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When someone dies, there are certain stages of grief. Stage one, denial. You refuse to believe that you will never see that person again. Never hold their hand, never see their smile, never hear their laugh, never see those eyes. It's all gone, and you're never going to be the same again.

Stage two, acceptance. Where you finally realise the fantasy world you created to escape the darkness of reality comes crashing down around you. That moment, is moment when you see the true meaning of loneliness.

Stage three, depression. All the emotions you hid away in denial appear before you, and you can no longer run away.

Stage four, anger. The rage you feel towards the world, to the survivors, to God. All that hate overcomes your depression, leaving you in a fit of undeniable anger.

Stage five, recovery. The recovery of the tragedy you were once faced with. The point where acceptance is something you can learn to live with. Recovery is where you begin to continue with your life.

I stayed in stage three for quite some time.

All the rage I felt was like a swirling storm, ready to destroy everything in it's path.

After losing people over and over again, it's hard to find sanctuary in peace. All you feel is an undeniable hatred for everything and everyone around you.

That day.

That day I lost everything.

The plane landed in Cuba with a steady approach, yet that didn't ease my worries and shaking hands.

I haven't spoken, haven't panicked, haven't even heard the voices of the family that was sat beside me.

All I did was keep calm breaths from the hospital to this Cuban airport.

The jet crashed in Cuban waters, so all survivors were brought to the hospital by the beach where bystanders watched the jet fall from the sky.

I followed slowly after Theo, my eyes never leaving his shoes as I refused to look up. The fear of what was to come was eating me alive.

The car journey to the hospital was only minutes long due to Andrea's hectic driving. Once we were outside, my hand never left Megan's as she guided me inside.

The names of my family and boyfriend was all I heard leave Theo's lips as he stood at the front desk.

Turns out, the doctor in charge of the crash was waiting for us there. And his words built up every bit of hope I had left;

"Leo is doing fine, a few cuts and bruises. Luca has a severe injury to his eye, which may result in loss of sight in the left eye. Vito's crushed ribs and collapsed lung have been fixed, but it seems he may have been overworking himself before he passed out, possibly doing CPR which has made his injuries more severe."

"And Rina and Xavier?" Andrea whispered, clutching onto Nina in desperation.

And then, that hope shattered completely.

"Your sister suffered a life ending injury, metal pieces of the plane straight through her heart and more crushing her internal organ, she had a quick death.

Xavier's body was not recovered, but Vito informed us that he didn't survive."

That day replaced all of my old nightmares. Those three words 'he didn't survive' is what haunts me to the core.

All of the air left my lungs, all the tears left my eyes, all the love left my heart, and all the life left my soul.

I remember that day as if it were yesterday. The way Megan gasped, how my brothers tore apart the waiting room like ravaged dogs, how Josh comforted Megan as they went to visit the survivors.

And I collapsed to the floor as I cried on the closest shoulder I could.


For weeks he was by my side. He never let me suffer alone. If I was angry, he'd be my punch bag, if I was sad, he'd be my comfort, if I had a random burst of happiness, he'd do everything he could to make it last as long as possible.

In these past four years, Logan was alway there for me.

And when Leon was to be expected, he was perfect. He completely apologised for the kiss he attacked me with, and earned his redemption and forgiveness.

And in those years, I learned to love him the way he loved me.

Leon was born, and I decided to name him in honour of my dad, Napoleon. It seemed fitting as he was the parent I went to when all hope was lost. And since that day, Leon has been the light of my life.

If it weren't for him, I doubt I would be who I am today. I'd still be butchering those who deserved death and assassinating enemies when I ran out of tears to cry.

"Liv?" The bedside lamp switched on, and Logan rolled over so his arm was around my waist.

"Why are you awake? It's two in the morning." I cooed, stroking his fringe away from his sleepy eyes.

His voice was horse and tired as he spoke. "You're not sleeping?"

"I was just thinking." I smiled, pecking his lips.

"Ok beautiful." He replied, before glancing over my body and rolling his eyes.

"Why are Callie and Megan in our bed again?" He sighed.


"Because?" He questioned.

"Because." I nodded, cuddling into his chest as Callie cuddled my back, and Megan hers.

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