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There are some things that Yoongi has never expected in his life.

He never expected his parents to accept his love for music. He never expected to call the town he ran away to home. He never expected for his parents to ever actually sit down and listen to him play piano.

None of those things ever happened, and Yoongi never expected them to. Some things just aren't meant to happen.

Another thing Yoongi never expected to happen would be to see the way Aria's lips form his name. He never expected to see her mouth the words "I love you, Yoongi" because until this moment, she has never expressed anything in such a way.

He never expected that from her; he knows that what Aria lost is something that she will never get back, and that mouthing words must be like screaming into a room with no doors and no windows. Nobody hears her, so she doesn't even try anymore. Instead, she uses facial expressions and the occasional note and text to get her point across, never once using her beautiful lips to form words as she used to before the tragedy.

But in this moment, teardrops from both sets of eyes falling onto their clasped hands, Aria's lips trembling as Yoongi's chest aches from holding in the sobs, she has done what Yoongi did not expect.

There are many things that Yoongi does not expect in his life, and this is one of them.

But as she always has, Aria is surprising Yoongi by being the singularly most ethereal being in existence by just mouthing four words.

To most, it would be a passing thing; it would be something simple and easily used. Most people don't realize how much their voice matters. Most people don't realize the power that words hold over everyone; they don't realize that until the power has been stripped away. Left behind after that loss, Aria was a silent, broken light beginning to dim.

Words betrayed her, and she turned her back on them. She doesn't write notes lightly; she doesn't send texts lightly. Words are something she has grown to live without. She loves playing instruments because the instruments understand her even when she cannot utter a word. The instruments don't need words, and neither does she.

But tonight, she's stepped out of her comfort zone as she always does for the boy kneeling in front of her, and she's used her long forgotten desire to remember how it feels to almost say "I love you."

Yoongi can tell that the concept of mouthing words is a foreign and forgotten feeling. She is nearly falling forward into Yoongi's arms at this point at the impact of such a seemingly simple task.

He easily catches her as she collapses off of the bench, pulling her onto his lap and wrapping his arms around her fragile frame as her entire body shakes from the silent sobbing.

Aria's arms are cradled against her chest, holding onto the fabric of her shirt as though her heart is physically aching and she is desperately trying to hold the pieces together so they don't shatter again.

Yoongi rocks her back and forth slowly, keeping his grip steady and calming around her.

"I love you," he whispers against the top of her head, tilting her chin up so he can place a chaste kiss against her forehead.

Aria's blue eyes lock onto Yoongi's brown ones, her tears slowing from a flood to a trickle. She lets her eyes wander over every inch of his face, her hand moving from her chest to his cheek to caress his skin with her fingertips.

Yoongi leans his face into her touch, relishing in the feeling of her cool fingers grazing against his tear-stained cheek. Aria wipes the tears away, her own tears now no longer falling from her eyes.

"I know you're scared, baby," he whispers, leaning forward until their foreheads touch. "I know that what you just did was something you never thought you'd do again. But you did it. You took such a big step forward, and I am so proud of you."

Aria's hand moves from Yoongi's cheek to the back of his neck, leaning her face up so their lips meet.

Those beautiful lips that formed Yoongi's name are now molded onto his own, and he has never felt more complete. He loves the way Aria's fingers entangle in his messy blonde hair. He loves how soft her lips are and how they move so perfectly against his own. He loves that his heart sings just for her, as though it is another instrument that comes to life under her touch.

He just loves her.

Yoongi stands up, holding Aria in his arms as he carefully moves to place her into her bed. His lips leave hers and they both sigh in content as Yoongi settles into the bed next to her, pulling her into his arms once again and letting her nuzzle her face into the side of his neck.

Many things that Yoongi has never expected in his life were things that have never happened.

His parents never accepted his love for music. He never called the town he ran away to home. His parents never sat down and listened to him play piano.

But there also many things that Yoongi has never expected in his life that did happen.

He never expected for anyone to hear him. He never expected to find someone who could understand his pain. He never expected to fall in love with someone.

Yet all of these things happened because of one person, and she is currently sleeping soundly and peacefully in his arms.

Yoongi wipes away the rest of the tears from Aria's face before letting himself take in every inch of her beauty.

She looks so peaceful in her sleep; usually, there is a hint of sadness and a hint of anger in her expression as she carries herself through the day. But in this moment, there is a calmness to her face that brings Yoongi calmness as well.

With that calmness settling perfectly into his heart, he lets his own eyes close, falling asleep more easily than he's ever fallen asleep in his entire life.

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