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"Remember that you cannot change your partners for the May concert now that I've been informed of who you're playing with; this list is now final and I suggest you continue to work diligently to ensure a smooth performance. And please don't forget about your solo performances in December, as they are just as important as the May performances. Even though your solos will not be performed publicly, they are still a large portion of your autumn semester's grade. I cannot stress enough the importance of practicing and perfecting your two pieces because if you cannot excel, you may not pass my class. As a side note, please remember that your piece revolving around the feeling of loss is due on Monday," Mr. Min explains as he ends the lesson.

Yoongi can't help but feel slightly nervous knowing the fact that he has not chosen a song for his December solo, and he and Aria have not even picked their duet song yet. He doesn't even know which instrument she plans to use for the piece.

He turns to Aria to try to get some clarification for their duet together, but as soon as he turns to look at her, a piece of paper is being shoved into his hands.

Aria stares at him expectantly as she hands him the handwritten note, and he takes it into his own hands before looking down to read what she has written.

"Sunday morning, 10 AM. My place to discuss our duet."

Yoongi smiles to himself before looking back up to Aria and nodding his head in approval to her suggestion.

She smiles back in his direction before packing her supplies into her backpack and standing up, gesturing Yoongi to stand up as well.

After packing his own things, he stands up as well and looks over at Aria again, who has been standing next to her chair waiting for Yoongi to finish.

"What?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "Are we going somewhere together?"

Aria rolls her eyes and gestures to the door of the classroom, and Yoongi puts his backpack onto one of his shoulders before turning his attention back to Aria, who has started walking down the aisle towards the door.

"I guess that's a yes," Yoongi says to himself, laughing as he follows Aria out of the classroom and towards the parking lot where Yoongi's car is.

"Where's Hoseok?" He asks as he realizes that Aria is hinting that she needs a ride home.

Aria stops walking and turns around once they reach Yoongi's car, an annoyed expression on her face.

She pulls out her phone and types something out, and a moment later, Yoongi's phone vibrates in his pocket.

Pulling it out, he reads the text that she's sent.

Aria: "He's at work. Stop asking me questions that I can't answer easily; it's annoying."

"I'm sorry," Yoongi says, smiling apologetically. "What would you have done if I wasn't able to take you home, huh?"

She shrugs before gesturing for him to unlock his car doors, and he complies.

After they both climb into Yoongi's car, he starts the engine before turning to her.

"Is there anywhere else you need me to take you before I take you home?" Yoongi asks her and she shakes her head before pulling her seatbelt on and pulling out a small, worn out notebook from her backpack as well as a pen.

Yoongi recognizes the notebook as the one she is always secretly writing in; the notebook that she never lets Yoongi catch too close of a glimpse of.

"Private stuff, huh?" Yoongi asks, a small smile on his face as he watches Aria's face.

She looks up at him and frowns slightly before gently pushing his face to turn away from her.

"Sorry," Yoongi says, laughing softly as he begins to drive towards Aria's apartment complex.

Yoongi has come to the conclusion that the notebook Aria is writing in right now must be some kind of diary where she writes out everything that she isn't able to say. He's noticed how she immediately hides it whenever Yoongi comments on it and he thinks that whatever she writes in that notebook is something she doesn't want other people to read.

Whatever she writes in that notebook is something only for herself.

It's like her music; Hoseok told Yoongi that she doesn't play in front of anyone. To her, the music is special and something that is hers and hers alone. Something so precious to her that she's afraid to share it with other people for fear that it could slip out of her grasp.

Just like her singing slipped away.

Just like her parents slipped away.

Whatever she writes in that notebook must be so deeply personal that she's afraid of what will happen if someone reads it.

She's been stuck in her own mind for so long now, Yoongi is almost sure that she's afraid to let someone else know what goes on in her head.

To everyone else, she is silent.

But in her own mind, there could very well be a storm raging on. A storm that she deals with alone. A storm that she calms by playing music and writing in her notebook.

She weathers her storm alone in silence.

"Aria," Yoongi says, and he sees Aria stop writing and turn her attention to him out of the corner of his eye as he continues to drive.

"I know you're used to dealing with your problems by yourself, but please know that I'm here. I am here for you in whatever way you need me to be, okay?" He says as he keeps his eyes on the road.

Yoongi hears Aria sigh deeply before he sees her reach her hand out and place it on top of one of his hands that rests on the steering wheel, gently squeezing for a moment before she retreats back to her own space to continue to write in her notebook.

Yoongi smiles to himself as he pulls into the parking garage of her apartment complex. That small gesture might not mean much to an average person, but Yoongi knows that small gesture was Aria's way of saying "thank you."

Yoongi pulls his car into an empty parking spot and turns the engine off, turning his attention to Aria, who is putting her notebook back into her backpack.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow for Hoseok's dance recital," he says and she locks her gaze onto his before nodding and sending him a small smile.

He returns the smile instantly.

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