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After a few hours of writing and playing, mixed in with some flirting from Yoongi and eye rolling from Aria, they decide to take a break and go downstairs to eat some lunch.

"We made some pretty good progress," Yoongi says appreciatively as he follows Aria into the kitchen area where she begins to pull out ingredients to make sandwiches.

Yoongi sits down at the kitchen island and watches her, his chin resting comfortably in his left palm.

"Aria," he says as she starts making the food.

She glances up at him for a moment to let him know she's listening before she turns her attention back to making the food.

"You know I think you're incredible, right?" he says and she blushes but rolls her eyes and throws a piece of bread at him.

Yoongi laughs and tosses it back at her. "Why do you get flustered so easily? You didn't seem affected by that grease ball that flirted with you in class."

She ignores him and finishes making the food before sliding a plate across the counter to Yoongi, taking her own plate and moving to sit down next to him.

"I think I know what it is," he says, nodding as he takes a bite of his sandwich.

Aria takes her own bite and looks at him, raising her eyebrow.

"It's because you like me and hearing me compliment you makes your heart race," he says matter-of-factly.

Aria nearly chokes on her bite of sandwich, but maintains her composure and turns her attention away from the boy next to her.

"You have a habit of turning away from me when I make you nervous, Aria," Yoongi points out. "Did you notice that?"

Aria gets up and fills two glasses with water before coming back to her seat, giving one glass to Yoongi and taking a sip from her own.

After placing her glass down on the counter, she turns to fully face Yoongi and nods to him.

Yoongi is taken aback for a moment, not used to her acknowledging her feelings like this.

"Oh," he says, unsure of what else to say. Usually, Aria would just blush and continuously ignore him, which he found undoubtedly adorable. But now, here she is, being up front and open to him, and Yoongi is feeling himself get nervous as her light blue eyes pierce into him.

She smirks to herself at Yoongi's nervous reaction, and then she goes to turn away but Yoongi stands up and grabs her waist and twists her in her chair so that she's facing him again.

"You make me nervous too," he says quietly, his hands resting comfortably on her waist as she sits in her chair. "I'm just good at hiding it. But just know that you make me nervous too. It drives me crazy sometimes at how much my heart reacts to your presence."

Aria's gaze softens and she sighs quietly before running her fingertips down Yoongi's cheek, showing her affection towards the boy.

Yoongi leans his face into her touch, letting his eyes close as he relishes in the feel of her skin against his.

"I'm sorry, Aria," he whispers as his eyes flutter open and meet her soft gaze.

She frowns slightly, confused.

"I'm sorry that you lost so much," he continues. "I can't imagine losing the two people who you love the most in this world. I can't imagine losing your true passion in life. And I'm so sorry that such a beautiful soul has had to endure the worst tragedies in life. You not only lost a piece of your heart, but you also lost a piece of your soul. And I know that I can't possibly heal you from such a loss, but I know that I can try and show you that, though you lost so much, you are still the most beautiful person in the world to me. Your talent is otherworldly; your beauty is unmatched by anyone or anything," Yoongi says, moving his hands to cup her face, caressing her soft cheeks with his thumbs.

"I hear you, Aria; even though you are quiet. You play those instruments, and I can hear you. I can hear how much you love your parents. I can hear how much you miss them. I can hear how much you miss being able to laugh; I can hear how much you miss being able to sing. I am so sorry that I can't fix you. But I will spend every second of every day helping you to fix yourself. Not only to see that beautiful smile on your angelic face more often, but also for Hobi to see that side of you that he so clearly misses. I want you to take steps forward; I want you to look towards the future. Your future. I will be here to hold your hand and take steps with you; Hobi will be there too, as well as his parents who so clearly adore you. And in their own way, your parents will be there too. There's no doubt in my mind that even though they left you physically, they did not leave you completely. And I'm so glad that you found a new passion in your life; I'm so glad you found another way to create art and beauty through all of your pain. I may have never got to hear you sing, but I've heard you play. And I've never heard someone make instruments sing as beautifully as you do; I've never heard someone play with such pure, raw emotions. You are exactly where you need to be in life; you are meant to share your music. I am so sorry your parents never got to hear you play, but I have no doubt that in your heart, you are dedicating every note you play to them. And that is the most beautiful thing you can do for them; for them and for yourself."

Aria's tears slide down her flushed cheeks and Yoongi kisses them away before kissing her forehead.

"I hear you, Aria. I always have," he whispers against her lips before kissing her.

She kisses him back, grabbing the sides of his face to pull him in closer. Yoongi can feel the passion radiating off of her skin and dancing in the air around them.

Passion for the music; passion for her parents' memory; passion for Yoongi.

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