." Theo replied, a harshness still in his tone. "Did Xavier force you to do anything? Did he torture you when you were with the Russians?"

I let out a humourless chuckle, finally looking into the eyes of my brother.

"The only time Xavier touched Alec was when we were moving him from car to car and tying him down to the chair. I tortured Alec. I killed that traitorous bastard. Xavier forced me into nothing, only helped me. He was tortured with me during my time with the Russians. He protected me as best as he could."

Theo, Logan and Josh, who arrived a few minutes ago with the rest of my family, were all staring at me in shock.

"Why Liviana?" Vito asked, his tone cold and heartless, yet his eyes warm and welcoming as they looked at me.

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