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"Okay, okay, okay," Hoseok laughs, tapping the couple on their shoulders as their lips break away from each other's.

"Let's open the gifts from Aria now!" Hoseok says excitedly, nearly bouncing in anticipation as he grabs his gift from her.

After tearing the paper off as chaotically as possible, he tilts his head in confusion when he sees a DVD.

After staring at it for a moment, Aria rolls her eyes and grabs the case from him, getting the disc out and slipping it into their DVD player.

After a moment of loading, Hoseok immediately tears up and audibly gasps at the scene unfolding on the screen.

Two teenagers are standing in a living room, one holding a microphone connected to a karaoke machine while the other dances wildly yet beautifully around the singer.

Yoongi recognizes many things on the screen; he sees Hoseok's bright smile on his face as he dances around the room, and he hears Hoseok's parents' laughter ring through the room.

He sees Aria's dark blonde hair pulled into a messy bun, her eyes alight with passion as she's singing into the microphone.

Yoongi's heart skips a beat as he hears the most beautiful voice he has ever heard come from Aria's younger form.

Every note is clear and crisp, her sweet voice sending shivers down his spine as she sings, pausing to laugh at Hoseok tripping over the karaoke machine's cord.

Her laughter is music to Yoongi's ears; the most beautiful melody he has ever had the pleasure to hear.

As their performance ends, Yoongi hears Hoseok's parents congratulating them and complimenting them endlessly, but he also hears two unfamiliar voices coming from behind the camera.

After a moment of fumbling with the recording device, all four adults move into the frame, scooping their children into a giant group hug as they praise their talented, passionate artists.

"Our final concert," Hoseok says quietly, unconsciously reaching out for Aria, who takes his hand in hers without hesitation. "After we found out you got accepted into college," Hoseok continues. "I thought this footage got lost."

Aria leans her head on Hoseok's shoulder as the two of them watch their happy families begin to sing a song together, Hoseok teaching Aria's mother a simple dance on the side.

"We were so happy that day," he says, nostalgia flooding his gaze as he watches the television screen.

Aria's eyes stay locked on her parents' grins, her mother's laughter hanging in the air as young Hoseok dances with her.

Yoongi watches the screen silently, not wanting to interrupt the moment between the two beside him.

As much as he knows he is a part of their lives now, this is a part of their past that is just theirs.

This is something special for them, and Yoongi is happy to give them the space to relish in the nostalgia of that day.

Aria's father moves towards the camera, leaning forward with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he tries to figure out how to stop recording.

"Whoever is watching this right now, don't make fun of me for not knowing how to stop recording on this thing," Aria's father says, laughing to himself. "I'm not sure why I was volunteered to shut this thi-"

The screen suddenly goes black, and Yoongi smiles to himself, imagining how proud Aria's dad must have been of himself for figuring it out; he can just see himself bragging to his daughter. He can imagine clearly how Aria would have rolled her eyes, that mesmerizing laughter falling so effortlessly from her lips as she makes jokes about her father's cluelessness about technology.

Yoongi is snapped from his daze as he feels Aria grab his hand, and he glances towards the two to see them both calm and happy.

Aria leans over and kisses Hoseok's cheek before placing her hands on each side of his face, her gaze meeting his.

"I love you too," Hoseok says, smiling affectionately as he gently pulls her hands away. "Open your gift, Yoongi!"

Aria immediately blushes as she turns to look at Yoongi, who is already holding a small, wrapped box in his hand.

After carefully unwrapping the gift, he sees a dark-colored velvet box.

Yoongi opens the box and blinks a few times, his brain taking a moment to register what is inside it.

His heart skips a beat as he stares at the item.

It's a necklace; to be specific, the charm on the necklace is an actual piano key. One of the ebony keys of a piano has been put onto a necklace chain.

But this piano key isn't just from any piano. Yoongi knows that in his heart.

He picks up the folded piece of paper situated underneath the necklace and he opens it up before reading it, tears filling his eyes.

"They couldn't save much, but your uncle didn't hesitate to give me a piece of it when I asked; after all, that piano was always yours. Merry Christmas, love. Carry your hope with you, always."

Yoongi tentatively runs his finger along the piano key, his soul coming to life instantly at the touch. He smiles, immediately taking the necklace from the box and putting it on, and he feels his heart warm at the presence of his old friend.

Yoongi wants to say something, but words just don't feel enough.

When he was shopping for gifts, all he could ask himself was one question.

"How do I give everything to the people who mean everything to me?"

But he didn't know the answer.

Yet so easily, Aria found the answer.

She gave Yoongi everything.

"Now for my gifts!" Hoseok says, clapping excitedly. He pulls three identical wrapped boxes from underneath the tree, handing one to each of his friends and holding the third box in his own hands.

"Please tell me you didn't get yourself a gift," Yoongi says, facepalming.

"Just open them," Hoseok says, smiling as the three of them unwrap their gifts and open the boxes containing their gifts from Hoseok.

Inside each gift box is one simple thing.

A key.

"What's this?" Yoongi says, taking the metal key out of his box and examining it.

"These are the keys to our new apartment," Hoseok says, nearly vibrating with happiness. "I found a three bedroom apartment close to the school and, well, it's mine now. Or rather, ours."

"Ours...?" Yoongi asks, in a daze as his heart rate picks up speed.

"Yoongi, move in with us," Hoseok says, Aria nodding in agreement as she smiles lovingly at her boyfriend, who has the happiest of tears sliding down his reddened cheeks.

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