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Yoongi watches Aria carefully, taking in every detail of her face so he can try to understand what is going through her mind.

He sees many emotions cross her face: fear, apprehension, happiness, disbelief and confusion.

"You don't have to answer me right now," he assures her. "I just needed to get that out into the open. Answer whenever you're ready."

Aria slowly moves her eyes from the paper to Yoongi's soft, patient gaze.

Yoongi smiles at her. "Come play with me."

He stands up and gestures for her to follow him over to his keyboard situated in the corner of his living room. Sheet music is strewn haphazardly on the floor and taped to the walls, but he knows that this is familiar to Aria; her room looks exactly like this does. It is just another way these two people are similar.

Aria follows him over to the instrument and sits down on the small bench in front of it; Yoongi smiles warmly at her and sits next to her before organizing some of the sheet music in front of them.

"I composed one of my favorite classical pieces into a four-handed piece," Yoongi explains as he points to the sheet music now situated neatly in front of them.

Aria turns Yoongi's keyboard on and gently presses down on one key at a time; slowly, she makes her way through all 88 keys. To Yoongi, it seems as if her fingertips are dancing across the instrument.

Gently, Yoongi takes Aria's left hand into his right, letting his fingers dance across hers. Those fingers that create such life-changing melodies; melodies that shift one's view of everything around them.

To him, he's never held something so beautiful in his grasp.

"I know that this keyboard doesn't have the sound of a grand piano, but it's the closest I could get. It has the same amount of keys, at least," Yoongi explains quietly, almost as if he's afraid to break the peaceful silence surrounding them.

Aria's eyes are reading the sheet music, absentmindedly tapping her foot to the tempo of the song as she gets a feel for Yoongi's adaptation of the piece.

Yoongi reluctantly lets Aria's hand go as he places his hands onto the keys on the left side of the keyboard. "Are you ready?"

She looks over to him and smiles to him before nodding and placing her hands on the right side.

Yoongi plays the first notes of the piece, setting the emotions freely into the air around them; after a few notes have been played, Aria starts to play alongside him. As if they've been playing together their whole lives, everything flows together perfectly; their hands dancing together as their two parts create something whole; something vivid and magical.

As the tempo picks up, Aria and Yoongi stay together perfectly. It is almost as if their souls have intertwined together into one single being; one being that speaks only the language of music and tells the most beautiful tales using only the keys of this keyboard.

Each time Yoongi and Aria cross their arms to reach their respective halves of the duet, Yoongi can feel chills with each passing second of her close proximity; it's like his body craves for her to be close. It's like he is whole when she is near.

The last of the notes echo through the air, and Yoongi and Aria are left in that peaceful silence that always occurs after a musician finishes a piece; they are lost in their own version of bliss, and neither of them dare to move, too cautious to even remove their hands from the instrument in fear of ruining the moment.

Slowly, Aria turns to look at Yoongi. He can see her watching him out of the corner of his eye, but his eyes stay locked on her beautiful hands, afraid to see what emotion is swimming in those endlessly blue eyes of hers.

Her hands slide off the keys and then they're on each of Yoongi's cheeks, gently turning his face so their eyes are locked onto each other.

Yoongi is breathless as he feels her lips press softly against his own; every kiss they share is like coming up for air after being underwater. She gives him life; she gives him purpose.

Yoongi finally lets his hands fall from the keys of the keyboard, moving them to rest against her hips as he slides her closer to him.

"Aria," Yoongi whispers against her lips and she slowly pulls back, opening her eyes to take in Yoongi's every facial feature; it's like every time she looks at him, she isn't just looking at his face. It feels to Yoongi like she can see all the way to his very core; it's like she can see his soul just by looking into his eyes.

Aria slides her hands from Yoongi's cheeks down to his chest, letting her hands rest against the fabric of his shirt as she leans her forehead against his.

Yoongi sighs in utter content; if he could stay like this, in this moment, for eternity, he wouldn't hesitate.

He can feel the happiness radiating off of her skin. He can tell that, in this moment, she is absolutely okay. For once, he has successfully taken her pain completely away. Even if it is just for a moment, he can feel how much she needed this moment.

Her hands grip Yoongi's shirt and he opens his eyes, lifting his head away from her to get a proper look at her face.

Aria bites her bottom lip nervously for a moment and then, slowly, she nods her head.

Yoongi's heart skips a beat when he realizes what she's trying to convey.

"You're saying yes?" He asks quietly.

Aria nods again, and smiles at Yoongi. It's a small, shy smile at first, but soon, she's grinning nearly from ear to ear.

Yoongi jumps up from the bench and carefully picks Aria up from the bench as well, lifting her into his arms and holding her tightly against him as he laughs, in a state of pure and unfiltered bliss.

"My beautiful Aria," he sighs into her neck as she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek in response.

As if their relationship is on a fault line, it has yet again shifted; yet the two of them have never felt so steady and secure.

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