Argument with Artemis

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Percy POV

Order's body faded. Chaos cried a bit. Even if he is evil, he is still her brother. And I personally killed him. I dropped onto one knee, I was a fool to be on my 30% power. I winced. Artemis shot the last monster through the head. She then made her way over me and fussed over me. I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm fine, Artemis, I'm fine. Honest." I tried protesting but she still yelled at the Apollo cabin to heal me first. Gods. 

"Percy Achilles Jackson, you are not fine. Now get healed, you idiot." Artemis replied

"Alright, alright. It's only a slash to the hip." I huffed.

 "Percy Achilles Jackson! It is not only a slash in the hip! Now quietly get healed." Artemis said sternly. I groaned.

"Fine." I pouted. Will came over and healed me. I stood up. I saw the damages. It was horrifying. Around 10 campers dead, 1 hunter and a Chaos army soldier. You might not think that is much, but to me, it was like I failed them again. I waved my hand and the battle field slowly but surely started fixing itself. I then waved my hand at the mourning campers, gods, soldiers and hunters, beckoning them to come inside the barrier of Camp. They followed me inside. I then made a speech that was quite awkward for me.

"Dear gods, I know losing your children are painful. Chaos, I know that your brother died, but he was evil. Dear campers, hunters, to all of you. I'm sorry I couldn't do any better. If only I wasn't too sure of myself, they would still be here. I am sorry." I then bowed my head down and walked to back into Artemis's tent. I sat in one corner and stared blankly at a tent flap.

Artemis POV

Did he really think it was his fault? The gods, soldiers, hunters and Chaos stared unbelieving at the spot he did his speech. I knew his fatal flaw was loyalty, but he was not even close to the soldiers of Chaos, yet he mourned their deaths too. The campers? He told me he cut ties with them completely, yet he still had loyalty to them. 

Piper POV

Why did we betray him even though his fatal flaw is loyalty? I expected him to mourn for the hunters, but definately not the Campers. Yet he apologized? I know Jason said he forgived us, but was he really that loyal? 

Artemis POV

I stood up and went to our tent knowing that he'll be there. I found him sitting there staring blankly at the tent flap.

"Hey, you alright Percy?" I asked

"Yeah. I'm fine." He trailed off not even looking at me.

"Percy. Are you alright? Serious this time." I asked him again

"No, I'm not. I'm sick of the battles. The End is closer than you think. " He said honestly

"What do you mean the end?" I asked

"There will be more battles, more brutal." He replied as if it was normal.

"What?" I yelled

"Yeah, just not for a few... days to come. I am not sure whether that would disturb Order of the Universe. I don't know whether I'd still be alive after all of them." He said

"Percy.." I began

"Its alright, Artemis." He said

"Now, if you aren't sure you would make it out, shouldn't you be spending time with us, the Hunt?" I asked

"Artemis, I have duties as the Demon King. I can't let my people down too. Guardian of the Hunt is a second job." He replied

"So, you mean your people mean more to you than us, the Hunt?" I asked

"Artemis! They have lives. I cannot let them down. Haven't you seen me work late at nights?" He replied angrily

"No! The Hunt also HAVE lives! You can't let us down too!" I replied angrily too

"I never said they didnt!" He retorted.

"I hate you, Percy Jackson!" I screamed

He glared at me and I glared straight back. This man annoys me!

Thalia came in and asked "Is everything fine mi- Uh..." and she went out. Percy stormed after her. I chased him. Eventually he turned around and roared "What do you want Artemis!?"

"You, Percy Jackson, annoy me to no extent!" I yelled. Soon a crowd came. Including Apollo.

"Who are you to judge me?!" He yelled back

"And who are you to abandon the Hunt!?" I retorted

"I never said I'd abandon the Hunt!" He screamed back. This was my breaking point. I took out my dagger and charged at him. He dodged my strike and summoned End. Deep down I knew he was not to be messed with. He striked me and he found it blocked. By a trident. Poseidon saved me since he knew I could not block it. Percy growled. He then charged at Poseidon. Even Poseidon had a hard time blocking his attacks. Percy laughed.

"Are you really THAT weak? I never thought you as weak, but now, I can and will smash you under my foot." He laughed maniacally. He must have gone Rage mode.

"Then, son, let us see whether you can prove that or not." Poseidon replied calmly even though his eyes were filled with fear. Percy growled at being called "son" and immediately faster than even my immortal eyes can see disarmed Poseidon and had End on his throat.

"Now, does that prove my power?" He said maniacally. His eyes were now red. They were filled with flames. Then his eyes flickered. 

"I'm sorry." He whispered and flashed away. I helped Poseidon on his feet, shaken.

"We have to call a council meeting immediately. We must see what Percy is doing" Poseidon said. We flashed to Olympus and called a council meeting.

"What happened?" Zeus asked

"Well-" I began before getting interupted by Apollo.

"Artemis attacked Percy, father. But she was angry, so that is understandable." Apollo reported.

Zeus called Iris and made a one-side Iris message. They saw a Percy on another planet facing thousands and thousands of enemies.

Percy POV

I faced End's supply of army. I was mad. Mad at Artemis and my mom, Ananke. End laughed.

"Did you really thought I'd let you alone now, Percy Jackson?" End asked

(Hello guys. I just realised I never had a disclaimer before so yeah here it is. I dont own anything except for OC. Percy Jackson rightfully owns to Rick Riordan.)

(1041 words including bold)

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