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The moment Yoongi walks into his apartment and closes the door behind him, his phone rings.

He smiles to himself, knowing exactly who it is.

"You don't have to call me every night, you know," he says as he places his bag down next to his couch before kicking his shoes off and sitting down.

"Yes I do," Yoongi's uncle laughs from the other end. "I have to make sure you've made it home safely."

"I'm home," he assures his uncle.

"How are things with Aria?" He asks and Yoongi can't help but smile at the mere mention of the girl's name.

"Things are going well. Really well, actually. I think she finally considers me a friend," Yoongi says through the smile that is now glued onto his face.

"I'm glad you're making friends, Yoongi," Mr. Min says. "I'm going to head to bed now. I love you, kid. Sleep well, okay?"

"I love you too, uncle. Sleep well," he says and then hangs up.

Yoongi sighs in happiness, letting his eyes glance over his simple apartment.

It's not much, especially compared to his childhood home, but he likes it. While he does have a large amount of money that he took from his bank account when he left home, he's always been careful about spending it. He spent his summers working a lot of jobs in the business industry to help him prepare for his future with his parents' company, and he never needed to spend his income as his parents always took care of his financial needs, so Yoongi just saved all of his money in his own bank account.

When he left, he made sure to drain that bank account and open up a new one that his parents could not access, in case they decided the money belonged to them for helping him get the jobs in the first place.

Now, because he was smart enough to save all of that money as a teenager, he can focus all of his time and energy into his studies instead of needing to get a job to be able to afford to survive. He's always been wiser than most people his age, and he's grateful for that wisdom that's helped him thrive in his adulthood.

Once he graduates college, Yoongi hopes to become a professional pianist, performing concerts all over the world and enlightening as many people as he can reach with the art of music. Money is not important; fame is not important; all Yoongi wants is to share his story with other people who may need that push that his uncle gave him. That push that he's trying to give to Aria.

Yoongi stands from his couch to prepare to get ready for bed, and when he reaches his bedroom at the end of the small hallway, his phone vibrates, signaling that he has a new text message.

Aria: "Goodnight, Yoongs."

Yoongi smiles to himself.

Yoongi: "Goodnight, beautiful."

He can just imagine the blush blossoming on Aria's cheeks from the message he's sent her, which only makes the smile that seemingly never leaves his face these days to widen, making his cheeks hurt.

He decides to also send a text to Hoseok because through this hectic week, he's also become quite close with him.

Yoongi: "Goodnight, Hobi. Thanks for everything."

A moment later, Yoongi's phone vibrates.

Hoseok: "Goodnight, beautiful. Aria nearly beat me to death with a pillow for reading that text from you over her shoulder. Be thankful that I'm still alive to be your friend."

Yoongi laughs as he climbs into his bed, smiling like an idiot at his phone. He can definitely imagine that whole scene playing out and he falls asleep peacefully, thoughts of a certain girl playing hauntingly beautiful music etched into his dreams.


The next morning, Yoongi wakes up to his alarm clock blaring at him. He turns it off and stretches his tired muscles, making a promise to himself that he won't stay up too late tonight so he can be well-rested tomorrow. It's a promise he makes to himself every morning when he realizes how exhausted he is, and it's a promise he breaks every night as he stays up too late either in the music room practicing or in front of his keyboard in his apartment composing.

He checks his phone and sees a text from Hoseok, causing him to smile. He's still getting used to the idea of actually having friends who think of him enough to text him.

Hoseok: "Can't wait to see you at my dance recital tomorrow, Yoongs! By the way, Aria hasn't stopped smiling all morning and it's creeping me out. I bet it's because of you. ;)"

Yoongi sighs happily before texting him back.

Yoongi: "Good luck tomorrow, Hobi. & as long as she's smiling, that's all that matters to me."

He decides to take a shower and then cook a simple breakfast since he only has afternoon classes on Fridays, so he doesn't need to rush around as he usually does.

As he seats himself on his couch to eat his breakfast, he realizes just how happy he's been since he's been back, and he knows it isn't just because he's back where he belongs. He's met people who he can tell are going to be in his life, one way or another, for a long time.

He smiles to himself when his phone vibrates and he sees that one of those people has sent him a text.

Aria: "Have a good day, Yoongs."

Since Aria cannot speak, the two of them don't get to have the simple luxury of having a conversation filled with small talk about how their days are going. But the fact that she feels comfortable enough with him to communicate in any way that she can to tell him to have a good day fills Yoongi's heart with an overwhelming sense of warmth and comfort.

To most people, that text wouldn't mean much. But to Yoongi, it means everything.

At this moment, he realizes that Aria is slowly becoming more than just a stranger he walked in on playing piano nearly a week ago; she's becoming so, so much more.

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