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Yoongi has never believed in perfection.

When he thought he did his best, his parents always reminded him that he could do better. Things could always be better than they were.

But today, in this moment, Yoongi feels strongly that his life is, in fact, perfect.

"Earth to Yoongs!" Hoseok says, laughing as he throws a piece of bread at him.

"Don't throw food at the table, dear," Hoseok's mother says, sighing as Hoseok's father holds his hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter.

"Sorry," Yoongi says, smiling softly as he sees everyone looking at him. "Just thinking."

"Get your head out of the clouds, kid," Yoongi's uncle says with a smile. "The view from ground level is pretty great, yeah?"

Yoongi smiles at his uncle and glances at everyone seated at the round dinner table filled with different foods. To honor Aria and her American heritage, Hoseok's parents host a Thanksgiving dinner every year, and Yoongi and his uncle have been invited to join them this year.

Seated to Yoongi's right is his uncle, who is now stuffing his face with food and groaning about how delicious it is. Beside his uncle is Hoseok's father, who is mirroring what Yoongi's uncle is doing. Hoseok's mother is seated between Hoseok's father and Hoseok himself, and Hoseok and his mother are both grinning brightly at everyone seated.

Yoongi sees where Hoseok's contagious, happy personality comes from as the pair wear the same grin on their faces while they encourage the two older men to try more dishes.

Hoseok and his mother cooked the feast this year; usually, according to Hoseok, his parents do all of the cooking but Hoseok volunteered to take his father's place in cooking whilst his father entertained Yoongi's uncle.

The two of them hit it off immediately, and Yoongi smiles at the genuine happiness radiating from his uncle at the dinner table.

Between Hoseok and Yoongi is Aria, who is watching everyone around her with a calm, almost nostalgic look on her face, her lips barely quirked up into a smile.

Yoongi finds himself watching Aria's face more often than not. Ever since she began therapy, there has been a calmness to her demeanor; she doesn't seem as angry or distraught as she was in the past. She seems almost peaceful now.

He knows what is going through his girlfriend's mind; he knows she is picturing years of memories of Thanksgiving dinners with Hoseok's family as well as her parents. She is picturing the smiles and the carefree laughter. She is hearing herself laugh and sing songs at the dinner table as her parents watch her in awe with pure love in their eyes.

Yet, he sees no sadness in her expression now; he sees the nostalgia on her features, but there is a feeling of peace at this dinner table emitting from her and the others.

Almost as if this moment is signifying a new beginning, and she is at peace with that. She is happy knowing that, though she has lost her parents, she has not lost everything.

In fact, she has gained more than she ever thought she would.

All of this is easy for Yoongi to see; he knows just by looking into her eyes, which are now watching him curiously.

"Sorry," Yoongi says, laughing and rubbing the back of his neck. "I was staring again, wasn't I?"

Aria raises an eyebrow and smirks at her boyfriend before rolling her eyes and patting his arm that is resting against the table.

"PDA!" Hoseok yells, pointing at Aria's hand on Yoongi's arm.

Aria and Yoongi share a look before Yoongi looks at Hoseok and laughs.

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