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With the loss of all her family, the girl had no choice but to learn to survive on her own.

Months were spent stealing, running, hiding, till she finally took refuge in the home of her best friend. Her family who had been with her for the previous years.

The father, acting like the lovable, funny uncle of the family.

The brother, acting as the overprotective fraternal brother and becoming best friends with the girl's year older brother himself.

The best friend, a comfort that was necessary to the grieving teenager. And also the source of laughter that brought a smile on the girl's face once again.

Then the mother.

After loosing her own mother years before, the best friend's mother was that female role model the girl needed more than ever.

Because, one thing this girl was unaware of was;

Family grows everyday, and everyday, we remember those we've lost, and appreciate those we have.

"Come to bed amor."

Closing my book I found on my desk, I turned around in my chair to see Xavier. There he was, a pout on his childish expression face as he sat with his arms open and waiting for me, his feet planted on the floor.

While I was writing the book I hadn't seen for so long, Xavier got undressed into just his Calvin Klein boxers.

"Let me just get changed." I told him, chuckling at the pout on his face.

"Don't bother, it's not like you'll be wearing them tonight anyway." He cheekily smirked.

"NOT UNDER MY ROOF!" I heard Gio shout from down the hall.

"How the hell did he hear that?" I whisper to a pale faced Xavier.

"FATHERLY INSTINCT!" He shouted again, followed by bellowing laughter of all my brothers and sister from their bedrooms.

"Annoying ass overprotective family." I mumbled as I took off my clothes and got changed into a pair of silk red shorts and cami top.

Tying the bow of the shorts, I stumbled over to the bed in my sleepy haze and koala hugged Xavier who hadn't moved from his spot.

When he tried to move so we were laying down, I whined in protest.

"What's wrong amor?" He asked worriedly, his finger lifting my head from the crook of his neck,

"I just... let me hold you for a moment." I replied, tightening my grip on him.

He stayed quiet for a few minutes, leaving me to have the time I needed.

"You know I love you, right?" He spoke, pulling back to look down at my watery eyes.

Nodding my head, I responded, "I love you too."

It was as if my fears had actually registered in his mind, before he gave me a comforting smile.

"Carlos would never hurt me, I'll return to you." He whispered. "Nothing will keep me away from mi amor."

All night, visions of an injured Xavier have plagued my mind. A weight on my chest at the thought of receiving a phone call from Vito saying Xavier would it return to me.

Which is ironic as Vito is in far more danger than Xavier is.

It was decided that Vito, Xavier, Rina, Leo and Luca would be going to Spain.

Xavier to prove to his brother that he is alive and safe with us.

Vito for some unknown reason.

Rina since she is the calm one of the family.

Luca since he is excellent at reading people.

Leo to stop Luca from killing people.

So, it would only be me, Gio, Andrea and Theo left in the country. Andrea lives down the street with Nina in their own house with Ian, and Theo has his own apartment in the city.

An apartment that he never uses cause of his attachment issues.

But... to be fair, I've only just returned to him after being apart for years.

And, Gio has been acting odd recently.

Very odd.

He'll find joy in the simplest moment, and refuses to have any fighting in the house. He's more understanding and loving then I ever thought possible for someone.

"I want us to move in together." I told him.

"Why, thank you for asking." Xavier chuckled sarcastically.

I grinned up at him, "I'm serious."


"I love you, you love me. We're old enough to buy some place together. And I would prefer to not act like teenagers who have to sneak around to have sex." I smiled up at him.

"We are teenagers." Xavier told me pointedly

"Do you want to live together or not?" I deadpanned.

"Yes mi amor, I'd love to live with you." He smiled at me.

Kissing my forehead, he leaned back. We fell into the bed, hold onto me before flipping us over so he was laying in top of me.

He lowered his head so it was in the crook of my neck, where he placed a few kisses before settling.

"Good night." He mumbled.

"Goodnight." I replied.

I trust Xavier more than anyone in the world. More than Theo. I trust him to believe no matter what happens, he will return to me.

Whether it be running up the driveway with his usual cheeky smirk or crawling home with five broken bones and bullet holes,

He will return to me.

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