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"Don't you ever get tired of having women gawk at you all day long?" I sighed, glancing back at Leo who was basking in all the attention.

"Fuck no!" He laughs, slinging an arm around my shoulder as we continue are merry little way down the streets of Spain.

"Whatever." Rolling my eyes, I ignored the glances I was repeatedly getting.

"We'll be home soon, don't worry." Leo chuckled seeing the hint of a frown on my face.

"I know... I just miss him."

Leo just shook his head with a slight chuckle, watching my misery with joy.

It probably didn't help that we were walking down these busy streets with only a pair of shorts on and some sliders.

"Why is it so fucking hot?" Leo whined for the millionth time as we turned a corner.

"Geographic location, climate change, the average climate, dense population resulting in cramped and sweaty places." I listed off, chuckling at the glare he sent my way.

"Well, it's almost nine, so let's just go to a club." Leo shrugged, taking a sip of the paper straw from his bag of Fanta.

Fucking child wouldn't stop begging for one

"Fine." I dragged out, having him drag me further into the city.

We ended up outside some fancy nightclub owned by some national dealer. I know this because...who do you think funds the club.

The Vitale Mafia.

We were immediately let inside the club, the flashing lights momentarily blinding us as we ventured further inside.

The music was blasting from the speakers and echoing off of the walls. The smell of sweat and euphoria dancing around the room along with the bodies of drunk people who want a night of fun.

"Six shots!" Leo shouts to the bartender as we stood opposite him, shaking his ass to the music.

He slapped down a twenty, while the bartender laid out the shots for the two of us.

"On the house gorgeous." The man winked.

I just raised my eyebrow as my twin, who stood there a little stunned.

Smirking, the bartender headed over to the other side of the bar to serve other customers, his eyes never leaving Leo as he did.

"Been here not only...six minutes and you've already got your fuck of the night planned out." I chuckle as I watch Leo's eyes follow the figure.

And to be fair, he's a good looking bloke. Blonde hair, falling over his blue eyes and tattoos trailing around his left arm. Big muscles, not as big as ours, but a decent size. He's a bit short though, and had a bit of a higher voice then one would assume.

"Well, let's dance." Leo cheered as he finished he final shot like myself and dragged me down the steps to the dance floor.

Fake sighing, I followed my brother who always seemed to be ready for a dance at a club, forcing me to do the same.

I'd much rather drink my own body weight-

-but nooooo, Leo must dance!

Deciding to stop being miserable for a few hours, I danced....

For a total of three minutes.

While Leo was grinding on a brown haired guy and a red head girl, I went back over to the bar.

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