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Yoongi wakes up and is immediately met with the lovely scent of Aria. He glances down and realizes that Aria is sound asleep in his arms, cuddled against his chest as they both lay on the couch. A quick glance at his phone tells him that it's 1 o'clock in the morning, so he gently gets up and scoops up the still sleeping girl in his arms before quietly walking up the stairs to lay her in her bed.

Yoongi kisses her forehead gently and writes her a quick note to leave on her bedside table. After scribbling out "goodnight, beautiful" on a small piece of paper, he places it on her table and kisses her forehead again before making his way back downstairs to put his boots and hat back on.

"Hey there," a voice echoes from the dimly lit kitchen and Yoongi glances towards the source of the voice and sees a messy-haired Hoseok drinking some water from a glass.

Yoongi sighs and laces his boots up and places his hat on his head before making his way towards Hoseok, who is smirking at the blonde-haired man.

"Shut up," Yoongi says, hiding his own smile when Hoseok starts to laugh.

"Just to let you know: I approve of this thing you two have," Hoseok says, winking.

"I know you're just being funny, but that really does mean a lot to me," Yoongi says seriously.

"You're good for her. Perfect even," Hoseok says, placing the empty glass in the sink. "Now go home and get some sleep. You have that song about loss to play in class tomorrow," Hoseok says, patting Yoongi's shoulder before following him to the door.

"Goodnight, Hobi," Yoongi says with a smile.

"Goodnight, Yoongs."


Yoongi wakes up the next morning in good spirits even though he will have to re-visit his dark past this afternoon when he plays his piece about loss. In a way, he's even more nervous because he has to play it in front of his uncle; he's never been one to let his emotions show in front of others, especially his family members. He never wanted to burden his uncle with his problems; his uncle has already done so much for him over the years, and the last thing he'd want to do is drag his uncle down with his pain.

After showering and dressing, Yoongi checks his phone and sees two text messages.

Hoseok: "Good luck today!"

Aria: "I can't wait to see you later."

Yoongi's face breaks out in a grin seeing Aria be so open with her emotions; knowing that she's looking forward to seeing him and also knowing that she's okay telling him what she's thinking means that she's taking more steps forward; they are taking steps forward together.

Part of him is nervous for Aria; she has played in front of his uncle before, but this song was specifically composed to capture the feeling of loss. She will have to re-live her darkest moments in that music room; doing something like this could very easily set her back, or even worse, break her all over again.

Yoongi locks up his apartment and drives to the college, determined to keep himself and Aria in a healthy mindset; playing these pieces today will not set them back. He will do whatever he needs to do to continue to move forward and help Aria do the same.

Yoongi's classes go by relatively quickly; partially because he's thinking about his song and how much he hopes it captures his perception of loss, but mostly because there is a certain blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl that refuses to leave Yoongi's thoughts for even a second.

He knows that whatever is going on between the two of them is something special and rare; something that is blooming so beautifully even through all of their hardships and pain.

As Yoongi makes his way to his last class of the day, his favorite class, he spots Aria already seated in her usual chair, scribbling away in the notebook she always writes in.

He makes his way to his usual seat and when Aria senses his presence, she looks up and smiles warmly at him as he sits down next to her.

Yoongi smiles back and leans over to kiss her beautiful, rosy cheek as an unspoken greeting.

Aria quickly puts her notebook away before sighing and leaning her head on Yoongi's shoulder, taking his left hand into both of her own, entangling her fingers with his and squeezing gently.

"You're nervous," Yoongi concludes and he feels her nod.

He turns and kisses the top of her head, sighing before leaning his own head on hers, trying his best to comfort her.

"You can do this. You are the strongest, most beautiful soul I've ever known," Yoongi says quietly.

Yoongi sits up slightly when he feels someone's eyes on him, and when he glances over to his right, he sees the man who has been bothering Aria. He's watching Yoongi and Aria intently, a scowl on his face

"Jealous and immature; what a man," Yoongi says to himself, rolling his eyes before turning his attention back to Aria.

She sits back up and looks at him questioningly for a moment before her eyes slowly shift to see the black-haired man, his gaze burning as he watches the two of them.

Aria scoffs and rolls her eyes, making sure to send him a very clear message with her middle finger before turning back to Yoongi, her eyes immediately softening when they make eye contact.

"I think he likes you," Yoongi says, smirking. "And he's jealous that I get to be so close to someone as gorgeous as you."

Aria's cheeks ignite into a bright red hue, and she sighs deeply before leaning over and kissing Yoongi's cheek, turning to face the front of the classroom as Mr. Min enters the room and leans against his desk with his arms crossed.

"Today's the day, folks," Mr. Min says in his authoritative voice, immediately causing the students to fall silent in anticipation.

"I'll call you in one by one, and you will each play your piece on your instrument of choice; I will be grading you based on technique, emotional impact and your composition ability," he explains. "Let's just dive right in, shall we? Yoongi, come with me."

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