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Percy POV

"Now, who are you?" The man's voice rang out, loud and clear. "No one has ever stopped a cut before.." He stared into my eyes. My hands tense and I issue a fighting stance. "No one in this world uses swords anymore after guns came out. Who are you?" 

"Who are you to question me?" I asked. 

"I am the most powerful man in the whole world. You better speak properly to me." The man said. Everyone hushed and even the girl who I had in swordpoint backed off. I allowed my aura to flow freely and the entire ground started shaking.

"You think your more powerful than a god, huh?" I snarled

"God..? You think your a god?" The man laughed. "My name is the Darkling, you must know my name if your a god."

"I do not care for your name, since it bears no use to me." I replied. His eyes narrowed and darkened. Shadows started moving torwards me. I waved my hands and the shadows rose up immediately and formed crystals which fell to the ground.

"This is all you got?" I smirked. He grew mad and started attacking me. I dodged every hit and even managed to kick him back. Suddenly I was blown back. I smashed through the trees. I stood up. I saw a young lady do that..

"Heartrenders! Kill that man over there!" The Darkling shouted. Suddenly I felt my heart slow. I dropped to my knees, my eyes beginning to darken. In an attempt to stop this attack I roared. The Earth attacked the ones that were wearing red cloaks. I stood up and snarled and my hand shot out and Eternal End flew to it. I started killing the people but the Darkling managed to send almost everybody away. I shot an arrow at him but he disappeared into the shadows, like Nico... I have not thought about Nico for a long time.. or my previous mother, Sally Jackson. I moved to a nearby village.

"Kind sir, would you tell me where am I?" I asked.

"Your in Ravka, young sir. Are you from Shu Han? You look like a Shu" The gentleman replied.

"No sir, I am not from Shu Han. Can you please tell me all the continents in the world, please?" I asked

"Sure, There's Ravka, Fjerda, Shu Han... hmmm and the Kerch, Novyi Zem and Wandering Isle." He replied. "Are you new here? How do you not know what continents there are? Are you a Suli?" He asked

"No, I am not. I will be on my way, sir." I said. I turned and left the village. On my way out I saw a church praising the apparent "saint" Nikolai. I left the village and headed to the capital of Ravka, wondering whether the kind sir's directions were wrong. Yet true to his words, I reached the capital of Ravka at evening because I was flashing. I wore my hood and went inside but the guards stopped me from entering.

"Who are you?" One of the guards asked, wary.

"I come from a world you have never and would never see. You better open the gates before I destroy them." I said coldly. In surprise, the guard immediately opened the gates. I walked through, and my cape which was red, blowing behind me. The citizens stopped what they were doing and stared at me in awe. I walked past them and went to the castle's gate. An army of those weird people wearing cloaks came out with soldiers that were using guns. I saw the man wearing the black cape come out with the girl I held at knife point wearing blue. I smirked.

"I will ask this once again. Who are you?" The Darkling asked, wary.

"You ran from our fight, didn't you? So I chased after you." I replied

"This is your fatal mistake. You must have knew the Second Army and First Army is here. You can't beat me now." He laughed menacingly.

"Try me." When I said that, I felt my heart threatening to explode. I dropped to one knee and got blasted back by wind, and fireballs were thrown at me. I managed to nimbly dodge them. Suddenly a wall of water was thrown at me but I reflected it back to the army with my reflexes. I coughed blood when my heart almost exploded. It stopped when the wall of water smashed into the army. My blood was golden. Zeus had tricked me, and made me an true immortal. He was going to pay when I get back. 

"What are you?" I cursed.

"Why, that's the question we should be asking. No one spits golden blood and survives their heart getting blown up." The Darkling said, wary. I summoned Dual Eternal End and my armor.

"Let me show you, the true power of the Demon King!" I yelled and my eyes turned blood moon red. I charged and every fireball thrown at me was deflected from me with my will. A wall of water was thrown at me but I punched my fist through the water, and the whole water wall collapsed. I slammed my blade to the ground, making the entire earth shake. Soldiers were starting to draw sabers and the apparent "Grisha" were panicking and buying time for the Darkling to get away. Not again. I summoned my trident in my free hand and threw it, the aim true and managed to pierce the carriage and the carriage exploded in the Darkling's face. He and the girl were blown back. I teleported the horses away before they got hurt. I dodged a blade and swept a soldier off his feet and stomped on his ribs and I summoned my shield and bashed a Grisha in a red cloak who was trying to stop my heart. Suddenly I saw a bright light coming torwards me, I slashed my sword upwards and the cut was sliced into half. I dodged another attempt and stabbed my sword into the soldier's foot and kicking him in the crotch. I summoned my trident and spinned it above my head, taking a lot of soldiers out. I blocked a blade with my trident and stabbed the blade into the ground and summoning Eternal End and stabbing the soldier in the chest and ducked and rolled and I came up punching a soldier in the chin, and resummoned Eternal End.

"STOP IN THE NAME OF THE SAINTS!" A priest-like figure shouted. "THE KING HAS ARRIVED."

"Who dares attack my army?" A pudgy man in royal robes yelled. I laughed loudly.

"That's your king? He's weaker than an average soldier!" I started laughing. "A mere soldier cannot defeat me, yet this fool proves himself a nuisance to his country. I shall kill you." 

"KILL HIM!" The King said, red-faced. I slammed my foot to the ground and unleashed my aura. The Castle started shaking uncontrollably and I grinned. The top of the castle collapsed and crashed into over half of his army, no doubt killing them. The Darkling started teleporting people away. The walls broke and became pieces. My aura started suffocating the people who were still alive, and the King passed away from too much choking. The priest screamed like a girl but a window came down and ended him. The castle started to have small explosions. Suddenly the entire castle blew up and I was blown back. I crashed into a guard tower which was deserted. I stood up and sighed. I just had to kill an entire world now. After killing an entire world, I would be free to teleport back to my world. I started my journey to Fjerda by teleporting to the outskirts of Fjerda.

Do you all like this chapter where Percy was destructive? There won't be many chapters releasing soon, but don't worry! I promised to not give this book up, and I won't.

(1305 words)

The Demon King - A Pertemis Story (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ