First Match

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Percy POV

I smirked. I loved intimidating Odin, cause his fearful face was amusing. I flashed to Camp Jupiter. The demigods immediately drew their weapons. I snapped my hand and all of the weapons dropped. The demigods immediately bowed, knowing who I am. Suddenly, my instinct called me to call the Olympians and the Greeks. I immediately sent a sign to the sky, making everyone flash into the grounds. Suddenly I heard a war cry.

"Monsters, Primordials, Titans, ATTACK!" John yelled.

I quickly summoned Dual Eternal End and attacked our enemies. Artemis was shooting down everyone she could and Zeus was smiting everyone with his Master Bolt. Apollo was shooting with his sons, while Ares cried a war cry and charged at the monsters, destroying them. Meanwhile I fought the Primordials, Nyx, Erobos, Ouranos and Gaia. I dodged a strike and slammed my blade into Ouranos, sending him to Earth. I dueled 4 of the Primordials at the same time. I went 50% of my true power. I slammed Nyx in the face, sending her crashing into the sea. Poseidon was dueling 3 titans at once, while Hades was dueling Kronos. I roared causing lightning striking Kronos in the face. I slashed Erobos badly and he was using shadows to form blades, and he managed to strike me on the arm. I roared and Erobos was teared apart. I smacked Gaia in the face. I stabbed Ouranos. I got blasted back by Nyx and then I used the water element to put distance between Nyx and me. I spinned around and managed to cut Ouranos. Then I stabbed my sword into Gaia. Nyx slammed me into a wall. I groaned and continued to fight. I burned Nyx in the face. I dodged Gaia's strike and kicked her into a wall. I used her own power against her. The Stone hand captured Gaia and smashed her. Nyx tried to stab me but I dodged and depacitated her. Yay, another one for the headless family! I dodged Ouranos's strike and kicked him to the sky, then I got blasted by lightning. I kneel down, groaning, obviously forgotten Ouranos was the sky primordial. I summoned a rope and pulled him down immediately and cut him into two. John clapped.

"Wow, you actually managed to duel 4 primordials. Im shocked, I say, shocked. Looks like my training paid off." John smirked

"Shut up, John" I warned him.

"Hm, I seem to remember you needing suprise to win against me.." He smirked even wider.

I attacked him. All the fighting ceased to watch us fight. I dodged his attack immediately, attempted to slam my blade to his head, but he dodged. He used lightning and I immediately flashed to another side and used the fire element with the shadow element. He dodged easily and summoned his katanas immediately and swirled and managing to hit me. I winced and returned the favor by stabbing his leg. He gritted his teeth and disarmed one of Eternal Ends. I managed to dodged another strike and I summoned the Earth, holding him down. He broke through it and blasted me with lighting, while I dashed and slammed my blade into his face. I resummoned Eternal End and slashed John. He roared and we got blasted back from each other. 

"Troops retreat, or I will destroy you." He flashed away.

I kneeled down with pain. I groaned and winced from my broken ribs and the tingling of lightning. 

"Are you okay Percy?" Artemis asked with concern.

"I'm not okay." I muttered. 

"Apollo!" She yelled. I winced from the sound.

"Percy, my dude, are you alright? You fought for a minute, and you did it at lightning speed! You look horrible by the way" Apollo told me

"WELL? HEAL HIM THEN YOU DIMWITTED-"Artemis practically yelled

"Okay okay chill little sis." Apollo said and healed me.

Artemis told me that Hades was almost killed by Kronos. Zeus was exhausted. Poseidon is in Apollo's temple, awaiting healing. She also told me I was the most impressive. I had dueled 4 primordials single handly, and plus, I defeated them, then fought my bane, and even survived. I knew the second match was not going to be easy. After seeing my state, I can't even be sure that I would live another match. This match was just a show of power. I knew John could revive the primordials, titans, giants and monsters easily. And that is what scared me. I knew how to bring back the dead, but I dont like bringing those at peace back to the war. We couldnt fight all of them forever, they will eventually wear us down. Unless... no. The risk is too great. If I do that, the Pantheons will perish forever, and John will have won. But I have a secret up that could beat him. Beware John.

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