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As the dancers take their positions on stage, Yoongi immediately spots Hoseok in the ensemble and straightens in his seat in excitement. He glances over at the three people next to him and he can tell they are just as excited to watch Hoseok dance as he is.

The music begins, and the dancers on stage fall into the rhythm, their bodies morphing together with the melody as they let the music take over. Yoongi finds that his eyes are staying locked on his friend; Hoseok is flowing with the music as fluidly as water flows through the ocean. He's never seen someone move with so much precision and grace, but that isn't all that is drawing Yoongi's sight to him. Hoseok is emitting such strong emotions just with the way his body moves; just with the way his facial expressions are showing every emotion he is feeling within the dance.

Yoongi's heart is pounding with excitement and adoration for his friend; while he doesn't know very much about the technical aspects of dancing, he knows someone with true talent and passion when he sees it, and Hoseok embodies that wholeheartedly.

He glances over to Aria and Hoseok's parents to see that they are just as enraptured in Hoseok's performance as he is, and he feels so grateful that Hoseok has such an unwavering support system here for him; he feels so grateful that he is now considered part of that support system.

Yoongi goes to turn his attention back to Hoseok, but when he starts to turn, his eyes lock onto Aria's, who is staring at him with a slight frown, almost as if she's asking if he's okay.

Yoongi sends her a reassuring smile and leans over to whisper in her ear since the music is so loud.

"I'm just really proud of him. He's truly an incredible dancer," he says and pulls back so he can turn his attention back to Hoseok, angry with himself that he's missed even a second of seeing him perform.

A moment later, Yoongi feels someone grab his hand and he looks down to see Aria intertwining her fingers with his. He looks up at Aria and she's not even looking at him; she's watching Hoseok and the other dancers, but her hand is locked onto Yoongi's, squeezing it gently.

Yoongi immediately relaxes into his seat, watching the dancers on stage with an even brighter mindset now that he's holding this girl's hand. It's like with her touch, the world around him is brighter; more vivid. He squeezes her hand gently in return and softly caresses the back of her hand with his thumb, tracing small circles into the soft, warm skin.

The two of them spend the rest of the recital holding hands and watching their friend perform his heart out on the stage. Hoseok's parents don't fail to notice the two people's skinship next to them; both of them knowing that they will sleep a little better tonight knowing that Aria has someone who sees her as more than just a damaged girl.

They see how Yoongi looks at Aria with pure admiration; not an ounce of pity is seen in his eyes as he sneaks glances over at the girl next to him.

After the dancers end their performance, everyone in the audience is on their feet; clapping and shouting fill the auditorium for the people on the stage. The dancers line up together, holding hands and bowing to the audience as a "thank you" for coming, and the curtains slowly descend.

A few moments later, an elated Hoseok jogs up to his entourage and he's immediately engulfed into his mother's arms, who is smiling so widely for her son.

"Baby, you did wonderfully," his mother gushes as she pulls away from the hug and pinches his cheeks.

"As always, son," his father beams, pulling Hoseok in for a tight hug.

Aria runs over to Hoseok and jumps into his arms, Hoseok immediately catching her and spinning her around for a moment before gently placing her back on the ground and kissing her forehead.

Yoongi is in awe at the rare sight of this side of Aria; she is generally so closed off and to see her so open and loving in this moment makes this night even more memorable for him.

"That was incredible," Yoongi says as he approaches the small group in front of the stage. "Truly."

"Aw, Yoongs!" Hoseok gushes as he pulls Yoongi in for a hug, which Yoongi returns instantly.

Yoongi goes to pull away, but Hoseok tightens his grip and leans forward so his mouth is next to Yoongi's ear.

"I feel like I need to thank you. It's been a very, very long time since I've seen Aria that happy, and there's not a doubt in my mind that it has something to do with you. Thank you, Yoongs. Thank you for bringing my Aria back to me," he whispers quickly.

Hoseok lets Yoongi go and lets himself get pulled away by some of his dancer friends as they go to change out of their costumes.

"It was so nice to meet you, Yoongi," Hoseok's father says, pulling Yoongi's attention back to the people in front of him.

"It was nice to meet you as well," Yoongi says, bowing respectfully before being pulled into a hug by Hoseok's mother.

Yoongi returns the hug, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of physical affection he's being shown tonight. It's something he's not used to, but not exactly something he dislikes. It's just so new and foreign to him.

"You are more than welcome to accompany Hoseok and Aria any time they come to visit us," Hoseok's father says, holding his hand out for Yoongi to shake.

"Thank you so much for the invitation," Yoongi says, grinning as he shakes his hand. "I'll definitely take you up on that offer if it's okay with Hobi and Aria."

"Oh, it's been so long since I've heard him being called Hobi," Hoseok's mother says quietly, tears in her eyes as she wraps her arm around Aria's shoulder.

"I'm sorry if I've offended you," Yoongi says quickly, bowing to them. "Hoseok said I could call him that, but if you don't feel comfortable with-"

Aria cuts him off by wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest, holding onto him tightly.

He can feel her heart pounding, his own heartbeat echoing back to her in the same uncontrolled tempo.

"I agree with Aria. It's perfectly okay," Hoseok's mother says proudly, fresh tears glistening in her eyes.

After another round of hugging and heartfelt goodbyes, Hoseok's parents take their leave and Aria leaves to find Hoseok.

Yoongi knows he should go home to get some rest, but he finds his feet walking towards the music room instead of his car.

But in a sense, he is going home.

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