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The next few days are blur to Yoongi; endless hours of packing and moving into the new apartment. He didn't have many personal belongings in his small apartment, so it didn't take him long to pack up everything he owns.

He stands in the middle of his now empty living room, and he smiles softly to himself as he remembers all of the sleepless nights he spent in this room composing and practicing, endlessly dedicated to perfecting his skills and bettering himself as a musician.

Yoongi admits to himself that this place never felt like home; it was just a place where he kept his things, really. He's not exactly sad about leaving.

Rather, he is excited about where he is going.

"You're joking," Hoseok says, laughing heartily as he walks into Yoongi's apartment. "This is all your stuff?"

Yoongi smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess so. I sold all of the old furniture, so this is all I have left now."

"All new furniture for an all new adventure," Hoseok beams and Yoongi chuckles slightly.

"It's not new to you since we're using all of the furniture from yours and Aria's old apartment, Hobi," Yoongi says and Hoseok shrugs.

"Details, details," he mumbles as he rolls his eyes playfully.

"Where's Aria?" Yoongi asks as the two of them begin to take Yoongi's boxes to their cars.

"She's at the new apartment unpacking some stuff," Hoseok explains. "Though I have no faith in her doing it in an organized manner, so we'd better head over there fast."

Yoongi laughs and nods in agreement.


After a long day of unpacking and organizing the new apartment, Yoongi finds himself driving around town, aimlessly making turns and continuously getting lost in the star-filled sky above him.

Today has been a good day for him; he has not felt that weight on his chest and he's actually been genuinely smiling and laughing the entire day, even when not in the presence of his roommates.

He's healing.

He can feel himself being pulled back together, his broken pieces drawn to one another as he's beginning to form back into the person he is meant to be.

Hoseok's best friend.

Aria's boyfriend.

Mr. Min's nephew.

A pianist.

Yoongi frowns when he realizes where he has driven without even realizing it: the school's music department.

Yoongi's hands grip the steering wheel tightly as he stares at the once welcoming building; a building he has not stepped foot in since that day.

He's been too afraid.

But he knows he can't avoid it forever; he's meant to be in that room, one way or another.

So he parks his car and gets out, shivering slightly at the freezing air around him as he stuffs his hands into his pockets and walks the familiar trek to the music room.

As he unlocks the door with his copy of the key and opens it, he feels his heart ache. He knows that when he turns the light on, he won't see the piano he's grown so used to seeing in this room.

After taking a deep, steadying breath, Yoongi flips the light switch and he is met with a room that is so familiar yet so foreign to him.

It smells so new; new paint, new flooring and new instruments all form around Yoongi as his eyes adjust to the bright light.

In the middle of the room, right where the old piano once stood, is a brand new grand piano, nearly sparkling in its beauty underneath the lights emitting from the ceiling.

Yoongi unconsciously reaches up and touches the piano key adorned around his neck, nostalgia flooding him as he remembers the first time he played that piano.

Now, he is going to start a new journey with a new piano.

This piano is not the enemy just because it is not the instrument he wishes he could play; the day he sees music as the enemy is the day he will no longer deserve to play such a beautiful instrument.

And it is beautiful in Yoongi's eyes; there is no denying that.

He tentatively walks up to the instrument and sits down on the bench, his fingers shaking slightly as they connect to the keys.

A song immediately begins to bleed from Yoongi's soul as the new piano comes to life under his gentle touch; he doesn't even need to think about what to play as the melody forms effortlessly beneath his fingers.

Yoongi is telling the story of his friendship with a long lost friend; a friend no longer with him but a friend that will never be forgotten.

In a way, that friend was his first real friend.

But that friendship has come to a tragic end, and though Yoongi will always miss that piece of him that burned away the day his friend was taken from him, he knows that he is on his way to starting a new journey with a new friend.

This new piano listens just as well.

This new piano sings just as beautifully.

So, as Yoongi continues to play, he begins to let go.

He lets go of the painful memory of that day. He lets go of the anger and resentment. He lets go of the past.

Today has been a good day for him; he's moved into a place that feels like home and he finally came back to the room that has always felt like a place of comfort for him.

He conquered his darkness with the everlasting light that constantly surrounds him.

The light of his best friend.

The light of his girlfriend.

The light of his uncle.

The light of music.

And now, tonight, he has made a new friend.

Today has been a good day for him.

He's healing.

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