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"Right. Snap out of it" I told my self, slapping my cheeks lightly to get rid of the tear stains.

"Gio asked what's was wrong." Theo mumbled as he rested his chin on my head, his arms wrapped around my shoulder.

"What did you tell him?' I asked as I looked in the mirror to find that waterproof mascara works really well.

"About how we lived in France, and how French is something very close to you." He says, telling me he told Gio the bare minimum.

"I have to learn a whole new language..." I sighed.

"I'll help you, don't worry." Theo replied, giving me another hug for comfort.

"They act as if nothing is new to us." I mutter, hugging him back.

"Liv, stop complaining." He chuckled. "We've been through so much, all of it far worse than this. Nothing they do can top that, and despite it all, we came out on the other side." He whispered with his chin on my head.

"You're annoyingly correct." I mumbled as I leant back in my seat.

"I think you mean amazingly" he responds with a smirk.








I was cut off by the car door opening, and three figures climbing inside.

Andrea was in the driver's seat, Luca next to him, and I had Leo and Theo on either of my sides.

"I tried to change his mind, I'm sorry." Leo said quietly as he kissed the side of my head.

Surprisingly, Leo is someone I don't mind doing that. It's usually only Theo I feel comfortable with. But Leo just has this effect on people.

We drove out of the driveway and started our journey to school, all of us sat in silence. 

It didn't take long for us arrive outside the school and into the car park, where all the students outside were staring at the car as we pulled up outside. 

One by one, we climbed out of the car, but gasps and whispers started when Theo and I got out. 

Girls were either ogling at my brothers, at me or glaring at me. And boys were staring at me lustfully, at my brothers lustfully, or just glaring at us. 

Seeing this, Theo put his arm around my shoulder and brought me to his side. Over protective brother

"Come on, we'll introduce you to our friends." Leo says, a happy grin on his face, while Andrea and Luca are currently glaring at everyone who looks our, no, my way. 

"Why?" Theo questioned, sounding annoyed. 

"Dad said to keep an eye on you guys, and stay with you as much as we can." Andrea explained.  

"Fine." Theo mumbled. 

We followed the boys over to a group of people, all stood around a bench, some leaning against a tree, or wrestling on the floor. 

"Guys!" Luca shouts. All their heads look up at Luca, then they look around and find me and Theo.

"Luca, who's your friends?" A girl asks. She had red hair and  blue eyes, with a heart shaped face and a small smile. 

"This is Theo and Liv, are little brother and sister." Andrea explains as he take a seat beside the girl before kissing her on the cheek. 

"What?!" A load of the people shout, shock evident on their faces. 

"Hi." I say, looking around at everyone. 

"Theo, Liv, this is Callie, Nina, Jake, Alex. Liv you've already met Ian, Miles, and Logan." Leo says as he points to everyone. 

Callie has light blonde hair, almost white, that's pin straight. Her eyes are a bright blue, and her face is a diamond shape and she had pale white skin

Nina was the girl with the red hair who Andrea kissed on the cheek, and she sat there smiling brightly at me. 

Jake had blonde hair, and the same blue eyes and skin tone as Callie. He looked extremely tall, even sat down, but he had a small smile on his face as he gave me a little wave. 

Alex had brown hair, that covered his dark brown eyes. His tan skin was shown through his short sleeve shirt, revealing his random tattoos that covered his arms. Like Jake, he was very tall, but had more muscle. 

Ian was the red head I met at my house when he was playing basketball. Miles is Maria's son who said something about pain killers. And just Logan. 

"Nice to meet you guys." Theo says, shocking me at how polite he sounded. 

"Hi." Everyone responded, including Ian and Logan who have finally stopped wrestling on the floor. 

"Liv come sit down." Nina said as Callie shoved Andrea away and took his seat. 

"Bitch." Andrea mumbled as he rubbed his sore ass. 

I sat down between the two of them, and then, not even a second later, I was bombarded with questions. 

"How old are you?"

"What's your favourite food?"

"What's your favourite movie?"

"Favourite tv show?"

"Brand of clothes?" 

I just gave them a look, saying 'shut the fuck up'. And they did. 

"I'm 14, 15 in a few weeks. My favourite food is a big mac. My favourite film is Goodfellas, tv show is Friends and I love anything Adidas makes." I respond, answering all the questions I heard correctly. 

"Goodfellas huh?" Nina says, a grin stretched across her face. 

"Liv, come on, we need to get your schedule." Leo calls out, a bit suddenly. 

I get up off the bench and went with Leo and Theo who were walking towards the office. People were staring at us as we went by, making Theo walk even closer to me. 

"Ally! I need the schedules for Liviana and Teodoro Vitale." Leo says in a sing song voice as he approached the desk at the reception. The woman, Ally, looked up at him a little grin on her face. She had black hair and green eyes, and looked like an overall nice woman. 

"Here you guys go." She smiles as she hands Theo and I our schedules.

Looking down, I saw I had English Literature first.

"Wait. Why are you in Theo's class?" Leo asks once he looked at both of our lessons. 

"I skipped a year." I respond, shrugging my shoulders. 

"My sister's a smartass I see." Leo jokes, hugging me from the side. 

"Come on." I laugh, following Leo as he guides Theo and I to our classrooms.

Eventually we get there, and just walk straight inside since the teacher wasn't there. 

"Liv! Theo!" Turning my head, I saw Ian and Callie sat at the back of the classroom, smiling at us as we walked over.

"Hi guys." I respond, sitting down next to Ian while Theo sat beside Callie. 

"Why are you in this class, you're only 14?" Callie asks as she leans forward to see past Theo. 

"I skipped a year." I respond. 

"Well, good luck, cause this class is the top in our year." Ian warns a smug grin on his face. 

"I think I'll manage." I smirk, thinking of how I actually have credits to be in the year above already. 

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